Two strings are intertwined and were lock tight by destiny. One brought Glory, One brought Vain; One shall be guided by the Overwhelming past, and One shall be guided by the Unknown future. These two strings will pull the curtains as the stage sets a new play and a new adventure in the world of Monsters
"Bzzzz… Bzzzzz."
A phone vibrated on top of a nightstand. A hand slowly reaches out to the phone, opens and sees that someone is calling them. They accepted the call and talked to the person on the other line.
"Hi… Yoake." They yawned as they were recently woken up from the loudness of their phone's buzz.
"Me? Where am I? I don't know…" They answered the caller's question. Their mind wasn't processing the situation they are in right now but little did they know, this would shock them.
"Yeah… Yeah… I'll be there." They said as they ended the call.
They were on a king-sized bed; they looked around and realized that they were in a hotel room. They forgot what happened last night but upon inspecting the clothes on the floor, they immediately remembered the events prior to this. They lifted the white blanket on top of them and saw that they were naked. They looked at the otherside of the bed and saw a man, who was naked as well, with his white-bluish hair.
'Wait… Oh no…' They were shocked to see their current predicament. They had a one-night stand with Steven Stone or should say; Leaf had a one-night stand with Steven last night.
"Shit." She cursed as she immediately left the bed, grabbed her bra and underwear on the floor and began to dress.
'Did it really happen last night? Oh god. I hope he's wearing a condom. I don't want to be pregnant this early.' Leaf begins to panic. With her ruckus, Steven woke up and looked at her with awe. Her majestic, beautiful and thin body was something that he would like to stare at for years.
"Damn. I guess you're good at taking care of something else besides Pokemon and that kid." Steven flirted.
"Please tell me that you were wearing a condom last night." Leaf demanded Steven as she continued to dress herself.
"Chill babe. I was wearing one. Even if I didn't. I'm infertile. So don't worry about it." Steven assured her.
"Don't call me babe." Leaf grunted to the playboy. She finally wears her dress and begins to look for her purse.
"I mean. You did a great job last night. How often do you have sex?" Steven asked her as he was curious. Last night felt heavenly between them, Steven loved every single moment of it; from their sweats - to the heat of their body pressing one another - to the oral - to the orgasms and finally - to the aftercare. Leaf denied every feeling that she had last night because she was too drunk, being way too carefree and forgetting that she has to help Yoake and Ren today.
"My sex life is none of your concerned." Leaf grunted as she finally found her purse, put her phone inside of it and readied to leave their hotel room.
"Alright then but if you want to hit up. You can call me." Steven said. They both shared numbers last night, Leaf forgets why she gave her number to the playboy but all she can do is to block his phone number.
She left the hotel, took a taxi and headed back to the Katsuragi estate so that she could change her clothes, grabbed the stuff that Yoake forgot to bring and immediately headed to the stadium. She was trying to forget the events that took place earlier as she was disgusted to herself that she fell victim to a playboy. Her mind hates it but her body loves it.
Later on, she finally arrived at the stadium and went to Yoake's room. She looked at the time and noticed that she was late. As she opens the door, she sees Erika in the room, sitting on the couch parallel to the other. She was talking to Yoake, giving her support.
"Am I late?" Leaf asked them. The two looked at her after interrupting their conversation.
"No. Not at all." Erika smiled as she assured her. "Care to join us?"
"Uhhh can I talk to Yoake for a moment?" Leaf asks. Yoake was confused by Leaf's tone but he decided to stand up and allowed her.
"Sure." Yoake said as he stood up and headed to Leaf. The two walked out of the room and talked near the door.
"What's the matter, Leaf? and… why do you smell like men's perfume?" Yoake asked her after smelling the strong perfume that was flowing through the air.
"Oh, I accidentally used your perfume." Leaf made an excuse to hide the truth but Yoake knows that the scent of the perfume is not his own. He was suspicious about it.
"Anyways, here's the thing that you forgot." She continued as she gave him Claudine's favorite book.
"Thanks. Claudine is dying from boredom earlier." Yoake thanked her after receiving the book.
"I see. Well, if you need anything, just call me, okay?" Leaf stated.
"Yup, don't worry." Yoake assured her.
"Good luck then. I'll be heading to the VIP room and watch you there." Leaf told him once more as she leaves him, thinking that he's fine on his own.
As soon as Leaf left, Yoake entered the room, handed Claudine her favorite book and continued talking to Erika. He sat on his original spot, drank some water from a bottle and looked at Erika once more.
