
it's a funny story


BFJ · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

CHAPTER 1: unveiling shadows

Alvarez took a contemplative sip of his coffee, savoring its rich flavor as the warm liquid awakened his senses. As he closed the pages of his book, his piercing gaze swept across the bustling café, absorbing the vibrant energy of the world around him and the ladies around who kept glancing at him. With an air of quiet confidence, he gracefully navigated his way through the crowd and slipped into a waiting taxi.

The sleek car whisked him away through the city's bustling streets, eventually arriving at the towering building that boldly carves the word blaze which happens to be his thriving company. Alvarez stepped out of the taxi and entered the magnificent lobby, its design exuding a blend of modern elegance and refinement. his employees greeted him with utmost respect, mirroring his formality and attention to detail.

Behind the doors of his office, a world of organization and efficiency awaited. Every item, from the meticulously arranged stationery to the carefully curated artwork, held its place in perfect harmony. Alvarez seamlessly moved through his tasks, communicating with his employees in a businesslike manner, ensuring the smooth operation of his empire.

But amidst the structured routines, there lingered a curiosity about the man behind the success. Each employee sensed a hidden depth within Alvarez, an enigma that piqued their interest and left them yearning to unravel the mystery. Yet, they dared not breach the walls he had meticulously built around himself.

As dusk settled outside the office windows, Alvarez found himself in the presence of an aging gentleman. Clad in a tailored suit, his father reclined in a lavish armchair, a glass of wine in hand, his eyes fixed on the glow of the television screen. The warm flickering light cast ethereal shadows on his weathered face, revealing a silent story of wisdom and experience.

Their conversation danced on the fringes of familiarity, subtly weaving a delicate web of connections. Alvarez's father inquired about his son's life, his voice laced with a mix of concern and genuine interest. Yet, Alvarez evaded the questioning gaze, deflecting the conversation with a casual remark that hinted at deeper complexities.

Returning to the solitude of his home, Alvarez pondered the day's events. His father's presence served as a reminder of the weight he carried and the expectations placed upon him. Behind closed doors, he grappled with the hidden desires that gnaw.......

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the city as Alvarez stepped out onto the bustling streets. He had left behind the confines of his office, seeking solace in the familiar ambiance of the café. With measured steps, he entered the cozy establishment, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping him in a warm embrace.

He chose a corner table by the window as usual, the perfect spot to observe the ebb and flow of life passing by. As he settled into the comfortably cushioned chair, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, hinting at a rare vulnerability that lay dormant within him.

With a sigh, Alvarez gracefully removed his sleek, black-framed glasses, placing them on the table beside the steaming cup of coffee. He lovingly traced his fingers along the spine of the leather-bound book that had traveled with him, a faithful companion on his journey through the pages of life.

Outside the window, the city danced to its own rhythm, a symphony of sounds and colors that intertwined harmoniously. Each passerby, lost in their own world, unknowingly became a character in the fleeting scenes of Alvarez's contemplation.

As the rich aroma of brewing coffee permeated the air, he closed his eyes for a moment, indulging in the sensory pleasures that surrounded him. In this fleeting instant, the weight of his responsibilities felt momentarily lifted, leaving behind an air of vulnerability and openness.

Sipping his coffee, the rich flavors cascaded over his taste buds like a gentle waterfall, evoking memories of distant lands and forgotten desires. In that moment, the lines between reality and imagination blurred, allowing him to momentarily dwell in a world where possibilities were endless a smile even almost crept to his face..

Gently, Alvarez slipped back into the rhythm of life, remembering the countless tasks that awaited his attention. With a sense of purpose, he leaned back, his eyes scanning the room, momentarily distracted by the vibrant conversations unfolding around him.

It was then that his gaze fell upon her – a woman whose radiance bathed the room in an ethereal glow. Clad in a flowing summer dress that danced with the wind, she exuded an air of effortless grace. Her infectious laughter filled the room, drawing curious glances from those nearby.

