
It all started from this

In a world filled with evil, unpredictability, and hidden dangers, Raphael, an average introvert guy, finds himself facing the consequences of his actions. Raised in an apparently ordinary family, he grows up as a kind and innocent lad, shielded from life's hardships. Loved by his hardworking father and kind housewife mother, Raphael leads a sheltered existence. However, his naivety and disregard for his mother's warnings about using his smartphone during thunderstorms come back to haunt him. As he indulges in gaming and communication with his close friends, a devastating accident occurs. With rain pouring and thunder rumbling outside, Raphael's home is struck by a powerful lightning bolt. Ignoring the nonsensical superstitions, he continues using his phone until the moment of impact. The lightning surge engulfs Raphael and his phone, rendering him unconscious and leaving his once vibrant devices paralyzed. What lies in store for Raphael after this electrifying encounter? Discover the captivating journey that awaits him in the chapters to come.

Pilaf_Optional · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Thunderstruck and Awakening

Raphael sat on his bed, his eyes glued to the screen of his smartphone.

He was about to finish the Boss with his game squad. Rain was pouring outside, and thunder rumbled in the distance, but Raphael paid it no heed.

He had heard his mother's warning about using his phone during thunderstorm, but he thought they were just superstitions.

As he was actively using his fingers on the phone's screen, Raphael suddenly felt a powerful jolt run through his body.

He saw a blinding light and heard a deafening crack, and then everything went black.

Raphael groggily opened his eyes and checked the date on his phone.

It was Sunday, which meant he had been unconscious for a whole day.

He wondered why his parents hadn't checked up on him, but then he remembered that they knew it was a weekend and decided to let him sleep.

Sitting up on his bed, he took a deep breath and tried to recall what had happened.

Suddenly, he remembered the thunderstorm and realized that he had been struck by lightning.

Shaken by the realization, Raphael quickly checked his body for any signs of injury, but to his surprise, he found no evidence of harm.

He felt completely unscathed, as if nothing had happened.

Determined to find some distraction, he opened his phone and decided to check on his game account.

To his amazement, he noticed that a new button called "Synthesis of Real Life with App" had appeared.

He was curious about the function, but he decided to focus on his game first.

However, as soon as he logged in, a direct notification appeared on his phone.

["Ding!" Congratulations on obtaining a new ability "Heroic strike".

It has been added to the Skill Tree!]

He was puzzled and wondered if it was some kind of virus or a new advertisement prank.

He ignored the notification and went downstairs for dinner with his family.

After wolfing down almost all things on the table that made him wonder if this appetite appeared because of being unconscious for a day, he started to nibble on the apple as a snack and decided to go for a walk which was a usual habit of his daily life.

While he was heading out, Rose, his mother, ordered him to buy some soy milk for breakfast the next day.

As he went out for a walk, he enjoyed the fresh air, relieved that the rain had stopped.

Upon returning to his room, he checked again on his game and noticed his friends had raided the final boss without him, getting help from another teammate.

Feeling hopeless, he was tempted to tell his friends the truth about being hit by lightning, but he knew they wouldn't believe him.

Instead, he made up an excuse about his phone losing power.

As he lay on his bed, he remembered the strange button on his phone and slowly reached for it.

With curiosity overwhelming him, he pressed it.

A flashy blue panel appeared before his eyes

[ Host: Raphael

· Strength: 5 (Just your average guy)

· Agility: 6 (Slightly above normal)

· Perception: 5.5 (Nothing out of sort)

· Intelligence: 7 (Woah, this guy got a big brain)

· Endurance: 5 (Average)

· Appearance: 4.5 (Ugly AF)

· Summary: A NEET who overindulges himself in playing games.

Skill Tree:

· Lv.1 " Heroic Strike"

Skill points:

· 0

Universal points:

· 0

Supreme abilities:

· None

Limit of games you can synthesize:

· 1/3 (Upgradable)

Synthesized Games:

· WOW (World of Warcraft)

"Do you want to synthesize the newly obtained skill with the Real life?"

Yes/No ]

He was fuming with anger at the details written about his stats to the point that the sound of his teeth rubbing against each other could be heard.

"What kind of nonsense is this? *#@*# You piece of ##@# I am not ugly

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"

While he was cursing out loud inside his room, panel asked him again to confirm whether he wanted to synthesize once more.

After getting a hold of himself, he rhetorically said "What will happen if I press "Yes"?"

As if coming to life, a line of text appeared in blue hologram as a response:

"By pressing "Yes", you can integrate skills you have in a game you chose to synthesize with the real life"

"Then does it mean that I will be able to use them in real life?"

"Yes, host, you can. "

"By the way, how can you understand me? Are you some kind of newly developed virus by some hidden organization or a hacker as an experiment that can speak with people freely?"

"Don't compare me with those measly filthy things, I am a highly intelligent supreme AI, as for what else I can do, you will have to find it out yourself, host"

After hesitating for a bit, he decided to give it a try as he thought that the worst that could happen was that he will need to buy a new phone.

He pressed "Yes" and to his surprise, he felt a wave of energy flow through him, and he suddenly felt different.

He realized that the ability he had obtained was now being synthesized with his real life.

He decided to test his newly obtained ability at the gym next to his home.

Raphael stood in front of a punching bag, his mind focused on the skill he had so eagerly acquired from his favorite game, World Of Warcraft.

He took a deep breath, channeled the power within him, and mustered all his strength to strike the punching bag with a full force.

As his fist made contact, a surge of energy flowed through him, mimicking the raw power of the skill in the game.

To his astonishment, a shockwave rippled through the air, shaking the surrounding area.

The impact of the strike was more than just physical, it was as if he had unleashed the true essence of the heroic strike.

The surrounding objects rattled, and the wind seemed to bow to his command.

Raphael stared wide-eyed at the chaos he had inadvertently caused.

It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

The power he had witnessed in the game, the virtual experience that seemed so distant, was now very much a reality.

He had unknowingly tapped into a force that transcended the boundaries of the game world and had a tangible effect on his surroundings.

With mixed emotions of awe and trepidation, Raphael couldn't help but consider the implications of this newfound power.

He realized that this secret should never be revealed and he needed to exercise caution and precise control, for this merging of his real-life and gaming skills had the potential to disrupt the balance of his existence and life.

Not to mention, this was just basic rank level 1 skill that had yet to be maxed out.

Raphael was intrigued.

What else was possible?



Author here, so this is 1st chapter, if you like it or are not satisfied with any part just comment below, I will see if people like it or not, continuation of my novel will depend on you guys ;)

P.S: be honest with your words, pls )

Pilaf_Optionalcreators' thoughts