"Do you think you're ready?" Erika asked with utter concern. "Believe me, he can be very unpredictable."
"Brock even mentioned it as well." Yoake muttered. He was interviewing the two specialists who fought Ellix yesterday as he wants to be prepared for everything; asking guidance from the two is his only option as he has never had a proper battle with Ellix.
"Well, win or lose. There's always next time." Erika said as she notices how anxious Yoake is. She wants to comfort the boy but going up to him and immediately hugging him was weird, even for her taste.
"I guess so."
"Good morning Jinku. Are you ready for our last two battles?" Jessica asked Jinku as they started to live stream the event once more.
"You bet. Two of the best trainers on different sides battling out to see who would fight the champion." Jinku said in utter excitement.
"Alright, should we recall the rules before the event starts?" Jessica suggested.
"Okay. It'll be a double battle, trainers are only allowed to use 4 Pokemon. One can Dynamax and the other can Mega Evolve. Use of items are banned, Pokemon are only allowed to use held items. And that's that." Jinku stated the rules.
"Now, let's look at the field, shall we?" Jessica asked him.
The crowd cheered as both trainers entered the field through a parallel entrance. The two headed to the center of the field and talked to each other before going back to their place and starting the battle.
"It's been a long time huh. We've never really had a real battle." Ellix said as he scratched his head as he remembered that they never had a battle.
"Yeah. Just a short one." Yoake stated.
"I see. I was in a hurry back then. But I guess this will be our first battle." Ellix guessed.
"You bet." Yoake was confident that he could defeat Ellix as he gained enough information to counter Ellix.
"May the best trainer win." Ellix can see how anxious Yoake is; hiding it with an assertive figure as a facade to the truth. His face can tell many things but his tone was on point.
The two turned around and headed to their place on the battlefield as the battle started. Yoake took a deep breath as this is his last battle before battling the Champion. He has to be very cautious, he knows how unorthodox Ellix can be; one single mistake can change the tide of battle to Ellix's favor.
The wind howls as his scarf's tail slowly rises. He closed his eyes, grabbed two Pokeballs on his belt and prepared to throw; he was patiently waiting for Ellix's cue.
"Porygon-Z. Eelektross. Let's go."
"Kiing, Victreebel. Start the battle."
The two throw their Pokemon onto the battlefield. All four of them are familiar faces to Yoake but there was something odd about Ellix having a Porygon-Z on his team. He thought that specialists are only limited to the type they specialize in but this destroyed his assumption. Ellix flicked his hair after throwing his two Pokemon; seeing Yoake being off-guard after throwing Porygon-z solidifies his assumption.
"Porygon-Z, use Trick Room. Eelektross, use Rain Dance."
"Victreebel, use Vine Whip at Eelektross. King, use Earth power at Porygon-Z."
After hearing its trainer, Porygon-Z immediately created a grid-like room, swallowing all four Pokemon in the battlefield; just like in Sarbina's battle earlier. The Elefish Pokemon then growled as it called the rain. A giant cloud emerged from the sky and it immediately began to rain; turning the battlefield into a rainy mosh as the grass was getting weakened by the rain. The field's atmosphere turned into a blue-like hellscape and Yoake's Pokemon didn't anticipate this.
In turn, they were stunned by the sudden change of the condition of the battlefield. Them letting Ellix set up was a graven mistake for Yoake's part.
"Victreebel? King? Attack." Yoake called out his Pokemon but they were distracted by the heavy rain and the roar of the loud thunder from the battlefield.
"Good. Porygon-z return. Electivire, show us your strength. Eelektross, use Thunderbolt."
"King, Victreebel. Focus. King, use Earthpower and create giant columns for Victreebel. Victreebel, use Vine whip and swing yourself at the columns and use Leaf Blade at Eelektross. "
Ellix returned the virtual Pokemon to its Pokeball for later use and threw in the thunderbolt Pokemon onto the battlefield; its huge body was a menace to the powerful storm but this didn't deter the two Pokemon. Eelektross then created a thunderbolt and threw it at the sky; people were confused by this, all of them know that King is a ground-type and it's immune to electric type moves but little did they know, this will forever change their entire opinion about Rain Dance. As the thunderbolt reaches the sky, it immediately explodes and begins to spread its shocking bolts all across the battlefield, both attacking Victreebel and King. It was a monstrous thunder as if several storms called upon 10,000 lightning in one area.
