
Ishakura: A Timeless Legacy

Ishakura is an enthralling graphic novel that delves into the exhilarating adventures of Lizen Ishakura, the last surviving member of his bloodline after the catastrophic 200-Year War. On a mission to become a hero, Lizen is accompanied by his steadfast friends, Azurae and Kara, as they traverse through a magical world filled with wonder and peril. Together, they expand their group and relentlessly pursue their individual goals, exploring themes of legacy, friendship, and self-discovery along the way. Experience an unforgettable journey with Lizen and his friends as they redefine heroism and forge their own paths in this mesmerizing tale.

Daze_Away · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: The Light That Guides!

Meanwhile, elsewhere Jayne is leading her group."Elven Princess–" a student by the name of Jarvis is interrupted.

"Cal me Jayne, No need for such formalities." She lets out a soft smile.

"Uh well, I wanted to know if you know where we're going?"

"Honestly, no. There's no right way to navigate this dungeon, so until we see the ribbon, we'll have to rely on luck," Jayne admitted.

As the group continued their journey through the dungeon the students exchanged thoughts and ideas on how best to proceed.

"So, Jayne, if we don't have a set path, how are we supposed to find the ribbon?" asked another student, Lila, as she carefully studied the walls for any hidden clues.

Jayne paused for a moment, thoughtful. "I believe we should trust our instincts and keep our eyes open for any signs that may lead us to the ribbon. As long as we work together and stay vigilant, we can find our way."

Jarvin chimed in, "I agree with Jayne. We've got a strong team here, and we should make the most of our diverse skills. At the entrance to the dungeon, I noticed there were 2 safe zones one after the other that link the different paths. We'll know we're getting closer once we reach the first one."

The group nodded in agreement, seeing the merit in Jarvin's suggestion. "Then I believe that's what we should aim for," said Lila. "Once we make it there the rest should be fairly easy."

"I suppose that safe zone is key to our survival. Therefore, It is settled. Once we reach the safe zone we will rest up and plot out a plan for the rest of the dungeon." The group continued onward, and before long, they entered a room occupied by another group. They were huddled around a makeshift campfire eating the food prepared for this dungeon escapade. weirdly thought multiple bags seemed too many for their group. This raised suspicions as to where they received the supplies. The members of this group were arguing about their next move. "How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't know how this dungeon works—" one of them complained, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of Jayne and her group.

The guy glanced between his group and Jayne's, then approached her with an unsettling smile. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where the end of this dungeon is, would you?" he asked, placing an arm on Jarvin while maintaining eye contact with Jayne. As her group exchanged uneasy glances, Jayne responded calmly and authoritatively, "We're just as lost as you; we're only passing through."

The guy looked back at his group, who stifled laughter, then turned back to Jayne. "So, my elven goddess, you're a lady of the people, right? Sworn duty to protect and lead." He struggled to contain his own laughter. "Well, you see, my guys here are starving, and your people are looking quite... peachy." He playfully pinches Jarvin's nose, causing him to wince and shake his head.

"I don't think I've properly introduced myself. My name is Lucas. Lucas Eyeheart." He took Jarvin's supplies and tossed them to his group, then pushed Jarvin toward Jayne's group, who caught him and asked if he was alright. Lucas approached Jayne again. "So, sweetheart, care to give us some... help?"

Jayne's thoughts raced as she tried to find a solution that wouldn't endanger her group. She locked eyes with Lucas, feeling the pressure mount. "Return his things," she demanded, extending her arm toward Lucas. Her palm grew cold, and snowflakes began to form. "I won't repeat myself!"

Startled by her defiance, Lucas chuckled and covered his eyes. He raised one arm, which began to grow in size. His laughter echoed through the room, unnerving Jayne and her group. Lucas swung his enlarged arm toward Jayne, who narrowly dodged the blow. The impact shook the ground and rattled the room. "My mother, bless her old heart, was a dwarf with gigantism magic!" he declared, growing another arm and slamming it toward Jayne. She leaped out of the way as the arm connected with the wall behind her.

