
Isekai Starter Introductions

Short Stories Of Isekai Characters

Stygian_Styx · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The Arcane Sovereign

In the tapestry of the cosmos, threads of countless lives intertwine, spinning tales of heroism, treachery, and redemption. So it was with the soul of Aric Veldt, a man whose life had been as ordinary as any other in the modern world. That is until fate, with its inscrutable design, chose him for a grander destiny.

Aric's awareness flickered like a candle in the wind, teetering on the edge of oblivion. He remembered the screeching tires, the shattering glass, and then... darkness. But instead of the expected nothingness, there was a voice—an ethereal whisper that beckoned him to rise again.

"You shall be reborn, not as you were but as you could be," the voice resonated, a symphony of power and mystery echoing through the void.

The sensation of falling grasped Aric, and the darkness shattered, revealing a sky of endless blue. He plummeted towards an ancient land, where emerald forests sprawled beneath him, and towering mountains pierced the clouds. As the wind roared in his ears, Aric's mind raced with a barrage of questions, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and exhilaration.

With a thunderous impact, Aric's body crashed into a verdant glade, nestled within the untamed wilderness of a world far removed from any he knew. Yet, there was no pain, no broken bones—instead, a surge of vitality unlike anything he had ever experienced filled him. He rose to his feet, gazing upon his hands, now that of a youth and felt the boundless energy coursing through his veins.

As he surveyed his surroundings, the vibrant flora and fauna of the glade stood in stark contrast to the concrete and steel of his past life. The air was alive with the symphony of nature, and the scent of blooming flowers mingled with the musk of the damp earth. It was as if he had been transported into the very pages of a fantasy novel.

Aric's reverie was abruptly shattered by a rustling in the bushes. From the undergrowth emerged a creature that was both fearsome and majestic—a wolf, its fur a shade of midnight and eyes glowing like embers. Yet, there was intelligence in its gaze, a knowing that belied its bestial form.

The wolf approached cautiously, sniffing the air around Aric. It was then that he noticed a strange sensation at his fingertips, a flickering of energy that danced at his command. In a world where magic was not just a fantasy but a tangible force, Aric felt the stirrings of power within him—a power that resonated with the very essence of the wolf before him.

"Who are you?" Aric found himself asking, not expecting a reply.

To his astonishment, the wolf responded, its voice a growl layered with the cadence of speech. "I am Lycerin, guardian of the Eldergrove. And you, stranger, bear the mark of the Arcane Sovereign. But how can this be?"

Aric's mind reeled at the revelation. The Arcane Sovereign—a title that spoke of dominion over the arcane, a ruler of the mystical arts. Was this his destiny in this new world? And what of this Eldergrove that the wolf spoke of?

Before he could voice his thoughts, a tremor shook the earth, and a roar shattered the tranquility of the glade. From the edge of the clearing, a monstrous figure loomed—a creature of scales and spikes, a dragon whose very presence exuded malice.

Lycerin bared his teeth, positioning himself between Aric and the approaching threat. "The dragon seeks the power you carry, young sovereign. Ready yourself, for your first trial begins."

Aric's heart raced, his newfound magic itching at his command. The dragon advanced, and he knew there was no turning back. As the beast unleashed a torrent of flame, Aric raised his hands, and the energy within him erupted in a blaze of azure light.

The clash of fire and arcane force sent shockwaves through the glade, and the battle for Aric's fate had begun.

The azure light emanating from Aric's palms formed a protective barrier, shielding him from the dragon's fiery onslaught. The flames licked at the edges of his makeshift shield, scorching the air with unbearable heat. Sweat beaded on Aric's brow, his concentration unwavering as he held back the inferno.

Lycerin, with a howl that resonated with ancient power, leaped into the fray. His fangs bared, he seemed to grow in size, his form blurring into that of a warrior clad in fur and armor. With a grace that defied his muscular build, the wolf-man danced around the dragon's attacks, seeking an opening.

