
Her life

"Well done!, Miller True you are truly seeking death!. Harrison eyes were filled with anger and the moment she said those words, the softness he felt for her disappeared. How dare her , how dare Miller True commit such atrocities against him?, How dare her put a green hat on his head?, how dare her deceive him , she kept asking for forgiveness when she was unrepentant,does she take him , Harrison Hills for a fool?.

Miller True since you won't let me go, I might as well satisfy you, if I don't do that wouldn't you mother be disappointed?, she is trying hard at least.

On seeing his mood change, True let go of him and moved backwards. "You..., what did you want to do?. She asked in between hiccups.

"You are so good in strategy and scheming, why don't you guess?. Harrison caught her before she made it far from him and directly threw her on the bouncy bed.

On seeing herself on the big bed and Harrison removing his bathrobe belt , discarding it , she already knew what was going to happen. How on earth did they become like this?, He never forced himself on her before , he was always so gentle and considerate to her ,what is the root cause of all these?,

True stared at Harrison as he climbed the bed and moved towards her, she had never seen him like this before, he looked like he was going to devour her alive. She gradually loosened her tight hold on her cloth thereby giving him consent. Who knows they might have a baby after this?, then they won't divorce anymore, their family will then go back to how it was before.

Harrison low chuckle brought her back from her thought, she then stared at him , wanting to know why he stopped.

"Just look yourself, you pretended to be afraid of me just and now?, you are already waiting for me do whatever I wish to do and you said you are not a whore?". Harrison seems to enjoy torturing her, his mocking smile widened while enjoying her reactions.

" A whore.....a whole, he wasn't deliberately saying harsh words to her, that is what he thinks of her now. True sniffed as she swallow her grievances.

Harrison eyes darken seeing her so weak and fragile and desire burned in his eyes. "Although you are disgusting for this, but how could I refuse what was given to me on platter?, won't I be a fool to refuse such gift from you?.

"No!, I am not interested anymore, leave!. True eyes burned with anger as she shows her resistance. How could he humiliate her and also expect her to be cooperative with him?,A baby could still be made but not today!, She have heard enough!.

Her resistance brought out his desire more , Harrison chuckled softly and said. And do I look like I am asking for your permission?, why will I let you order me around?, even though you are dirty whore, you are still my wife at his moment.

A tearing sound of fabric resonated though the room as he ripped up her nightdress into shreds.

Harrison's usually calm eyes turned particularly bloodlust at this moment, his fierce gaze made his entire body look terrifying.

True Miller!, remember this, I Harrison Hills will always get whatever I want, so don't even think about showing resistance or refusing me!. He said as he ruthlessly ravaged her.

True stared up and focus at the chandelier on the celling wondering how an human could change so much.

Time passed by slowly and after a while , the man stopped still staring at her with extreme coldness, got dressed and left the room leaving her alone in the huge master bedroom.

True watched him leave with her tear stained face and broke into fresh sobs,after sobbing for a while, she dragged her extremely tired and haggard body to the bathroom.

She knelt beside the bathtub as she turn on the tap, she then supported herself by it and undressed, all these with her trembling legs, She bit her lips to stop herself from crying again, she never had to do all these by herself before, Harrison does the cleaning up while she was pampered like a princess.

True gently entered the water and sat on the bathtub, She washed herself tiredly and quickly. In few minutes she was done, she hurriedly wore another night dress while pitying the one she wore earlier, too tired to change the bed cover and spreads,she lied on the soft and comfortable couch and thought about her life.


She could say her life had been full of ups and downs since birth,she never truly had peace not until she married Harrison Hills, she finally experienced what true happiness and inner peace meant coupled with his good looks and dotting, she unsurprisingly fell in love with him.

Her father, John Miller, who inherited Miller foods and co, a second tier company from his parents was one of the greatest scum in Sancity. He wasn't that competent yet doesn't know his place , he would do anything to get whatever he want even if it involves selling out his children.

As for her , she was his mistress first child and daughter, she heard she had been born and kept for a year before John Miller's first wife divorced him, giving her mother opportunity to become the main wife but the bad names, people's disdain and accusations as home breaker , mistress never stop.
