

I remembered my past life when I nearly died. I was a neet-in-shut otaku girl that is obsessed with reading boys' love. I prayed every day that in my next life, I would become a boy. There is a piece of good and bad news. The good news is that it became real, I became a boy. But the bad news is, I was reincarnated into the novel that I read in my previous life. It was R-18 boys love novel, and I'm an anonymous side character.

Xaaaneeey · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


I'm already done with analyzing and checking all of the previous data for three years in our company. All of the business transactions include the flow of money in our company. To be honest, the company is in odd state, but it would collapse if someone will plan to sabotage us. And also, our company is doing good but it's barely hanging on the edge of "The most successful business in Asia". If I wouldn't do something, then we'll go bankrupt...

I sighed and laid my head in my chair, I stared at the ceiling for a while and remember the few words of my late father.

"One day, you'll be managing our company"

"I believe in you, Kyenzi. Because you're my beloved son"

"You're special than anyone else"

My father is a total idiot. How can he say all of that even if he knew the reason that I was at fault for everything?

The next morning, it was still three-thirty a.m. when brother Raspher barged into my room. I was completely shocked and nervous because of him. I prepared myself and the two of us took a four-hour jogging with outdoor exercises. He helped me do stretches and other exercises that I complain to myself.

To be honest, I was having a hard time but all I can do is swallow all of my complain and observe my brother's well build body. The same routine happened after a week.

"Brother, I have a proposal to suggest"

"In that case, I will announce that there would be an important meeting tomorrow"

The next morning, I was all prepared. All of the stockholders including the managers in the company came to the meeting, no one is absent. I was nervous and excited, I want to launch my new proposal. I started with my presentation.

"So I came up with a new theme for our company. Since it's the month of August, where spring comes and sakura trees will expose. I decided on our new project, which is having a sakura tree theme. The color pink and fluffy will be our main focus."

The people who are sitting nodded their heads in satisfaction and agreement to me as I proceed with myself.

"But before we could go on with our new project, I would like to discuss to you all what's currently happening to our company and what would be our company's future"

I continue to discuss all of the pros and cons with them and I was thankful that they immediately understand our current situation. It's like our company's situation is like a crew ship that's adrift in the middle of the ocean. That if you don't do something, the crews might sink, and there's a high possibility that the calm water would begin to waver causing the adrift crew ship to sink in the middle of nowhere.

"So I plan on having a discount for those loyal customers. Since they have their yellow card that's being owned by our company, it would be our basis to identify our loyal customers and give them a discount for our new theme that would be released next month!"

The yellow card was a credit card from our company. It was being handed last year, it was my brother's idea to come up with having a yellow card for the customers who wanted to. The yellow card was like a promo card, by buying our products owned by our company they would gain credits that can help them buy another item of our company by the use of the yellow card. Although the credits were only limited to use in those selected items by our company. It was the main reason why our company was still hanging with a thin rope at the cliff.

After the meeting, they all agreed to my proposal without anyone complaining. They are more thankful that I came up with that unique idea. Other than that, I also implemented new business strategies that will make our company more successful.

A month has passed and yet I still didn't achieve my dream body.

"Brother, I give up!"

He glanced at me

"What are you talking about? You're doing good"

"Doing good?! Look at this!"

I showed him my stomach.

"There's not even single ab! And even my arms look! They are too skinny that I might be mistaken as a sick person! Why do I have a skinny body!"

"You're not skinny at all, you even got a chance to lift a 50kg barrel"

"Heck yeah, but look brother! Even girls have a great body than mine!"

"Stop complaining Kyen."

I sighed as we finished our workout, I immediately stood up and drink a large bottle of cold water. I was surprised when he handed me a white towel.

"Thanks... Brother"

I thought that my and brother Raspher won't get along with each other after what I had done three years ago. But thank goodness, he still treated me as his sibling.

While eating breakfast, my brother glanced at me for a second and then shook his head.

"What is it, brother?"

"Are you allergic to social media?"


"Because of a sudden rise of our company's business, a reporter from a well-known show wanted to interview us. I was thinking to send you for the interview"

Woah. I didn't know this huge success would cause a ruckus from social media. Oh yeah, but I bet they just wanted to interview my brother, not me. Since among the three of us, brother Raspher is perfect to meet such high expectations. He has a good physical appearance and has a calm and collective face.

While me...

"Are you sure brother? Maybe they just wanted you, not me"

"That's the opposite. When I offered them that you'll be their interviewer, they just shouted in excitement."

"Y-yeah, then I'll accept"

"Good choice, it will also help our company to promote our newest products."

On the day of the interview, I was a special guest for a famous show in Japan. Where their main intention was to interview most of the famous persons that are circulating the internet. Or should I say, they wanted to interview the person who went viral because of something? I was wearing a formal outfit, a black suit, and pants with a red necktie. The maids also fixed my hair, which made me look like the CEO of the biggest company. Also, I was wearing the perfume that is one of the company's newest products.