The two retaliated by King stomping on the ground and created rows of stoned columns; causing a small tremor that wobbled Electivire but it was rendered useless to Eelektross as it was floating through mid-air, being a eel in the sky as it feels every single drop of water from the cloud; Victreebel then used its vines to launch itself and begins zip from on column to the other. Gaining speed and momentum as it reaches the final column until it was destroyed by the leftovers of Eelektross' thunderbolt. Victreebel was about to fall but it used its vine to catch Eelektross and used it like a grappling hook; The flycatcher Pokemon managed to reach the Elefish Pokemon and created a blade-like leaf on its other hand as it was about top swing it an attack but it was parried by Eelektross' arm; Eelektross then created a small explosion with yellow thunder - knocking back Victreebel to the ground.
'Shit. So what Ren was saying is true. Ground-type's immunity to Electric type would be voided if Rain Dance is activated. But.. how?' Yoake thought as he remembered Ren's advice to Yoake a few hours ago. He was baffled by the advice so he just shrugged it off but upon seeing this happen to him; he took caution to this and paid attention,
"Didn't expect that one didn't ya?" Ellix bickered to the shocked trainer. "How about some more then."
"Electivire, use Earthquake. Eelektross, use Thunder."
"King, use protect! Victreebel, use Leaf Blade at Electivire."
Electivire roared very loudly as it made some of the children in the audience cry; it stomped the ground and caused a massive earthquake on the battlefield. King made a small sphere as it protects itself from the ongoing attacks. Victreebel, on the other hand, used its vines to lifts itself up as it avoided the earthquake below; by swinging itself from the remnants of the column earlier and charged at Electivire from the air. Eelektross growls as it releases a powerful thunder from its body, like the Thunderbolt earlier, it spreads like wildfire. It created a monstrous thunder as it spread its spark throughout the air. These sparks tried to penetrate King's protect but it was useless as protect saved the Pokemon.
Electivire looked up and saw Victreebel approaching him from the sky, and Eelektross released another massive thunderbolt as it tried to stop the flycatcher Pokemon from getting near it. The two combine their deadly blast as they point it towards Victreebel. Victreebel created a fan-like blade with its sharp leaves, dispersing the spark and blocking the powerful blast as it continues to head towards the Thunderbolt Pokemon.
The push from the powerful beam was strong but it was getting dispersed through the air by Victreebel spinning the fan-like blade. The dream of the flycatcher Pokemon has been finally achieved. From its origin of being a little bellsprout that gets jealous of the birds in its habitat, it pursued its dream by using its vines to swing itself from one tree to another, up to the moment it becomes a Victreebel. The flycatcher Pokemon nearly teared as it made its dream and wish to be a reality. Both Electivire and Eelektross were exhausted from the continuous push against Victreebel to the point the beam was weakened and the flycatcher Pokemon immediately took advantage of it. It swung its sword to the thunderbolt Pokemon and made it faint; Eelektross retaliated by releasing another blast of thunderbolt but Victreebel dodged it by tumbling to safety.
It created a massive stalk and penetrated it to the ground, the stalk then bursted out from the loamy soil and attacked the Elefish Pokemon. Knocking it back and falling to the ground.
The crowd continued to cheer as they were too speechless to describe what they just saw; two of the best trainers from the two branches battling out in a never-been-seen battle that defied all known logic of Pokemon battles.
"Not bad. Electivire, you're exhausted today, you did a great job. Return." Ellix said as he returned Electivire to its Pokeball and allowed it to rest. He then takes out another Pokeball and throws it to the battlefield.
It was a tall, yellow Pokemon with black stripes, it was an Ampharos.
"Ampharos, Mega Evolve." Ellix said as he showed a Mega stone and Mega evolved Ampharos. The Light Pokemon gained a majestic white hair and became stronger and more powerful.
"Ampharos, use Thunder. Eelektross, Acrobatics at Victreebel."
"Victreebel, use Leaf Blade. King, use Earth Power."
Ampharos created a powerful thunder from its stomach and released it to the atmosphere; spreading its sparks throughout the battlefield, attacking both King and Victreebel. King blocked it by crossing its arms but with the water droplets on its back, he was struck. Victreebel tumbled as it dodged the spreading thunder and created another stalk and dug it to the ground. The stalk then jumped out from the ground and attacked Eelektross, finally fainting the Elefish Pokemon. King then stomped the ground as it created another tremor in the battlefield; Ampharos jumped from the ground as it dodged the tremor and created massive sparks on its fist. It launches itself at Victreebel, punches its face and throws it at one of the boundaries of the arena, fainting the flycatcher Pokemon.
