
Tragic boy

"what!.. again?"


"how many times is this. why do you make the game ending bad. don't tell me it's on purpose again."


"so you really don't know how good of an ending game gets."

"I don't want to know. it's not like I'm interested in that kind of ending anyway."

"man.. why are you so obsessed with the bad ending of everything."

"....like I said, I don't like those kinds of Ending too."

don't get me wrong. it's not like I'm a masochist. And honestly, tragic ending really bothers me. but there's something about tragedies that really gets me. like I'm drawn toward them subconsciously. as much as it bothers me I think there's a meaning in them.

and I'm curious to them.

how much of tragedy does one can endure?

how much of a tragedy can happen in a story?

I wouldn't say I'm interested in them. but I can't help but think about them everytime I'm doing something, like I'm living inside a story that's doomed to end in a tragedy.

this guy I'm talking to is my childhood friend will me from my elementary school. his name is Sasaki miru. age 17.

we are walking home together.

"hm... I wish could come over to play but.. I guess I can't. so much homework unfinished... ugh.. just thinking about them hurts my stomach."

"it's okay. you can borrow mine this time but don't do it again."

"thanks man! you're the best!"

we went our separate ways then.

on my way home, I can't help but wonder- would I get hit by a truck and die?

I don't know why, but my mind tends to think like that. even though I don't wanna die.

that night I had a dream.

weird one if I say so myself.

white smoke all around me.

one person standing in front of me. his face is completely black. smirking.

the dude is wearing same clothes as me and he has the same hair as me. only diff

both of us standing opposite to each other.


even his voice is same as me. and it feels like my darker self is talking to me.

"who're you?" I said.

"me? I'm you."

" what do you mean..!" I was frowning as I said that.

"no point in trying hold a conversation, huh. okey, straight to the point. your hunger for tragedies... is reached a new level."

this is getting weird by the second. let's not pay any attention to him. and pinched my hand. since I didn't get hurt, I guess this is a dream.

"what are you thinking. please don't think you can ignore me just because a dream. you need to pay attention to my words because this this not just any dream."

"and why is that!"

"I came to give you a warning."

"what warning?"

"I advise you to stop wanting tragedies. and imagining them."

"it's not I think about about them because I want to it's more of like I want them subconsciously. it just tends to be on my mind, y'know."

"yeah, that. your hunger for tragedies is not satisfied because nothing happens around you. and the hunger is only grows more."


" now your hunger has reached a new level and is only craving for more. now it's on to the point where where your messed up mind's effect will take on your surroundings."

"wait. what do you mean by that?"

"long story short, your desire for tragedies is manifested as a superpower. it grows as your desire grows. any tragedy you want will happen. as the range of power grows as your desire grows."

"mm.. you .. kidding. right?"

"this is no joke but you can get rid of it"


"you have Stop thinking about them altogether

. get rid of your inner desire that craves for tragedies."

at that point my whole body was starting to vanish.

"I guess the Times up. but please remember that- you have the power to detect and predict tragedies. and at the same time one way or another, you're also the one caused it.

maybe not all tragedies are connected to you and caused by your desire. but you are connected to them. thus you can see them coming."


and I vanished.

when I opened my eyes. I was lying on my bed staring at the sieling.


pretty weird dream alright. I guess my mind is going bonkers because of all the thinking I'm doing. maybe I should get some more sleep after all.

I stopped to look out on the window.

some guy was jogging in the morning.


suddenly a thought came to my mind.

the guy will step on the dog's tail. and the dog will chase him down. he'll run crying.

hah! as if, right?

something so inconvenience can't happen just because I think like that.

so I went to bed.

then I heard a sound.

"woof, woof"


I went to look at the window.

I saw the guy running away tails between his legs. the dog was chasing him. and apparently he stepped on it's tail.

a drop of sweet formed on my forehead.


it. can't be, right?

"that was just a coincidence, right!... it has to be..."

shit. this is no joke. I have to confirm this before I can get a good time sleeping.

and I was thinking about staying at home and relax, too.

my expression become odd.

how am I gonna sleep, now....?


I let out a long loud sigh.

what now, then?