Everything was perfect not until my brother declared that I should be assisted by many guards and including our head butler, Kazuki. It would be cooler if I drive my car, but thanks to brother Raspher my plans came to ruin.

"Young Master, you're pouting"

"Shut up! Why did brother Raspher even bother to take you with me?!"

I was like throwing tantrums when Kazuki stopped the car at a parking lot. It seems that we've just arrived. As I enter the broadcasting building, together with my guard's many employees looked at me then bewitched by my whole appearance. The host of a famous show, which I researched his name is Miwazaki Achinoti. He was waiting for me at the entrance.

"It's a pleasant morning to see you Mr. Miwazaki"

"N-no, it's more pleasant to finally get to see you Mr. Byanzheki"

I tag along with them, and to my surprise, they are already well prepared. I bet they were so excited they never got a chance to sleep to make all of this preparation.

"It was nice meeting you all, please take care of me"

I slightly bowed my head and gave them a warm smile. The staff and even the host himself were stunned by my warm behavior towards them. Of course, I let my guards outside and only consider Kazuki. After a few more minutes, we get started.

"Mr. Byanzheki, what were your most struggles in your life?"

Am I the only one who thinks that most of the questions aren't focused on our company's business rather on myself?

"U-Uhm, I can say that I was at my lowest when my father died."

They kept quiet and look at me, waiting to give them a storytime.

"You see, I was born without a mother. Without my mother's love, my father fulfill that emptiness and made me the happiest child on earth. Of course, my two older brothers also show me love but it's still different if it's your parents, right? So I was depressed when my father passed away."

The host nodded his head in satisfaction and threw me another question.

"You mentioned that you have two older brothers. Can you tell us more about them?"

"Ah... Ha-ha, yes of course."

I plastered a fake smile on my face. Damn this show, I thought we could get a business talk but it seems they are more interested in my personal life!

"My first older brother is brother Raspher. He's the current head of our company, to tell you honestly he is a very strict and caring brother. He always treated me well and wanted me by his side at all times. And also"

I slightly raised my left arm as I showed them my Rolex.

"This Rolex was given by brother Raspher a month ago"

Their expression was priceless. Of course, it is, this is just proof that I'm being loved by my older brothers.

"My second brother, brother Laven. He always cooks delicious foods for us. Oh! He also owns a famous flower shop"

At the end of the show, all questions were about me and not about the company. After the interview, I feel like my brain is drained. I called my brother over the phone and ask him to take a leave because I'm tired. Thankfully, he agreed to my request and I took a day off.

I got a chance to visit a famous restaurant known for its delicious pudding. The guards won't leave me alone, but Kazuki has something important to do so he excused himself. While eating my guards are beside me, which made me uncomfortable.

"It's okay, I don't need any of you"

"Young master, we can't do that"

I sighed and tried to ignore them as I enjoy myself eating the pudding. After eating, I was about to go to the restroom when my guards are still following me. I stopped for a moment and gave them a cold stare.

"I'm going to pee, don't tell me the three of you are going to follow me around?"

They look flustered for a moment and I chuckled.

"It's okay, I'm just going to pee. It'll be over by a minute."

As I entered the restroom, I take a long pee. While washing my hands, I noticed that someone was also washing his hands beside me.

"Wow, you're a spoiled brat"

I was about to look at him when I got circled by many strangers. They immediately hold both of my arms and put the handkerchief on my nose. I feel dizzy and tired.. what is happening right now?

I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Where am I?

"It seems that you're awake"

I gasped as I look around. The man in front of me was sitting comfortably while crossing his arms. I'm surrounded by his people. I didn't expect he would find looking for me, what the heck?! Because of many things that happened, I completely forget about him. Reeves Val Hungevszky, why the hell is he here in Japan?!

"You look surprised, oh don't worry. I didn't leave any scratch on your body."

I brushed off my hair as I looked down.

Fuck it! I'm doomed! Nothing's good getting involved with this man!

"What the heck do you want!?"

The two of us stared at each other for a while.

"You, if I wouldn't dig any further about you. I wouldn't know that some brat rat came fooling under my organization"

Now my heart is throbbing so much in nervous. I was breaking a cold sweat but I fake to be brave in front of him.

"Mr. Kyenzi Byanzheki entered in my organization for three years. Despite having tons of money, you decided to fool around under my organization"

"W-well that's— there were many complicated things happened to me and—"

"Mr. Byanzheki, do you take my organization as a playground of you? Do you take me as one of the highest dark organizations as a fool?"

"Damn it, I'm sorry okay? There are so many personal matters that I have to take care of. I was an immature brat who lost his father back then."

"I don't care about your matters"

Reeves walked towards me and hold my chin and look at me straight in the eyes.

"What I care about is you broke into my organization. And then completely leave as you've just walked on a park with yourself"

"Tsk, what do you want? Money? Then I can give you many! Just let me go you bastard!"

He let go of my chin and smiled.

"I want a contract"

While fixing my jaw, I look at him with surprise.

"Yo—you're kidding, right?"