
Ishakura: A Timeless Legacy

Ishakura is an enthralling graphic novel that delves into the exhilarating adventures of Lizen Ishakura, the last surviving member of his bloodline after the catastrophic 200-Year War. On a mission to become a hero, Lizen is accompanied by his steadfast friends, Azurae and Kara, as they traverse through a magical world filled with wonder and peril. Together, they expand their group and relentlessly pursue their individual goals, exploring themes of legacy, friendship, and self-discovery along the way. Experience an unforgettable journey with Lizen and his friends as they redefine heroism and forge their own paths in this mesmerizing tale.

Daze_Away · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: A Grand Beginning at Zenith Academy

Aisenhower 13 A.W (13 Years After War)

Zipping through the bustling cityscape, an agile figure catches the eye of onlookers as he effortlessly weaves through the crowded streets. At just 14 years of age, this extraordinary individual is none other than Lizen Ishakura, the prodigious heir of the illustrious Ishakura bloodline, resolute in his pursuit to become a true hero.

Clad in the revered Zenith uniform, a symbol of honor and aspiration, Lizen embodies the essence of his heritage. With each stride, he leaves a trail of awe and admiration in his wake. His youthful countenance, alive with determination and a spark of mischief, betrays none of the burdens he carries as the last descendant of his lineage.

"Damn it! I'm so late. Kara's gonna give me an earful for this," Lizen mutters to himself, the urgency in his voice underscoring his commitment to his studies. Undeterred by the pressing time, he becomes a blur, darting from one towering edifice to another, traversing rooftops with breathtaking speed and agility. The city is his playground, and he navigates it like a dancer, seamlessly blending into the urban symphony.

As he races against the clock, Lizen's heart brims with ambition and optimism. Despite the looming challenges that await him at Zenith Academy, he wears a playful smile, his spirits buoyed by the prospect of honing his skills and proving himself worthy of the title "hero." His boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm fill the air, painting a vivid portrait of a young soul destined for greatness.

"I'll be at Zenith with hours to spare, hehe," Lizen proclaims, the anticipation evident in his voice. With each step, he brings himself closer to the hallowed grounds where heroes are forged.

"That sure is one way to start the day" Lizen lets out an exaggerated sigh springing upwards as if never touched at all. He zips* out of the dumpster and begins dusting his clothes, comedically taking a banana off of his shoulder and tossing it to the side.

As he reaches for his pocket, Lizen pulls out a small, hexagonal object that shimmers with a blue light. It's a mana crystal, a device that serves as a communication tool between friends, students, and even coworkers; many heroes have been seen adapting to use such technology. With a flick of his wrist, Lizen activates it, and a holographic screen materializes in front of him.

"Hey, what do ya say? Looks like I'm gonna be on time after all hehe." Lizen lets out a cheeky grin and rubs his nose; he then gets ready to set off again but is interrupted by a noise.

Just then he gets a ping down his spine shivering him to his core, he freezes now standing idle in the alleyway. He peers over his shoulder looking for something, anything really. His stomach twists and turns as he feels more and more uneasy only to hear his stomach growl.

"Woah I'm hungrier than I thought haha. I think it's about time I stop messing." He laughs to himself before zipping away.

Tak… tak… tak… Just as he disappears from view, a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness, wielding a menacing whip.

As the mysterious woman walks from the shadows she pulls out a mana crystal. A holographic screen emerges from it and she begins filtering through contacts.

"Hey sugar, I've just arrived in the capital." The woman speaks with an accent.

The mysterious man on the other side of the call begins to speak, "Report to me tonight, you and Shadow will receive your IDs for this mission. Remember you get paid after the job, so you better make sure as to not fail me."

"Oh, sugar we never screw up a mission." The call ends and the lady begins to smirk and slinks back into the darkness as though she was never there.

The air was filled with the sounds of excited chatter and anticipation, as people made their way to Zenith Academy, the grandest school in all the land. It was said to be a school for all nations, a place where students from every corner of the world could come together and learn as one.

The sound of trumpets, drums, and basses echoes through the grand hall, announcing the arrival of the students. The notes are powerful and triumphant, evoking a carnal sense of adventure

As the students arrived, they were greeted by the sight of the towering school gates, gleaming in the morning light. The gates were flanked by marble pillars, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and heroic figures. The gates opened with a resounding creak, revealing the sprawling campus beyond.

Ooh's and ahhs began to spur among the children as they are greeted by the main courtyard. With luscious grass and beautifully trimmed hedges that appear as mythological beasts, ranging from a dragon to Hydra an array of many different flowers accompanied by multiple cherry blossom trees, the area was seemingly sucked straight from a fairytale.

At the center of it all made up entirely of marble, with freckles of golden rhinestones enchanted with a permanent lumination spell, was standing at an undeniable 20 feet tall… The fountain of youth.

"Woah is that the real Fountain of Youth, I've only heard about it in stories." A student rushes to the fountain, drinking from it only met with the taste of copper and iron.

"No u nitwit, obviously this wasn't the actual fountain of youth."