Aric, still struggling to comprehend the sudden awakening of his magic, felt a connection to the land around him. The Eldergrove itself seemed to answer his call, vines and roots rising to aid in the battle against the dragon. It was as if the very earth recognized him as an ally, a sovereign meant to protect its sanctity.

The dragon, enraged by the resistance, reared back, its scales shimmering with dark energy as it prepared to unleash another torrent of flame. Aric knew that his barrier would not withstand another assault. Desperation fueled his thoughts, and in that moment of near defeat, his mind reached out—beyond the glade, beyond the Eldergrove, to the ancient arcane that slumbered within the world itself.

A pulse of power responded, a whisper of the arcane that had chosen him as its vessel. Aric's eyes glowed with a newfound determination, and his voice echoed with authority as he spoke a single word of command.


The world seemed to hold its breath. The dragon's flames dissipated into a wisp of smoke, and the beast itself froze, its eyes wide with shock. The arcane energies that Aric had unwittingly tapped into bound the creature, rendering it immobile.

Lycerin, now in his humanoid form, approached the dragon cautiously. "The Sovereign's command," he muttered with a mixture of awe and respect. "But such power... it is both a gift and a curse."

Aric lowered his hands, the light fading as he released the spell. He felt a weariness settle over him, the exertion of the battle and the manipulation of magic taking its toll. His legs trembled, and he collapsed to his knees, the reality of his situation finally catching up to him.

"You have done well, Arcane Sovereign," Lycerin said, offering a hand to help Aric stand. "But we must leave this place. The dragon's roars will have alerted others to your presence. There are many who would seek to control or destroy one with your abilities."

Aric nodded, his mind still a whirlwind of thoughts and fears. "Where will we go?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"To the city of Eldoria," Lycerin replied, his gaze turning to the horizon. "There, you will find allies and perhaps some answers. But the journey will not be easy. The path is fraught with dangers, and you must learn to master the power you now wield."

As they set off from the glade, Aric's gaze lingered on the subdued dragon, a pang of sympathy for the creature that had been compelled to attack him. He realized then that this new world was complex, filled with beings and powers that he had yet to understand.

With each step, Aric felt his strength returning, the magic within him a constant, pulsing presence. He knew that he had much to learn, and the weight of his destiny pressed upon him. But there was also a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging that he had never felt in his previous life.

As the sun began to dip below the mountains, casting long shadows across the land, Aric and Lycerin made their way towards Eldoria, unaware of the eyes that watched them from the shadows—eyes filled with intrigue and malice.

The journey to Eldoria was fraught with the perils of the untamed wilderness. The land of Aetheria was beautiful yet unforgiving, a testament to the delicate balance between serenity and savagery. As Aric and Lycerin traversed the dense forests and navigated the steep ravines, Aric's knowledge of this world expanded with each passing mile.

"Why did the dragon attack me? And what is this mark of the Arcane Sovereign?" Aric questioned, his curiosity burning as fiercely as the arcane energy within him.

Lycerin glanced at him with eyes that held centuries of wisdom. "The dragons of Aetheria are drawn to power. Your arrival, marked by the arcane, disrupted the equilibrium of this realm. As for the mark, it is a sigil of great authority, bestowed upon those with the potential to harness the ancient magics. It is a symbol revered and feared in equal measure."

Aric pondered Lycerin's words, the weight of his newfound responsibility growing heavier with each step. He marveled at the vast array of creatures they encountered, from the mischievous sprites that fluttered around the canopies to the stoic ents that guarded the ancient pathways. Each being seemed to sense something unique about Aric, a mixture of curiosity and deference in their behavior towards him.

As night fell, the pair settled at the edge of a clearing, the canopy above speckled with the light of distant stars. Lycerin took watch while Aric, exhausted from the day's exertions, drifted into a fitful sleep.

