
It Might Be You, My Darling [Volume One Completed]

Which SECRET will you keep for the rest of your life? She wakes up without a recollection of the other night's event. Krishna was horrid as realization hit her one morning. She had a one-night stand with a stranger! Why did she end up in the bed naked, pain searing all over her body, and no sight of her companion last night? As she could not comprehend what happened to her, memories of last night disappeared without a trace, whereas memories from the distant past resurfaced and muddled her head greatly. ‘What is going on? Why do I remember nothing, but I could recall some events during my childhood?’ What mystery surrounded that night, and she could not fathom being in an unfamiliar place without recollection? ~ “I want you to break up with him!” said the dude, who appeared out of nowhere. ‘The audacity of this man?’ She was pinned to the wall, and the crazy guy yelled this in her face. “What are you talking about? Do I even know you?” she snapped, glaring at the stranger. ‘Who is this guy? I don’t know him at all!’ She only wanted to enjoy the vacation she won over the lottery. However, she was being attacked by gorgeous men out of nowhere! “Who are you?” another man who blocked her in the hallway asked. “Huh? Isn’t I the one supposed to ask you this question? Who are you? I am certain we have never met before.” Even though she snapped at him, the man seemed confused by her answer. “Is that so? Then? Why do you keep appearing in my dreams?” Krishna was rendered speechless. ‘I thought this joke was outdated! Someone has still had the thick face to use for advances!’ I think I’m going crazy one of these days! First, I was mistaken for someone’s mistress. Now, I am somebody’s girlfriend. Maybe tomorrow, I will become someone’s wife. Great! How ironic would that be!? ~ Chapter Release Schedule: TUESDAY - THURSDAY - SATURDAY (This book is under massive editing.) Warning: The story is in slow-paced/slow-burn progress. If it is your cup of tea, then welcome! So, I'm hoping you'll still like it. ( ^ ^ ) The novel uses the first person in the beginning to know our characters and 3rd person's pov in the rest of the story. Enjoy reading! [Book Cover is AI-Generated by Me]

Elise_Elleneth · perkotaan
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75 Chs

I Don't Want To Die

Krishna did not respond.

Rowan panicked when he heard her nervous scream, followed by a loud bang.

"Krishna! What happened? Answer me!?" he was anxious when he only heard Krishna groan. Thus, he swore, "Hang on! I'll find you!"

Rowan hurried out of his hotel suite after he picked up his car keys. Two of his bodyguards were relaxing in the elevator lobby. They stood upon seeing him rushing toward the elevator and greeted him respectfully.


"Follow me, and call the others!" Rowan didn't wait for his men to answer. He punched the button and entered the elevator when it arrived on the presidential floor.

When Krishna stopped responding, he ended the call, scanned his contacts, and reached out to someone.

He dialed George's contact first but to no avail. His line was busy. 'Dammit! Who is he talking to now?!'

He was now hysterical; thus, he had to calm down. Earlier today, he learned Krishna is not Florian's mistress. He was overjoyed, as his hunch was correct. He could tell that Krishna was innocent and a gentle person.

Thus, he was worked up to know what happened to her and save her if she was in danger.

"Hello, Director Lao. This is Rowan Graham! I need your assistance. Please give me the location of one of your cars. A black Maybach with plate number ...."

He gives the vehicle's plate number, then briefly explains the situation.

Rudolf Lao, Senior Officer in the IT Department and the overseer of all the security systems of every hotel owned by the Crow Corporation globally made a quick response.

"I'm on it. I am sending you the location now."

Rudolf Lao wasted no more seconds, grabbed his laptop, then started typing on the keyboard. He ran the data and then logged in on the ATHENA satellite.

Not long after seeing the red dots on his GPS, Rowan heaved a sigh of relief. A knot in his chest loosened after ensuring the car kept running down the roadway.

He thought Krishna met with an accident, and her vehicle crashed into another car.

"Thank you, Director Lao!"

The director hummed. "Don't mention it. Miss Palermo is under our security protection. She is our responsibility as well. I have to contact Commander Isagawa to send a few people to help you. If anything else, contact any of us."

"I definitely will, Director Lao!" Rowan hung up the call after he expressed his gratitude to the director.

Then he redialed Krishna's number, but she didn't pick it up.

"Damn it!" Rowan cursed under his breath. He panicked when his screen showed three cars chasing after Krishna.

Witnessing this, he drove so fast that his men behind did their best to catch up with him.

"Is the boss planning to commit suicide?"