"Victreebel!" Yoake shouted after seeing his Pokemon being flung to the wall. Yoake saw a smile from Victreebel's mouth, realizing that the Pokemon achieved its wish; he smiled as he returned Victreebel to its Pokeball.
"I guess your mission is finally over huh." Yoake said after returning the flycatcher Pokemon back to the comfort of its Pokeball.
"You did well Victreebel; I guess it's time for you to retire after this alongside Fear." He said as he places the Pokeball back to his belt and grabs another one, Claudine's.
"Claudine, it's time for you to shine. Let's go." He said as he threw his ace into the battlefield.
"Eelektross, you did well. Return." Ellix commended his Pokemon after returning to its Pokeball. "Porygon-Z, let's end this."
He throws in his last Pokemon, the twitchy and infected Virtual Pokemon. Yoake noticed that Porygon-z has a white scarf. Realizing that it was a silk scarf, he concluded that this thing has the ability 'Adaptability'. Doubling the power of its STAB and he gulped in fear as he knows that this thing can use Hyper beam.
"Shall we?" Ellix asked Yoake at the distance as he pointed Porygon-Z's Pokeball to the Virtual Pokemon. Yoake nodded as an answer and also pointed King's pokeball at the Drill Pokemon.
Both returned their Pokemon back to its Pokeball, activating their Dynamax band, enlarging the Pokeball and throwing it as they released the Dynamaxed version of their Pokemon. Porygon-Z was enlarged and cried an alienated and nightmarish sound as soon as it revealed itself to the crowd. King roared as it turned into its Dynamax form.
"Cover your eyes kids. Let me show you the true power of Dynamax. Porygon-Z, use Hyper Beam on Claudine." Ellix frantically shouted.
"WHat!?" Yoake was shocked to hear Ellix's words and he immediately panicked. "Claudine, use Protect! King, use Max Quake."
Porygon-z begins to move violently while roaring vigorously with nightmarish cries. The Pokemon creates a beam from its polygon-like body and releases it with immense force towards the Embrace Pokemon. Even if Claudine has a short window of time to react; she manages to create a small sphere-like protect as she desperately tries to block the powerful move. She used everything to power block the beam but to her dismay, it penetrated and destroyed the unbreakable forcefield that many thought so. Claudine fell to the ground, she was strong enough to tank it but it will forever scar her after seeing an indestructible beam of light destroy the thing that was thought to be impenetrable.
King then dug to the ground and headed to Mega Ampharos' location. The Drill Pokemon then resurfaces as it tries to attack the Light Pokemon; Ampharos jumps from the ground and creates another powerful thunder from its hand and throws it at King. Before King could even attack the Light Pokemon, the powerful thunder pushed him back to the ground, canceling his attack as if it was nothing. The grid-like box disappears as the effect of Trick Room is finally over, the cloud is also getting clear as the rain gets weaker and weaker.
Porygon-z begins to take a small rest after releasing an unbearable amount of energy in one single move. This gave a small time frame for Claudine to attack as a form of retaliation.
"Ampharos, use Thunderbolt on King."
"Claudine, use Moonblast on Ampharos. King, use Max Ooze at Porygon-Z."
Yoake was evading the use of Battle Bond since he knew that it would just disrupt his and Claudine's focus; with his current part on the battle, he was already doing great without it.
Claudine forms a small pinkish Orb and throws it at the Light Pokemon. Instead of dodging or destroying, Ampharos was struck by it. King then roared as it called upon the mighty ooze. A massive spill of oil appeared from the ground, it was like a massive geyser bursting from the ground; attacking both Pokemon but Ampharos used these oozes to its advantage. The Light Pokemon created another spark and hurled it towards the ooze, it used the ooze as a conductor to attack King. With the remaining water on King's body, he was struck with an overwhelming force and made him faint. He exploded as he diminished in size and fainted.
"King, return. You did a great job today, rest now and Charizard will finish this." Yoake said upon bringing back King to its Pokeball. He then takes his last Pokemon and throws it in, it was Charizard. As soon as Charizard entered the battle, Yoake immediately used the Mega stone on his arm band and Mega evolved Charizard to its Mega X form. Turning its orange skin and red flames into a darker gray with blueish flares.
"Charizard, use Flare Blitz on Porygon-Z. Claudine, use Moonblast on Ampharos and end this."
"Porygon-Z, retaliate with Hyper Beam once more. Ampharos, use Dragon Pulse on Charizard."