A second-year student interjects, " That had been filtered out and hidden deep within the kingdom of Aisenhower. But no, this was a symbol made to represent the forever-lasting life and prosperity of these three future kingdoms." The second-year winks at the freshman and continues sweeping the courtyard.

A brown-skinned man with a large ginger beard walks towards an open balcony raising a hand to cease the bickering and conversations between the students. The silence that follows is not due to fear, but to respect and anticipation.

"Greetings, newcomers, of Zenith, Today will mark the 8th year of our school as we come together and teach the future. " he begins. "Zenith is a school that took 3 years to build. Its construction was made possible by the combined efforts of the dwarves, without whom the process would have taken ages to finish. This school was built to lay down the foundations for your future. We do so by pushing each one of you forward to achieve new heights. We named this school Zenith because, at the peak of the day, it is when our star shines brighter than any opposing foe!" A crystal that very closely resembles a star sits atop Zenith. At noon the sun will reflect onto the crystal resulting in a bright beam shining upwards working like a beacon.

"The star of Zenith represents each one of you. As the hope of the future, we will assist you in developing your skill further than ever before. As the King of Aisenhower, I can swear by it." As he ends his speech, the school erupts in cheers, and his two children Kara and Kata stand with pride, smirking at their father's words.

The king departs from the balcony, leaving the headmaster, Vaun, to address the crowd gathered at the school's entrance. Vaun introduces himself as the one responsible for overseeing the policies at Zenith and opens the floor for questions. His tone is stern and straightforward, leaving no room for frivolous chatter. Dressed in a sharp suit and sporting a regal mustache, he exudes an air of authority and demands respect.

"Given my many responsibilities, I am unable to oversee your education personally. Therefore, I entrust you to the capable hands of our student council Vice president, Zamir Alford. He hails from the esteemed Noble Alford family and played a significant role in the funding of this school."

with his hands folded behind his back Zamir steps forward from the entrance of the school and approaches the freshmen class.

"It is a pleasure to be your guide, you are in good hands I assure you." In a deep bow, he places a soft hand on his chest only looking up to address another student

"Ms. Viole?"

Viole Galdan a young woman with green hair that falls in soft waves just past her shoulders steps forward. She has large circular-framed glasses that accentuate her warm, intelligent eyes. She is dressed in the standard Zenith scholastic uniform, which includes a white button-up shirt, a blue suit jacket with the Zenith star logo on the upper left chest area, with knee-high socks. She clenches her student ID and begins to look toward the students.

"May you assist me in today's guide?" extending a hand to Viole he smiles slightly tilting his head.

Stopping in her tracks she turns pale. For a few seconds, she stands as if frozen solid. Widening her eyes she begins shivering as she steps back. Suddenly her hair frizzes up as she begins sweating profusely.

"B-b-b-b-but w-why me?! I-I-I mean surely y-y-y-your f-far more capable t-to lead than me! Y-you, don't n-need my help." As Zamir observes Ms. Viole's nervousness, he can't help but find her endearing. He notices the way her eyes dart around, the slight tremble in her voice, and the way she tucks a strand of green hair behind her ear when she's feeling particularly anxious.

As Viole's outburst continues, the crowd of students is left dumbfounded and disappointed. Suddenly, a small girl with straight, slick black hair walks out from behind Viole and places a hand on her shoulder. She too is wearing a badge displaying her school ID.

"Viole," the girl begins, "you really must get over your fear of public speaking if you wish to be a hero. After all, you're a part of the student council, there's no reason to be worried." The girl then turns her attention to the freshmen class and begins to address them.

"I am Nora Loch, The President of this school's student council, as you can see from the badges around our necks. I assume you've already heard from my colleagues Viole and Zamir. As student body Secretary of and student body Vice president, they are both very dependable. Please don't hesitate to contact them on any pressing matters. Since we are on a busy schedule I would appreciate it if we started the tour." Turning her back to the others in a swift motion she carries on into the school.

The main hall of the Zenith is a grand, spacious room with high ceilings and walls made of polished marble. The marble floors are spotless and gleaming, reflecting the bright lights that hang from the ceiling. At the center of the room, there is a large circular podium made of dark wood with the Zenith school emblem etched in gold on the front. Behind the podium, there is a massive screen displaying the Zenith logo.

The walls are adorned with various trophies, medals, and plaques, commemorating the achievements of Zenith's students and faculty members. The room is filled with comfortable seating, including plush armchairs and sofas, arranged in a semi-circular formation facing the podium. The atmosphere is both welcoming and awe-inspiring, emphasizing the prestige and excellence of Zenith Academy.

"To our left, you will notice Mrs. Sheld ready to take your school ID photos. After taking your pictures and logging your ID number meet us in the Cafeteria where your class schedules will be distributed." Nora quickly paces out of the main hall down a corridor taking a left, following shortly behind her are Viole and Zamir.

Before anyone can formulate a line Kara rushes to intercept them. "HEY! Before this continues I wanna make myself very clear. I'm gonna be Queen Aight? To prove myself I'm willing to beat the living, blazing hell outta all of you; that is unless you already see me as superior." With a sly smirk, she points to the sky posing for what seemed like forever.

"Hey, bitch. Why don't you be a good little girl and move the hell out of our way."