The bodyguard in the passenger seat tightened his grip on the handle, not being thrown from his seat. Even though he fastened his seatbelt, his safety seemed to dwindle.

"I don't know what exactly happened," chimed the man in front of the steering wheel.

"Damn!" Their comrades were cursing in the backseat. They witnessed these Graham brothers drive insanely, but the younger brother went wilder tonight.

"To the Country Club!" Leading the convoy, Rowan ordered his men.

"Copy, boss!" The men immediately replied through their communicating devices attached to their collars.

With such speed, Rowan and his convoy reached halfway in just a few minutes. While driving excessively, he redialed Krishna's phone number, and finally, she answered.

"Hello, Rowan?"

"Krishna! Thank God! Are you okay?"

"Hummed… We…"

"Hang on! I'm coming to you!" Before Krishna could finish, Rowan interrupted her, assuring her that help was coming.

"Oh. Please, hurry." Krishna was touched. She didn't expect that Rowan would try his best to comfort her.

Indeed, she was afraid they would meet an accident while they escaped from the cars chasing them.

Upon hearing Krishna's plea, Rowan tightened his palm on the wheel. He uttered, "I am monitoring you on my GPS. Tell Jerry to take a right turn at the next intersection!"

"Huh? Oh, okay!" Krishna lifted her head and looked at the chauffeur. "Jerry! Take the right intersection!"

Jerry, who was doing his best to shake off the cars that were chasing them, glanced at his passenger but was confused by her suggestion.

However, he had no spare time to ponder over it. So he said,

"But miss… It was the opposite direction on our way back to the hotel!"

Rowan heard what Jerry had said. He then instructed Krishna.

"You were still very far from the central city! Tell Jerry to go to Ocean View Country Club instead! You will be safe there!"

"Don't worry! My men are waiting for you, and I'm also heading there now!" he added.

"I see. Okay!" Krishna looked at Jerry again and said, "Rowan said we better head to the Ocean View Country Club. His men are waiting for us."

"Oh, that's brilliant!"

By that news, Jerry floored the car pedal and made a hard turn at the next intersection. A loud screech of tires on the asphalt echoed in the still night.

'Ocean View Country Club…' Jerry muttered while glancing at the backseat. 'The owner of that resort is George Graham. Maybe these men tailing us are truly his enemies, and they are aiming to abduct Miss Krishna. Haha. It looks like a good show is about to happen.'

Soon, five riders join Rowan's convoy. He looked outside the window and noticed the logo on their suits.


Rowan breathed a sigh of relief now his backup had arrived. The five riders glanced in his direction and nodded before trotting away, heading in different directions.

With their expertise in hunting an enemy, they ensure to apprehend those men chasing Krishna.

Peeking at the GPS, Rowan noticed the Maybach was already near the club. He stepped on the gas, and his car trotted away as well.

"Call Benny!" Rowan made a voice command. Soon, he was connected to George's assistant.

"Hello, sir Rowan?" Benny, immersed in sorting out his boss' schedule for the following week, was startled when his phone rang.

"Benny! Notified Virgil to bring the men to the Arch gate of the resort! I want them to protect the black Maybach arriving there soon!"

"Oh… Copy, sir!" Without delay, he carried out his task.


~Staff Apartment, Ocean View Country Club~

A loud ring echoed in the lobby. One staff member lounging on the sofa, sipping coffee, sprang to his feet, hurried to the console table, and picked up the telephone receiver.


"Where is Vice Captain Virgil? I need to speak with him!"

"Mr. Benny, is that you?"


"Ah, the Vice Captain was in the underground building. He was giving lessons to our juniors."

"There is an emergency!" Benny relayed what Rowan had told him. Soon, the man rushed into the underground level, approached Virgil Xu, and whispered in his ear.

Virgil Xu nodded and whispered something to his comrades before he flew to the door and left.

"Alright. Tonight's training is over. Go, take a rest. You have an early training tomorrow."

"Thank you, Vice Captain!"

The junior bodyguards bid goodnight before walking out the door. They were curious about the news their senior had received.

However, they needed to be qualified to get involved. Yet they must complete their intensive training first. They still have a special mission to perform soon.

As to being George Graham's men are not just acting like a thug on the street. They were doing dangerous jobs for the sake of protecting his territories.

Now that their juniors have left the training hall, Virgil gives the order to the senior bodyguards.

"Alright! Team C and Team E, on me! Grab some weapons and prepare four vehicles!"