"And well, my father, that old bastard, had this sweet ability that took a little longer to learn," Lucas continued, his hands beginning to vibrate. The resulting vibrations rattled the very core of those present, making it clear that this confrontation would not end without a fight.

Jayne observes the area thinking between her overlapping thoughts, searching for a plan with no good outcome in sight.

"My princess," the voice catches Jayne's attention, causing her to look sharply in its direction. To her surprise, she sees a short kid with a yellow cape, a bowl cut framing his face, and a shortsword nearly the size of his body in hand. His eyes gleam with determination as he looks up at her. "My name is Finn, and I'm here to serve you in this battle." The vibrations cause Jayne to fall to her knees, forcing her to place a hand on her head. "Ugh, any help will do."

Finn unsheathes his sword and aims it at Lucas. "You beast! Feel my wrath for daring to raise your hands against our radiant princess!" Finn's aura turns yellow, and he zips toward Lucas at the speed of light. He slashes through him and strikes a pose as he sheathes his sword. Lucas looks confused, seemingly unscathed. He chuckles and then laughs as he turns his attention back to Finn. "That tiny sword won't do much–" As he finishes his sentence, his pants fall, and his shirt shreds.

"A bit cliché, but my next strike won't be for laughs," Finn retorts, brandishing his sword and aiming it at Lucas once more. Lucas's face reddens, and he grits his teeth. Raising his hands, he tries to swipe at Finn, but Finn zips onto his hand with lightning speed. Growing increasingly frustrated, Lucas unleashes a rapid barrage of attacks at Finn, attempting to grab him. Yet, Finn remains elusive, zipping and dashing through the air as Lucas slams his arms into the dungeon walls. Finn flashes to Lucas's arm, zips to his shoulder, and delivers a powerful kick to his face. The blow stuns Lucas, but Finn doesn't relent. After a series of slashes and blows, Finn halts his charge a few meters from Lucas, swiping his sword and sheathing it at his hip. He turns his back. "Hmph, there's no way you could defeat me. I am the luminant hero of light, Finn!" Lucas finally catches a glimpse of his opponent and tries to take a step forward, but his body gives out, and he collapses. As his body returns to normal, he can only move his head. "What the hell? My body, why can't I move–"

"With numerous swift strikes, your body is just now realizing the true extent of the damage," Finn proclaims proudly, his small figure standing tall like an aspiring knight, triumphant over his vanquished foe. Lucas' party stumbles and stares violently at Finn who keeps a steady eye on his opponent. One of Lucas' members Steps to fight but, the fear of being another example ceases their advances. "H-hey Lucas," his voice shaky, attempting to sound firm crumbles as it cracks under fear and pressure. "Get up and show that midget whose boss heh… Lucas."

Drawing his shortsword again, Finn points it at Lucas's group. "Though we are opponents, we're also meant to be future heroes. If this is the legacy you choose to create, so be it, but leave my princess out of your schemes!" Lucas's group is taken aback, their determination wavering.

They plant their feet and charge toward Finn, each preparing a spell. Finn's body begins to glow, and his eyes shine like stars. With swift glances around the room, he surveys his opponents, and in an instant, he darts through the room at the speed of light. He weaves between the members of Lucas's group, striking their chests and sending them sprawling into one another and against the walls. Finn's relentless onslaught continues, his small stature allowing him to outmaneuver them nimbly. In the blink of an eye, they lie defeated and astonished by Finn's performance.

Gathering their wits, Lucas's group grabs their fallen leader and retreats through a corridor to another part of the dungeon, leaving their supplies behind. As Jayne's group rummages through the items, one of them remarks, "It seems they've stolen from other groups before ours."

"Yea I feel bad for them, how long has it been a day, two? They must be starving."

"Then we should leave it here, anyone who is hungry might need it more than us." Jayne chimes in placing a hand on another party member. They agree and cheer for the won battle. Some of the party go to Finn and share their gratitude showering him with compliments. His face remains stoic but his cheeks are enveloped in a rosy gloss and light twinkles from his eyes in excitement.

"My Princess I will defend you throughout the rest of this treacherous dungeon." The group marches forward heads held high with a sense of accomplishment.