
Isekaied into Marvel as the Shadow monarch

A man suddenly appears in a different place from where he was, suddenly being surrounded by people he recognized from Comics he has read I don't own any of the art that may appear in this story

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as soon as the purple lightning appeared it was gone, and in its place a red and black dagger appeared, A robot quickly rushed him causing him to dunk under its fist leading him to stab it in the head killing it instantly as a group of them rushed him next he flawlessly pivoted in between them taking his dagger to all of their heads decapitating them

'It feels so surreal, On one hand, I have all these memories of being able to do this kind of thing, but on the other hand, I always wished for these kinds of powers, to be able to move quicker than others could think.....I LOVE IT," Jin thought as suddenly he disappeared from everyone's vision

"What?" Jubilee

"I think that's enough for today," Jin said as he stood next to her Suddenly remaining of the remaining robots had gotten chopped into pieces

"..." Once again Spiderman was silent, along with the others, Seeing how quickly he dispatched the group of robots, they were stunned, Sure, they could do it if they pushed themselves, but the fact that he did it so quickly baffled them

"Heh, no point in thinking about it, you are after all an Omega level," Storm said causing Colossus to nod

"Impressive my friend, Oh, if you don't mind me asking, where did you learn how to fight?" Colossus

"Hmm? Oh, my father taught me a little MMA, that's about it," Jin

"A little MMA? Hahaha, ok, so, where did you learn to wield a dagger?" Colossus

"Uhh, I just listened to my body and it did the work, I've never even held something like this," Jin said as he looked at the Dagger

"Really? Alright, still impressive all the same, so, how did it feel?" Colossus

"Everything felt so slow, and it felt as if I was slicing through the air," Jin

"That's a scary thought, anyway, You will need to come with me since you'll be staying here for now, we will need to get you some clothes," Colossus said as he ushered Jin forward, to which Jin didn't hesitate to go with him, leaving the Danger room and all its inhabitants there


about an hour later, Jin was back in his room with Colossus, Jin set some bags on his bed, the bags had the outfits that Colossus mentioned

"Hmm, you know I never thought there would be a mutant whose power is to make clothes," Jin said as he looked at the outfits, there were about eight there, four training suits and four school uniforms

"It is quite handy when we get new students, I must admit, but, I must be on my way, here is my number, incase you need me or need any information about the campus, don't hesitate to give me a call," Colossus said as he began to leave but stopped as Jin spoke

"Hey, wait up, so, how long do I have to stay here?" Jin asked causing Colossus to stop and turn toward him

"You can leave whenever you want, we just bring new mutants here so that those who would use your powers for evil cant get their hands on you without you at least seeing that there is a safe place for you, you can leave right now if you wanted, I would just recommend staying for a few days at least, so you can get a better grasp on your powers in a place where you won't be hunted for it," Colossus said causing JIn to think

"I wouldn't mind staying for a bit, I want to see just what I can do," Jin said with a smirk

"Also, when it comes to these uniforms, do I have to wear them?" Jin

"No, we just give them to everyone since clothes tend to get destroyed often around here," Colossus

"Hahaha, I can imagine, Well I'll see you around tomorrow then," Jin said with a wave

"Good night," Colossus said as he left the room leaving Jin alone with his thoughts for the first time since he came here, grabbing the clothes off of his bed he walked over to the dresser that was against the wall and put them in there, after that he sat on the edge of his bed and though

'.......today was crazy, I don't even know what to do, or how to process this, everything happened so fast, waking up, meeting the X-men, coming here, the professor tried to read my mind, which it's pretty cool that that didn't work, then the shit in the danger room, meeting spiderman, fighting,' jin thought for a second more

'God, the fighting felt so good, it was like I was able to just move freely, whatever I thought, I was able to do, wait, thinking about it, where are my soldiers?' Jin thought as he suddenly remembered his soldiers

'Maybe I just have to get new ones, hmm, I mean, at least I got to keep my daggers,' He thought for one last time as he summoned a pair of red and black daggers

"Kamish's Wrath, hehe, kinda a chuuni name huh? I mean I get it though, it did come from Kamish the dragon, and he was one of the worse things the hunters had to fight before all the main story shit happened," Jin said as he looked at the blades, he admired the blades for a while before he decided that it was probably best to go to sleep, as tomorrow he planned on actually exploring the campus his self and just taking in everything


waking up in the morning, Jin quickly got up and changed into one of the uniforms he was given, and he set out to explore the campus, walking around the halls he took in any information he could, even if he didn't want to, people talked as he walked pass them and it was as if all of their conversations were engraved in his mind, thinking it was a little weird to listen to people talk, he decided to walk around the edge of the campus