
Chapter 7: Revelation

"What do you mean the Future!?" Aunt Ellie was in a state of confusion and this was my first time seeing her.

"What about Yuna?!" 

I leaned against a ladder that led to the surface of Bevelle with a contemplative look.

"Well, if things work out the way they should, She should be back in Besaid Island."

Ellie looked a little relieved but also had a questioning look to her.

"How do you know all this?"

I let the silence take over a little while considering exactly how much I should tell her.

"Auntie Ellie, I just used Time Magic. One of the earliest things I learned was knowledge of the future to a certain extent. Also, you need to know that there are many limitations and rules in place on time magic that I have still yet to fully flesh out."

"Can we at least go back to our time?"

I shook my head no.

"Going back in time is one of those limitations. At most, I can reverse time for certain state of things but I cannot send anything back in time, only forward." I said with a grimace.

This was essentially true.

As powerful as time magic was, going back in time had devastating consequences and was essentially considered taboo.

The system made sure to ingrain that into me automatically while I was researching for a way to time jump backwards instead of forwards.

Ellie looked very worried about this news.

"So what now? You asked Braska to become a summoner. Should we join and meet up with him?"

I shook my head.

"We will do that soon but first we need to understand the state of the current situation before anything."

I said casually as I turned toward the ladder that headed to the surface.

As I reached the top, people all started to turn to look at us.

Of course it must be a very peculiar site seeing a child and a woman climbing out of a sewer but hey, what can you do in the current circumstance.

As we reached the surface I took a look around. 

Everything looked exactly the same.

So far nothing seemed to have changed except one thing.

I noticed several banners hanging from the Cathedral.

Typically the banners would showcase a picture of the current Maester of Yevon, but it seemed that the number of Maesters had increased from a single Maester to 2. 

"Looks like we now have 2 Maesters and the new one looks to be a Guado."

Ellie looked at the banners in surprise as well.

The new Maestor also affected the population Demographic of Bevelle as well.

There was usually only the Ronso Tribe (a sort of Cat like humanoid Race) and Humans but now there was a larger gathering of Guado as well.

The Guado are wooden and elvish in appearance with long limbs, oversized hands with claw like nails, prominent veins on their faces, and hair resembling flora. (Description attained from FFX Wiki)

I went ahead and sat on a bench after purchasing a Newspaper to see if I could find out anything more and get my bearings straight.

"4 Years....We jumped 4 years." I said just loud enough for Ellie to hear.

Ellie gasped with shock surprise.

"I really hope Yuna is okay." she said while covering her mouth with worry.

I looked at Ellie and gave her a comforting smile.

"Yuna couldn't be in better hands. If my premonition is correct, she should be in Besaid with Chappu, Lulu, and Wakka right about now."

I wanted to make sure that Ellie felt reassured and shift her attention to something else in the paper.

"There was one thing in particular I wanted to make sure of." Turning back facing the paper with a grin.

"What's that?"

"The Calm hasn't arrived yet which is great for us." 

Ellie looked confused until a realization hit her and quickly turned to face me.

"You said you had a way to see certain events in the future right?! Does that mean the one to bring about the next calm was supposed to be my husband?!" 

Ellie looked really frantic by now.

"Will he be alright?!"

"Mah mah, It'll be fine" Waving her worries away.

"If I timed this right, I believe he should be on his way to the Calm Land to fight sin within the next couple of days."

Luckily unlike Braska who has to trek down a treacherous mountain to reach the Calm Lands, we just need to take a leisurely stroll through a forest. 

I stood up from the Bench I was sitting on and started heading out towards Macalania woods.


Macalania woods was a a Crystalline Forest and really a beautiful site to see. 

All the tree's were crystal in nature and although the forest in question was somehow blocked out the sunlight from outside, it didn't block out a particular light source that emitted from the center of the forest which stood at the top of the single most Tallest Crystal tree.

"This is my first time seeing something like this in person but the site is breathtaking to say the least." I said with almost awe.

I took a look to see my aunt and view her reaction.

Despite the amazing site that was being shown to her, she still look lost with worry.

In some ways, I can understand her feelings.

She is obviously worried about Braska.

"Auntie, don't worry so much. Your going to age quicker and get wrinkles" I teased.

This was probably the wrong thing to say because her worry turned into a grimace.

"How can you joke at a time like this!?" She yelled.

I smiled playfully at her.

"What do you expect? I know the future. Did you think I jumped here by accident?"

Ellie's expression softened a little waiting for me to continue.

"We are going to meet up with your husband to help him survive. That was one of my goals the moment I learned of his death. Saving you and Auntie Lisa was also one of my goals for that matter."

Ellie looked shocked at this revelation.

The new revelation didn't need to be spoken aloud for us to know my meaning. 

*You and Aunt Lisa were supposed to die.*

Our silence as we walked through the forest only helped me in appreciating the beauty of the forest around us as a gentle breeze gave the forest a beautiful music like bells I had only heard before in the games. 

After a long bout of silence, Aunt Ellie finally spoke up.

"Isn't this trip going a little too smoothly? I heard there were supposed to be ferocious monsters in this forest."

"Oh that?" I pulled out what looked like a strange Machina out of my pocket.

It was shaped like an oversized capsule the size my palm and showed it to her.

"This is a Machina I invented a while back."

Ellie leaned in to take a closer look as I explained.

"You know how Sin always comes back for its spawn? Well, I researched a bit on how Sin knew where all its spawn were in the first place. While researching, I learned that every monster and Sin spawn released a sort of high pitch frequency. All I did was invert the frequency and made it constantly emit this sound."

Ellie looked curious at my invention.

"And that keeps monsters away from us?"

"Yep" as I put it back in my pocket.

We kept talking a little more comfortably as we reached the exit of the forest and the entrance to the Calm Lands.