
It's ME, Hi!

Elly was known as Smiley Girl because she was always smiling when she was with her friends, chatting with them and being nice to them. Unfortunately, the more she thinks positively, the more she feels distance from her friend. What makes she felt like this? Did she will lose her friendship? or Maybe along with her journey, she will finds someone who can be both of friends and love?

Shinxdaisy · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Comet of stars overflow in tears

My family consists of five people. Father, Mother, two sisters, and myself. My father is a tall man with tanned skin tones, two brown eyes, with curly hair and who worked as a production operator at the bottle factory. My mother is a short, attractive woman with two brown eyes who is a hard working housewife. My eldest sister is taller than my middle sister, has tanned complexion, and worked as a promoter at an internationally recognized bag boutique.

My second sister is the same height as my mother but a little taller, and she works as a babysitter. Meanwhile, I, a student, am taller and have tanner skin than my sister. My family members all have the same brown eyes, which is a genetic that is inherited.

My family's height was unknown to me. Sorry about that.

Now I'm in front of my house, sitting on my bike, emptying my head for everything I thought while riding home. Anything with the word "problem" in the subject matter causes me to overthink it.

My previously warmed dwelling was replaced by a frigid house flooded with sad tears. Before entering my home, I forced myself to take a deep breath.

My heart is bursting with emotion as I watch the scenario in front of me. My mother sobbed as she dialed my eldest sister's phone number several times, but she did not answer. My second sister sat beside my mother calming her, while my father remained mute, perhaps trying to figure out how to fix the matter. Meanwhile, I'm frozen in front of them, unsure what to do.

To tell you the fact that I had no idea how to offer comfort to the people.

Especially those I care about.

I headed to my room, which I share with my mother, to shower. I trick my mind into focusing on the positive rather than the negative. I don't want my mother's wings to be ripped off due to this problem. I know it pains her because her own daughter disappeared from this house. We didn't know if she had been kidnapped or if she had simply run away from home.

When I got out of the shower, there was nothing except the sound of a silent embrace in the house. My mother and father were nowhere to be found when I entered the living room. It was just my second sister with her eyes on the phone.

"Where has mother gone?" I asked.

"In the older sister's bedroom." My second sister told me. Her eyes were puffy from crying.

I lightly retreated to the sis bedroom and discovered my mother crying while holding my sis's clothes while my father comfortingly patted her back.

I rushed into the bathroom because I don't think I could endure witnessing my mother's sorrowful face without me bursting into tears.

"I don't know what to do,.... I'm at a loss on what to do..." I mumbled quietly, allowing my tears to fall on my face. It hurt even more because I had no idea what to do. All I can do is support, comfort, and stay on my mother's side.

My blinking star began to fall heavily due to the broken rose thorn prickling through my heart while I was just looking at it. My breathing becomes erratic as I struggle to wipe my tears with my palm. I try to exhale after taking a deep breath. My hands are trembling as I try to sync my breathing. It takes about 30 minutes for me to stabilize it.

I opened the bathroom door, lying on the bed attempting to sleep.

"I'm extremely worn out mentally." I whispered quietly.

I closed both of my eyes and allowed the dreaming to take over my exhausted mind.

"Good night…. mother." While tenderly touching the empty side, I said.

- The Next Morning -

With the echoes of water flowing from the tap that had been resting on the sink for almost years, the fresh smell of coffee reached my nose. There, my second sister prepared breakfast for us to fill our hunger. Because of my elder sister's disappearance, I believe my mother slept late at night. So, automatically my second sister will take over the cooking or me I guess.

Just thinking about it makes my heart ache.

Before starting my routine of online classes, I thanked my second sister for breakfast. I walked towards the living room to setting up my laptop.

Our living room is sparsely furnished, with simply one bar stool in front of the sewing machine. It belongs to my mother. In her moments of free time, my mother enjoys sewing. There is no sofa or table in the living room's center. So I simply put my laptop on the study table. I sit on the floor since it is the most comfortable place for me to be. In the middle of the cabinet there is a 24 inch smart television occupying the center of it.

When I'm finished, I rummage for my notebook in my tote bag. The piece of paper with the phone number carved on it slid from the notebook that I had grabbed.

"Oh my! I had forgotten about it. " I gasped and said quietly.

Adam's phone number was neatly scribbled on the paper, tempting me to send a message to him. I assume I needed to update about myself to him. After all, he is aware of what happened yesterday. Before I text him, I breathe deeply.

To Adam:

Hello, this is Elly. I'm sorry for not messaging you yesterday. I had forgotten about it. Today I'm fine. Don't worry too much ! Have an awesome day!

I click the Send button, without waiting for his reply and resuming my online classes.

Before my sister disappeared, I remember her sitting alone in her bedroom, crying. I can't enter the room since she has locked it. I heard her sobbing, but couldn't help her. I'm at a loss for ways to try and console her. Hearing her cry breaks my heart in two.

In my memory of her, my uncle stood in front of the locked bedroom, screaming at her about how terrible she was doing, how awful it was that she raised her voice in front of mother, why you do that; there is more screaming in tears than argumentation.

My mother was breaking down in the living room, and my second sister was comforting her. While my father reduces tension in his heart and mind by gazing at the blue sky that will soon turn dark.

Meanwhile, I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, silently crying on the inside. With rivers of tears pouring on my face.

Let me tell you a story. In the garden, there were two lovely couples. One is a pretty female, while the other is a handsome gentleman. They have grown happier with their lives and plan to be married before the end of the year. They continuously pinky promise to be together till they have gray hair, rocking in a rocking chair while holding hands, intertwined with each finger.

Nowadays, finding a happy ending is challenging. With the third wheel as the villain, there will always be a plot twist through to blocking the happiness.

In the heat of their joy, the girl hears a gentle whisper encouraging her to touch the black roses in front of her. She is aware that there is a red line separating the flowers from her. The whisper assures her once more that she will have a bright future and be happy for the rest of her life. The words "happy" and "future" devoured her entire mind.

She muttered to herself, "For my happiness and future." With the last glance towards her boyfriend behind her, who helped the elderly woman in watering her flowers. She smiled widely at the scene and within the seconds, she crossed the line and touched the alluring black roses, with the unknown promising of magic castle overpower her mind.

Then everything becomes dark. It's completely dark. There is no one who is able to help her in regaining consciousness unless the whisper allows her to reclaim her senses with the whisper's permission.

That concludes the story of the beautiful couple who was separated by force, with their feelings of love hidden deep within the dark side of their minds.

What kind of emotion do we need to keep a mask on our face?

Anger? Sad? Grief? Guilt? Disappointed? Sorry?

The storm of waves keeps coming and embraces us. How can we fix it without involving the tears?

Poetic feels:

Whispering howls in pain,

In a maze of devilry trick,

Living in the consciousness of lucid dream,

Faded into reality.

Poems by: shinxdaisy