His dreams were vivid, a chaotic maelstrom of past memories and visions of Aetheria. In his slumber, Aric conversed with spectral figures, ancient sovereigns of the arcane who had come before him. They spoke of trials and tribulations, of the great responsibility that came with wielding such power, and of the many who had faltered under its weight.

Aric awoke with a start, the chill of dawn creeping over the land. Lycerin stood ready, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "We must move swiftly," he urged. "The city is still some distance away, and we cannot afford to tarry."

Their pace quickened as they resumed their journey, the city of Eldoria their beacon of hope in a world shrouded in mystery. As they approached the outskirts of the city, the sight that greeted them was one of grandeur and splendor. Eldoria was a marvel of architecture and magic, its spires reaching towards the heavens, and its walls shimmering with protective enchantments.

Yet, even as they marveled at the city's beauty, a sense of unease settled over the pair. The streets were eerily quiet, and the usual bustle of city life was absent. The guards at the gate eyed them with suspicion, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords.

"What has transpired here?" Lycerin whispered, his instincts on high alert.

Aric could feel the tension in the air, a foreboding that hinted at recent turmoil. As they ventured further into the city, the reason for the unsettling atmosphere became clear. The city of Eldoria was in mourning, its citizens cloaked in somber attire, and banners of remembrance draped along the thoroughfares.

A procession moved through the city center, a funeral march for a figure of great importance. Aric's gaze fell upon a portrait carried at the head of the procession, and his breath caught in his throat. The face in the portrait was his own, or rather, that of the person he had been in this world before his rebirth.

As whispers and stares began to converge upon him, Aric realized that his journey was intricately tied to the history of this city and the legacy of the sovereign who had come before him.

The revelation sent a ripple of shock through the crowd. Whispers turned to gasps, and gasps to exclamations as the people of Eldoria beheld Aric, the spitting image of their fallen leader. Confusion and awe painted their faces, and a murmur of disbelief spread like wildfire.

Lycerin, sensing the rising commotion, guided Aric away from the procession, seeking refuge in a secluded alley. "This complicates matters," he muttered, his brow furrowed with concern. "You bear the likeness of Eldoria's last sovereign, a man both revered and mourned. His passing has left a void, and the city is vulnerable."

Aric tried to process the flood of information, to make sense of this bizarre twist of fate. "But how is this possible?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The arcane works in ways beyond our understanding," Lycerin replied. "Perhaps your soul resonated with his, drawn to the unfinished legacy he left behind. Or mayhap the arcane sought to restore balance through you. We must tread carefully; forces within the city may see you as a threat... or a puppet to be manipulated."

Determination set in Aric's eyes. "Then I must learn of this man, the life he led, and the cause for which he died. If my fate is to be entwined with his, I will not shy away from it."

Their conversation was cut short as a figure emerged from the shadows, a woman garbed in the robes of an arcane scholar. Her eyes, sharp and discerning, appraised Aric with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity.

"You are the spitting image of our late sovereign," she said, her voice laced with an edge. "But looks alone do not make a ruler. If you seek to understand the legacy you've inherited, seek me out at the Arcanum. My name is Elara, and I will help you unravel the truth of your destiny."

With those cryptic words, she vanished as quickly as she had appeared, leaving Aric and Lycerin to ponder her intentions. The Arcanum, a repository of knowledge and the heart of arcane study in Eldoria, was likely to hold the answers Aric sought.

With renewed purpose, they emerged from the alley and made their way through the winding streets of Eldoria, each step taking Aric closer to the truths of his past life and the future that awaited him.

As they approached the towering structure of the Arcanum, its doors flanked by statues of ancient mages, Aric felt the mark of the Arcane Sovereign pulse with energy. Whatever secrets lay within those walls, they were inextricably linked to the power he wielded and the destiny that called to him.

The doors to the Arcanum swung open, and the pair stepped into the hallowed halls, where the whispers of the past and the echoes of magic filled the air. It was here, among the tomes of knowledge and the artifacts of power, that Aric's journey would take its next fateful turn.