
Isabella's Alpha

He asked me "you don't feel the same just as me! when i am near you or touch you? you don't want me to touch you more".......when i hesitantly said "no" he hold my waist tightly and pull me more close to him so that our body touches each other, and then he grabs my back of the neck with another hand and crashes his lips to mine...... Caleb having the strongest pack in USA but he is still in search of his mate when he finally meets her in the college he noticed that his mate is a human named Isabella, she is cute, beautiful, tiny with a curvy figure and having a attractive piercing green eyes........ But, Isabella is leading a simple life still there is something in her life which she doesn't know, her parents are hiding something from her..... TO KNOW FURTHER WHAT WILL HAPPEN WITH CALEB AND ISABELLA'S RELATIONSHIP READ MY STORY........ .[ISABELLA'S ALPHA].

Jenifer_nag · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

6. My Luna

Caleb's POV-

After i reached the college with my pack friends i headed towards my 1st year section to find my first class with Parker, but suddenly i could feel a strange feeling creeping inside me, a very close feeling of my Luna, as a fresh, sweet, soft, warm and beautiful scent hits me it is intoxicating and i think Parker could also feel it, so he wished me 'good luck' and with this he leaved with another friends of my pack saying - 'i will meet u after the class' so, 

i started to look after everywhere to find out- from where the scent is coming, after a few minutes later a tiny girl just suddenly bumped my chest and fall on the floor,  at that time i immediately felt that the scent is coming from her and she is my mate my Luna a human,but i could hear some guys making fun of her, out of frustration and anger i let out a demanding groan 'leave us alone' and within a few seconds they understood me and leave us alone, i immediately offered my hand to her, her hand was very soft and small as well as delicate a very strong sensation flows inside me when her skin touches mine, it makes me feel to touch her more, 

but still i controlled myself and hold her hand and drag her a little close towards me, so, that i could see her and i could feel her intoxicating scent, when i saw her, she got nervous,  and i can also notice her cheeks were some red, maybe she is feeling the same just as me,  i admired her very carefully- her every expression towards me,

it is adorable she is beautiful she is cute having a sweet curvy figure with attractive piercing green eyes, by seeing her, all inside me only tells me that she is mine she is my cute little mate, then i asked her name she tells her name 'Isabella' in a whisper, which makes me smirk i told her my name 'Caleb' and kissed her hand which i was holding and said her 'nice to meet you beautiful' by seeing her i can understand she is quite nervous,

after few seconds she tells me  'nice to meet you too' her voice is really very sweet just like candy i wanted to listen her more....

After that i took her towards our class and take a seat beside her taking her hand on my lap, as i could not able to control myself from touching her,  i held her hand tightly to feel her warm hand, but after the professor entered the class, she tried to ignore me, but i kept staring her because i want to see her- my whole life,  i wanted to know more about her-

her likes, dislikes her favourites etc.etc.., but when the class ends she instantly leaves my hand and left the class and when i left the class i could not able to see her anymore.

In some classes when i could notice her she tried to ignore me and sit apart from me in different seat, i felt sad and anger inside me, i know that she needs some space, and that's the reason she is ignoring me,  but i could not able to stay without her without her touch, she is mine, i need her and she should need me.....

stay safe keep reading:)❤️and also vote and comment.

love you all❤️☺️

Jenifer_nagcreators' thoughts