Charizard, in its Mega form, attacked a Dynamaxed Pokemon at a rapid phase and immediately fainted before bringing more damage to Claudine any further. Ampharos created a purple like sphere and threw it Charizard, the flame Pokemon was struck and fell to the ground while Claudine threw a pink blast at Ampharos, fainting the Light Pokemon as a result. With both of Ellix's Pokemon fainted, he returned them back to their Pokeballs and commended them for their efforts.
"You two did well. How about we get some lunch and celebrate for our efforts." He told his Pokemon while returning them to their Pokeballs. Charizard returns to its original form and was brought back to its Pokeball alongside Claudine.
The two trainers headed to the center of the field as the crowd began to chant Yoake's name as their battle was the most entertaining battle; the next one is the highly anticipated one but this just made everyone speechless. As the two approached one another, Ellix took a keen eye on Yoake's scarf and remembered something.
"Your scarf… didn't you tell me that a Unovan girl gave you that one?" Ellix said.
"Yeah." Yoake answered.
"And you made a promise with them, right?" Ellix asked once more as he wanted to be sure about it.
"Yup." Yoake replied.
"I'm guessing you'll also be competing in the Unova League in the future. But since you're too young to qualify, you'll have enough time to train." Ellix stated.
"Well, my only advice for you is that Unova gym leaders are tough; they love to cut-corners and renovate Pokemon battles. What I did is just the surface-level. My sister has more things to pull upon her sleeves." Ellix continued as he gave important advice to the trainer; an advice that would help him down the line.
"Good luck out there Yoake. Kanto is just your tutorial level, other leagues would have more competent and stronger foes since Pokemon training didn't die over there." the blonde stated as he offered his hand as a handshake of sportsmanship.
"Thanks, Ellix." Yoake thanked him as they shook hands.
With the field being cleaned up by the maintenance crew, Yoake headed back to his room as he prepared for his final battle in the Kanto league, the champion's battle. As soon as he opened the door, a familiar voice uttered and this shocked him.
"I told you so." a female voice gloated as they rubbed the fact that she already gave him important advice but he didn't believe it but when it finally happened, his ass got whooped.
"You scared the shit out of me." Yoake gasped as he saw Ren sitting on the couch. He noticed that Ren's attire changed drastically from the past month. From a white and blue combo to a black and white. Her hair length and style remains the same but her outfit was different. She was wearing a black beret, a black knitted vest with white long sleeves, a black skirt with black leggings and white shoes with black laces and sole. She also has the R pin on her left chest as a sign that she is still the commander of Team Rocket.
"Sorry about that. But congrats nonetheless." Ren apologized.
"It's okay. So, what are you doing here instead of being in the VIPs?" Yoake asked Ren as he grabbed a bottle of water.
"I'm just here wanting to give you a congratulations personally. Besides, I have a gift for you." Ren explained as she pointed to a garment bag that was hanging in one of the cabinets of the room.
"I was told that you're no longer required to wear the uniform so I bought you those clothes for you to wear." She continued. "And here, you might like this."
She handed him a small box; Yoake finished drinking his bottle of water and grabbed the box as he was curious about it. He opened the box and saw that it was a watch.
"Thanks Ren…" Yoake was speechless after seeing the gift that Ren gave to him.
"I was just giving you a gift for giving me a second chance but since I don't know your favorite is…" Ren explained.
"It's okay Ren. It's the best gift ever." Yoake thanked his twin sister. Ren blushed after hearing Yoake's compliment.
"Well, you better change. You're getting sweaty." Ren told him.
"Yeah, you're right." Yoake said as he grabbed the garment bag and headed to the changing room.
After changing his clothes to the ones that Ren gave to him, he showed up and revealed his new attire. He was wearing a black knitted jacket with a white polo shirt, black jeans and black sneakers with a white sole, a matching pair to Ren's outfit. He then wore his watch on his left arm, looking at it with a small smile.
"See, twins having matching clothes." Ren stated.
"Not bad to be honest. I might prefer this over my old ones." Yoake stated.
"It's more comfortable huh. Well, I better go now, I have to talk to Leaf in the VIP room." Ren said as she headed to the door.
"Okay. See ya later then."
"See ya and good luck."
A/N: Hello everyone, so I wouldn't be publishing the next chapter on the weekends since I'm gonna be busy so I'll be publishing it on the weekends. BTW, if you're not yet in the discord server. Here's the link and feel free to come by and chat, get notifs for future projects and such.
see ya there.