
It all started during swimmer camp

During her medical internship , her 'for real' sobered up life messified totally, when an oh so handsome hunk entered her zone , but soon they parted there ways, why..? They met again after 2 years in the same hospital where he's the chairperson , how will their story take turn ? Will they be united? or there's something else in in their fate..

DikshaTiwari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Party or Mess!!


' The dress is not getting up , have I gained weight ugh Aru help me . ' Riya was annoyed as she was struggling with her dress fit.

" Wait .... Done." Aarvi finally chained it up.

' I'm ready people's . I'm sure I'll definitely kill 2-3 guys with this look. ' Anna flicked her hair.

" Damn! that cleavage." Aarvi and Riya said together .

*RING* It was Atharva calling Aarvi.

" I'll take it ." She went in balcony to take the call.

( Hello darling! You ready ? I'm coming to pick you up .)

" Um , sorry you can't, actually I'll be going with the girls . You can send me the address, I'll see you there. "

( Seriously! Fine but stay safe , I just sent you the venue.)

" Ok then , see you."

( Ok I..)

"She disconnected the call, I was just about to , forget it. " Atharva was looking disappointed.

' So all the clan members in . ' Ronnie shouted as all of them seated in Atharva's car.

' Inn. ' Everyone shouted.

Atharva was driving . Ronnie increased the volume of song .

After a while they reached the club.

There were 3 girls and 4 boys including Atharva and Ronnie in their clan.

' I heard that our boy's gf is coming ? ' Jennie ( Atharva's friend) teased him.

" Yepp and guys please behave in front of her , I don't want her to feel bad . " Atharva was instructing his friends on how to behave with his gf and everyone was making puking faces.

Soon three girls were walking towards them looking hot as always.

Atharva's eyes were fixated on one of them , she never fails to mesmerise him with her looks.

He reached them and held Aarvi by waist .

" Guys this is my love Aarvi and her friends Riya and Anna and girls this is Jennie , Shanaya , Alia, Max, Ryan and you already know Ronnie . " He introduced each other.

Everyone greeted each other.

' So you're the one who hacked our man's heart. ' Alia said jokingly.

Aarvi didn't knew what to say so she was just smiling at them .

' Let's go in guys. ' Ronnie shouted.

' Drinks, drinks and drinks . ' Max said.

Everyone headed in. Aarvi pulled Atharva back and took him in a corner.

'You said you have few friends , aren't they a lot? ' Aarvi was nervous.

" Chill, you don't need to impress them and i don't even care if they don't like you, I love you isn't that enough. " Atharva hugged her to comfort her.

' I know but... fine.' Aarvi kept her thoughts calm.

" Yeah let's go everyone must be waiting for us. " Atharva gave a peck on her forehead.

They came back inside .

Shanaya came and dragged Atharva with her to the bar corner -' C'mon we know she's your gf but you need to chill with friends too. '

Aarvi was left behind just then her two shields covered her.

Riya :- Aaru I think she likes Atharva, didn't you see how annoyed she was by seeing you together with him.

Aarvi :- It doesn't matter , he's mine. ( angrily)

Anna :- Calm down . Haven't you seen all those seducing and tricky bitches who snatches hot male leads ? You just have to seduce him before so that there's no chance for her to take him from you.

Aarvi :- Should I take him to washroom and kiss him?

Anna :- No , I mean that too but now you should dance with him in front of those bitches, you know.

Riya :- Guys everyone's about to drink , i guess.

Aarvi :- So what , don't you drink in a club.

Anna :- Have you forgotten that you don't drink Aarvi?

Aarvi :- Shit !! I totally forgot , what to do ?

Riya :- Go tell him , what else.

Three of them reached the bar counter too.

Max passed Aarvi a shot of vodka - ' Here pretty lady enjoy. '

" Thanks ." Aarvi wanted to talk to Atharva but he was dancing with Shanaya. She just kept the drink in her hand.

Riya understood the situation, she slowly took the vodka shot , drank it and gave the glass back to her .

Aarvi mouthed her thank you.

Jennie :- So Aarvi, how did you two guys met ?

Aarvi :- Well ! When he came for the checkup at infirmary.

Jennie :- Oh so you're one of the interns and your friends too.

Aarvi :- Yeah.

Ryan :- I didn't knew that Atharva's type was a sweet doctor.

Max :- Yeah , even i didn't knew that our beast would be interested in roses.

They all were laughing . Aarvi was so annoyed with them but was still faking smile.

Riya :- Don't you think that butch Shanaya is climbing over your man. (In Aarvi's ear)

Aarvi saw them and she really was throwing herself on him . Jennie saw her expression.

Jennie :- Hey don't mind shanzy . She and Atharva are childhood sweethearts. She's very close to him and there's nothing between them. So chill and drink.

She handed another shot to Aarvi.

This time Aarvi without wasting a second gulped it at once. Riya and Anna were shocked.

Aarvi took another shot and then another and was drinking it so fluently.

Riya stopped her just when she was about to next shot and dragged her to washroom. Anna smiled at Jennie who was confused and followed them too.

Riya :- Have you lost it ? Stop drinking out of jealousy.

Aarvi who was already wasted enough :- Wait , I didn't drink okay and let me go kill that wench first.

She was going but her legs twisted and in time Anna catched her from falling.

Riya :- Anna don't let her go , otherwise today Atharva's best friend will be dead.

Aarvi :- ( in drunken voice ) childhood sweethearts my ass.

Ronnie came where they were standing.

Ronnie :- what's going on here?

Aarvi :- Guys he's the bastard that i told you about.

She held him by his collar . Riya and Anna were trying to pull her back but her strength was shocking them.

Aarvi :- I know that you don't like me okay but if you try to fill Atharva's ear, I swear I'll kill you too.

Riya :- Sorry she didn't mean it. Actually it's her first time drinking .

Ronnie was shocked to know that she never drank before , he was finally feeling comfortable with her as she was not the one he was imagining.

Ronnie :- Woah , fine I'll give in if you could compete with me in dancing.

Aarvi :- Okay boss , let's go. Leave me Anna Riya , he's not going to kidnap me. Bye.

Anna and Riya backed off but followed her as they were still worried.

After a while Aarvi and Ronnie came to the floor and pop music played.

Both of them were dancing matching every step with the original hook step .

Ronnie was so happy dancing with her. Finally he found someone who has same taste as him . Aarvi was not at all feeling reluctant like she always had .

Riya :- Now she looks happy doesn't she ?

Anna :- yeah , maybe drinking is nice for her.

Riya :- just wait for her to get consciousness then we'll know.

They laughed.

Atharva was finding Aarvi but he couldn't.

Atharva :- Hey shany , let me catch up later .

Shanaya :- but wait ....

Atharva left . His phone was ringing so he went out to take the call.

After he came back in , he saw Aarvi and Ronnie dancing their hearts out on the floor.

He was lost in her .

He was happy that finally his two people were vibing with each other.

But he started feeling jealous when Ronnie placed his hands on her waist .

He knew it was unintentional but still.

He went there and held Aarvi's hand and took her with him.

Aarvi :- Bye Ron. ( Drunken voice)

Ronnie :- Bye Dear Shakira .

Atharva glared at him, and he smirked.

Ronnie came to Max and Ryan who were competing in drinks.

Shanaya :- Where are they going ? Shouldn't we check out if he needs help .

Shanaya was going to follow them but Ronnie stopped her.

Ronnie :- C'mon let them have some space and trust me he doesn't need anyone to help.

He's enough.

Ronnie smirked as he knew what Shanaya feels for Atharva but now he was on Aarvi's side too.