Their eyes met for a split second, a fleeting connection that held within it the promise of untold stories. In her eyes, Alvarez glimpsed a reflection of his own restlessness, his yearning for a connection he had long Alvarez's gaze locked with the woman's, time seemed to stand still. The world around him faded into the background as he was drawn into the depths of her eyes. There was a spark, an unspoken understanding that pulsed between them, igniting a flicker of anticipation within his heart.

Unbeknownst to Alvarez, fate had a curious twist in store for him. Just as he was lost in the potential of this newfound connection, a figure emerged from the bustling entrance of the café. It was a woman, her presence commanding attention as she stepped into the room with an aura of mystery that seemed to captivate all who laid eyes on her.

Her long, flowing hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing a face that bore striking resemblance to Alvarez's. Her eyes, the same shade of hazel, sparkled with a mixture of warmth and mischief. In that moment, a ripple of recognition coursed through Alvarez's veins - it was his sister, Isabella.

But from the perspective of the other patrons in the café, the energy between Alvarez and Isabella seemed to tell a different story - one of young love and the promise of romance and the other of complete opposite. Whispers fluttered through the air as the bystanders watched in awe, interpreting the familiar glances and shared smiles as the blossoming of a new relationship.

Alvarez, aware of the secret they held, couldn't help but play along, knowing that the truth would eventually unravel with unexpected consequences. He stood up from the table and walked towards Isabella, a gentle smile almost crept to his adorning his lips.

"Isabella," he greeted her, his voice filled with warmth which almost never happens. "It's been far too long."

Isabella's eyes met his, a mischievous twinkle dancing within them. "Oh, my dear brother," she replied, her voice tinged with playfulness. "I couldn't resist the opportunity to surprise you. It seems we've unintentionally become the subjects of this café's imagination."

As the crowd watched with bated breath, Alvarez extended his hand towards Isabella, inviting her to join him at the table. Together, they sat down, enveloped in a world of secrets only they shared.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, words weaving together like an intricate tapestry of memories and shared experiences. As their laughter intertwined with the gentle melodies that played in the background, the patrons observed, unable to contain their curiosity.

Isabella, with her vibrant self.... Alvarez leaned in closer, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Tell me, bella what tales have you woven into the fabric of your life since we last met?" His voice carried a hint of mischief, teasing Isabella with the secrets he had yet to uncover.

Isabella let out a soft chuckle, appreciative of Alvarez ability to bring levity to any situation. "Oh, Alvarez,where do I even begin? Life has been a whirlwind of challenges and triumphs. The corporate world still holds its grip on me, but I've discovered a newfound passion for writing and travelling the world too I've been pouring my soul into the pages, crafting stories that transport readers to distant lands and ignite their imagination.as I also take myself to distant lands

Alvarez listened intently,you could see a proud smile wanting to adorn his lips. "That's wonderful, bella.I encouraged you to follow your passions, and it seems you've taken your hearts advice. Your writing has always held such beauty and depth."

As their conversation continued, Alvarez couldn't ignore the gazes of the beautiful ladies who discreetly stole glances in his direction. He caught glimpses of curiosity and speculation in their eyes, their whispered conversations filling the air. It amused him to watch the stories they wove in their minds, questioning the nature of his relationship with Isabella.

Isabella's eyes sparkled mischievously as she noticed the perceptive glances of the onlookers. "It seems we've become quite the mystery to them, brother. Shall we indulge their imagination a little longer?"

Alvarez smirked, playing along with the charade. "Why not? Let them speculate on the nature of our bond. Our story is far more intriguing than anything they could conjure."

As the minutes ticked by, Isabella's eyes never wavered, her gaze piercing through Alvarez's façade. "But, brother, I must ask... Have you followed through with our last conversation? Have you stepped out of your comfort zone and embraced the unexpected?"

Alvarez hesitated, his gaze momentarily falling to his cup of untouched coffee. "I must admit, Isabella, I have not been as adventurous as you had hoped. The familiarity of routine and responsibility has kept me anchored."

Isabella leaned back, a mix of disappointment and determination shining in her eyes. "Oh, Alvarez, you have so much to offer the world. It's time for you to.......

(Heyo my readers see you on the next chapter also let me know what your favorite color is😉)