
Isekai Starter Introductions

Short Stories Of Isekai Characters

Stygian_Styx · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


A sharp gasp escaped my lips as the world around me snapped into focus. I was no longer confined to the dreary office space that had been my reality; instead, I found myself enveloped by a realm of fantastical wonder. I stood upon a lush meadow, the air rich with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant echo of a babbling brook.

But wait, stood? No, that wasn't quite right. I looked down at myself, only to discover that I was now standing on four decidedly small, fluffy paws. My fur was as white as the untouched snow, and I could feel my new, pointed ears twitching atop my head. This was no ordinary rebirth; I had been Isekai'd into the body of a mystical fox.

My name, or at least the one I'd give myself for now, was Fluffernutter. It seemed fitting, given my current, rather cuddly, form. As for my abilities, they remained a mystery, though I could sense the latent power within me, a remnant of the overpowered entity I once was.

A shimmering status screen materialized before my eyes, a clear indication of the new rules that governed my existence:


Name: Fluffernutter

Species: Mystical Fox

Level: 1

Health: 10/10

Mana: 5/5

Strength: 2

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 3

Skills: [???]


I pawed curiously at the screen, my heart racing with excitement. The skills section was nothing but a series of question marks, an enigma that promised untold potential. I could feel the dormant power within me, a flickering flame waiting to be stoked into a roaring inferno.

The world around me beckoned, ripe with the promise of adventure. To the north, the sound of water promised a path through a mysterious forest. To the south, the thin trail of smoke suggested the proximity of a village, possibly filled with allies or adversaries. To the east, a mountain reached toward the heavens, a challenge to any who dared its treacherous paths. And to the west, the open plains whispered of freedom and the unknown.

Yet, as I took my first tentative steps, a sudden rustle in the underbrush stilled me. Emerging from the shadows was a creature with a malicious glint in its eyes—a goblin, clutching a jagged dagger and baring a mouthful of jagged teeth.


My heart pounded in my chest as I faced the goblin, its malicious intent clear as day. I knew running was an option, but something deep within me stirred—a remnant of the power I once wielded in my past life. I wasn't about to show my back to this creature. No, I was going to stand my ground.

Taking a deep breath, I focused on the status screen, willing the unknown skills section to reveal itself to me. There was a flicker, and then, like the unraveling of a scroll, the list of skills appeared before my eyes:



- Ember Burst: Unleash a small fireball at a target. (Cost: 2 Mana)

- Phantom Dash: A short burst of incredible speed. (Cost: 1 Mana)

- Mystic Veil: Briefly become invisible to the naked eye. (Cost: 3 Mana)


The skills resonated with me, their names alone igniting a sense of familiarity. I had three options, and each seemed to offer a chance at overcoming my foe. I had to choose quickly, as the goblin was inching closer, its dagger reflecting a sliver of sunlight.

With only 5 Mana to my name, I decided on Ember Burst. It was the most aggressive option, and if my past life had taught me anything, it was that a strong offense could be a potent defense.

I narrowed my eyes, focusing on the goblin, and summoned the magic within me. My body warmed, and a small orb of fire formed at the tip of my snout. With a flick of my head, I launched the Ember Burst at the goblin. The fireball streaked across the space between us, a comet of searing heat against the cool air of this strange world.

The goblin's eyes widened in shock as the ember collided with its chest, knocking it backward with a yelp of surprise and pain. It hit the ground, rolling to extinguish the flames that licked at its ragged clothes.

I didn't wait to see if it would rise again. Using the confusion to my advantage, I turned and bolted toward the forest. Behind me, I could hear the goblin's angry shrieks fade into the distance. I had won this encounter, but I knew it was only the beginning.

As I dashed through the underbrush, my heart still racing from the encounter, I realized that this world was full of dangers—and opportunities. I needed to grow stronger, learn more about my abilities, and understand the rules that governed this land.

But for now, I was alive, and I had proven to myself that I was not defenseless. My journey as Fluffernutter, the mystical fox of this Isekai realm, had truly begun.