Virgil brought the twelve men to the Arch gate, and the four cars blocked the entrance.

Meanwhile, three vehicles were persistent in chasing Krishna's car. Good thing that her chauffeur is a skilled driver. He can keep a distance and never allow them to crash into them again.

"Hold on tight, Miss! We're close to the resort!" Jerry did his best to comfort Krishna, who screamed when the other car almost overtook them and aimed to slam their vehicle for them.

But Jerry was fast. He totters the car to shake off the enemy's vehicle.

Soon, they noticed five motorcycles tailing behind them. Krishna, take a peek. Her eyes widened when she saw guns coming from the window and started shooting the people riding a motorbike.

Momentarily, exchanging bullets took place. Krishna bent her body and placed both her hands on her head.

"Oh, God, I don't want to die yet! Oh, please!" She prayed solemnly, screaming. "I want to see my son again. Dear God, I don't have enemies. Why am I in this situation? God, keep me safe!"

"Miss! I could now see the Arch gate!" Jerry could not prevent himself from being excited upon seeing cars ahead.

The welcome Arch has the name of the resort in exquisite lettering. Four cars block the way but leave enough space for the Maybach to pass through.

After they safely passed, Jerry stepped on the break; the car skidded as it abruptly stopped.

Jerry glanced at the side mirrors and watched how Graham's private men dealt with the two vehicles who tried to follow in.

The first car swayed and almost crashed into the arch post for unknown reasons. No one noticed a sharp sniper shot the tires, which caused it to crash on the sidewalk.

The other vehicle stopped after noticing the people at the arc gate. The driver narrowed his gaze, watching the black Maybach pass through and pull over not that far.

"Fuck! Let's retreat!" he was exasperated. His boss is going to kill him for failing to take Krishna Palermo.

The driver made a hurried decision. He maneuvers the steering wheel and is about to turn around when an SUV crashes into them.

"Ahh!" The four passengers inside screamed after they felt the car had rolled onto the road.

Meanwhile, a black sports car headed straight into the Maybach.

"Krishna!" The car driver emerged from the vehicle and ran toward the car.

Seeing that it was Rowan, Jerry unlocks the doors.

"Krishna, are you alright?" Rowan opened the car door and scampered inside.

"Rowan… I..." Seeing the gorgeous man, whose face crumpled from anxiety, Krishna could not hide her sweet smile. "I'm fine."

However, Rowan did not believe her. Even though she had a beautiful smile, he noticed her hands were shaking. He gritted his teeth and then turned his head to the chaotic scene by the Arch gate.

'They're going to pay whoever they are!'

"I'm glad that you are fine." Rowan calmed down. He abruptly fixed his composure not to show Krishna his rage. "Alright."

Rowan sighed, then he turned to Jerry. "Please bring Krishna to the resort, Jerry."

Jerry nodded.

After he instructed the chauffeur, Rowan returned his gaze to Krishna. He looked at her affectionately and said, "I'm right behind you."

"Thank you." She was still nervous; thus, she didn't notice the spark in Rowan's eyes.

Rowan bobbed his head and then smiled comfortingly. He is reluctant to leave but has to drive his car.

"Boss!" After the Maybach left, Virgil jogged and halted beside Rowan, waiting for instructions.

"Bring them to the second level underground for interrogation. Assigned some people to clear the area and allowed the WSA to join the investigation."

"Copy, boss."

After giving the orders, Rowan scampered into his car and trotted toward the resort.

Benny patiently waited at the entrance, straightening his back when a black Maybach pulled over at the resort's main entrance. He descended the stairs, hurried to the car, and opened its door.

"Miss Palermo, welcome back."

Krishna had an inexplicable emotion flickering in her eyes now that she was safe. She hurled some air from the deepest part of her lungs and released them violently.

'I'm glad I made it...' she mumbled a prayer.

Seeing Benny with a warm smile, Krishna collected herself and cheerfully returned the greetings.

"Good evening, Benny!" Krishna greeted the guy, but her eyes were skimming for someone.

Benny noticed Krishna's casual action. He understood her simple motion. 'She is probably looking for Mr. Graham.'

"Mr. George is on his way back, Miss Palermo. He'll be here any moment."

"Oh. He knew that someone was chasing me?" she asked Benny. For some reason, she was touched thinking this.

"I informed him, Miss."

"I see…" Upon hearing this, Krishna had a weird feeling resurfacing from the bottom of her heart.

'Is he really worried about me? It seems hard to believe.'
