
You're safe here

They make their way down the hallway, the nurse guiding Amber every step of the way. A few times, Amber stumbles and almost falls, but the nurse catches her each time and steadies her. As they approach the exit, Amber can feel a sense of relief mixed with anxiety. She's grateful to be leaving the hospital, but the thought of facing the outside world again is intimidating.

The nurse leads Amber out of the hospital, and they are hit with the bright sunlight and sounds of the outside world. Amber blinks against the harsh light, her eyes sensitive from being in the dimly lit room for so long. The nurse helps her over to a nearby bench, where she can sit down and rest for a moment.

Amber sinks down onto the bench with a sigh, feeling drained and exhausted. The nurse stands nearby, watching her carefully to make sure she's okay. The sounds of traffic and people passing by fill the air, a stark contrast to the sterile, quiet environment of the hospital room.

Amber closes her eyes, trying to block out the noise and the light. She feels like she could fall asleep right there on the bench, but the nurse shakes her gently to keep her awake.

"You can't fall asleep here," she says. "You need to get home and rest in a proper bed."

Amber nods slowly, knowing the nurse is right. She struggles to stand up again, her body weak and shaky. The nurse helps her up, and they make their slow, stumbling way over to a waiting taxi.

The nurse opens the door, and the driver gets out to help Amber into the backseat. The nurse helps her in, making sure she's settled and comfortable. The taxi driver starts the engine and pulls away from the hospital, leaving the building behind in favor of the streets of the city. Amber feels overwhelmed and vulnerable, and the city seems overwhelming and noisy after her a day in the quiet hospital room.

The drive to Amber's house is long and bumpy, the traffic heavy and the streets crowded. Amber leans her head against the window, watching the city pass by in a blur of colors and movement. The taxi driver tries to make small talk, but Amber mostly ignores him, her mind still fuzzy and disoriented. After what feels like an eternity, they finally arrive outside of Amber's apartment building.

Amber stands outside her apartment building, leaning heavily against the brick facade. The city noises and traffic sounds are all around her, but she feels disconnected from them. She reaches out shakily for the door handle, feeling like she's moving through a dream.

Amber pulls open the door with a grunt, stumbling slightly as she enters the building. The lobby is dim and quiet after the bright sunlight outside, and Amber's eyes take a moment to adjust to the change in light. She takes a deep breath, bracing herself before starting the slow trek up the stairs to her apartment on the third floor.

With each step, Amber's legs feel weaker and more shaky. She clutches the handrail, using it as a support as she hauls herself up the stairs. By the time she reaches the third floor, she's sweating and out of breath, feeling like she's run a marathon instead of just climbing a few flights of stairs.

Amber leans against the wall, her chest heaving with each labored breath. She feels dizzy and nauseated, and her legs feel like they're made of jelly. She takes a moment to catch her breath before pushing herself off the wall and stumbling towards her apartment door.

Amber enters the apartment, and her mother and sister rush towards her, concerned and relieved to see her. They hadn't heard from her the night before, and had been worried sick about her whereabouts.

Her mother and sister bombard her with questions, their voices overlapping as they both speak at the same time.

"Hey, where were you?"

"What happened?"

"We were worried sick!"

Amber tries to answer them, but her mind is still clouded with fatigue and confusion. She leans heavily on the wall to support her weight, feeling dizzy and disoriented.

"I...I was at the hospital," she mutters, her voice rough and strained.

Her mother and sister exchange a worried glance, seeing how tired and distraught Amber looks.

"The hospital? What happened?" her sister asks.

"Are you okay?" her mother chimes in.

Amber's legs finally give out, and she collapses into her mother's arms, tears streaming down her face. Her mom holds her tightly, trying to soothe her with soft words and gentle touches.

"Shhh," her mom says, running a comforting hand through Amber's hair. "It's okay, you're home now. You're going to be alright."

Amber just continues to sob, clinging to her mother like a little girl. Her mother wraps her arms around her, holding her close and rocking her gently back and forth.

"I'm here," her mother whispers. "I've got you. Just let it out, baby. It's okay."

Amber continues to cry, her body shuddering with each sob. Her sister stands nearby, watching the scene with a mixture of concern and guilt. Her mom continues to stroke Amber's hair, shushing her and murmuring words of comfort.

"It's okay," her mom repeats, her voice firm but soothing. "You're home now, and we're not going to let anything bad happen to you. You're safe here, with us."

Amber gradually starts to calm down, her sobs becoming quieter and more controlled. Her mother holds her tightly, still stroking her hair and murmuring comforting words. Her sister steps closer, putting a hand on Amber's shoulder

"Hey," she says softly. "Take deep breaths, okay? You're okay. Everything's going to be okay."

Amber nods shakily, trying to do as her sister says. She takes deep, shuddering breaths, each one steadier than the last. Her mother continues to hold her, still offering reassurances and comfort.

"Good job," her sister says. "Just keep breathing, nice and slow. In and out."

Amber takes a couple more deep breaths, her breathing slowly returning to a normal rate. Her mother hugs her a little bit tighter, still holding her close and offering physical comfort.

"There you go," her mom says. "That's better. Just keep breathing, sweetie. You're doing great."

Amber nods again, feeling a little better as the sobs fade away. Her mom continues to hold her, while her sister rubs her back in a comforting gesture. They stay like that for a moment, all three of them silent except for the sound of Amber's occasional sniffle.

Amber looks at her mother and sister, her face paler and more hollow than before. She seems dazed and distant as she speaks, her voice soft and empty.

"He sold me," she mutters, her voice a stark contrast to her usual vibrant self.

Amber's eyes fill with tears again, and she buries her face in her mother's chest, shoulders shaking with sobs. Her mother looks stricken, hugging her tight and trying to comfort her.

"Who did this to you?" her mom whispers. "Who sold you?"

Amber just shakes her head, her body racked with sobs. Her sister clenches her fists, her jaw set in anger.

"Did someone force you to do something you didn't want to do?" her sister asks, her voice quivering with rage.

Amber takes a deep breath, summoning all her strength. She then begins to recount her ordeal to her mother and sister, her voice shaky and filled with emotion.

"I...I was sold by my father," she starts. "He made a deal with the mayor. The mayor paid him a lot of money to give me to him."

Her mother and sister are both stunned by her revelation, their eyes wide with shock and horror.

"Your father sold you?" her mom gasps, her voice trembling.

"Why would he do such a thing?" her sister adds, anger and disbelief in her tone.