
Is this Hell

The world completely collapses in an apocalypse In simple words carnage,chaos death and every other aspect of depravity let us watch an individual live in this world Is he now living in hell? He will experience pain As the question whether this is hell is answered How can one experience happiness in hell.... or life

Lifeajourneyofpain · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Surviving another day at the expense of another ending

As I looked towards him waiting for his decision as I knew that he was not a kind man I silently awaited my fate.

Should I have done as Jake said or is this tbe right decision.

But I couldn't bring myself to betray someone who had saved her.

Plus I'm not going to lie but he's very cool,I've never met someone so direct too.

"Get on" I looked at him in surprise as I didn't expect that.

"But I have to ask why did you not follow along with Jake?"

"Your very cool and I didn't believe you would make such a simple mistake its almost like you wanted it to happen but I don't know"

She said as part of her not betraying him was that it felt too what should I say staged?

"Hmm at least you're not dumb"I said as we walked towards the Control room.

Yes it was called the control room due to how big this place was.

There was a full blown kitchen,shower,three bedrooms, armoury,farm and much more.

"Wow" a very odd exclamation coming from someone like me but who could blame him he didn't think he would be able to see a control room of a car resembling a helicopter 'he must have had it designed to be so'

Good thing I was quite good at something like this as I sat in the driver's seat and grabbed the steering wheel.

Let's see here is the button for the retractable machine guns and oh they don't need to be manned,chains for tyres during snowy conditions etc

Hmm it's also a hybrid .

I thought as I started the car.

And a complete beast had just awakened from its slumber.

As a guttural roar was released I couldn't help but smile.

'Let me use this opportunity that my dear friend Jake so very much gifted me'

I thought as I was driving on an empty street with no horde at my heels unlike someone else.




"Fuck Fuck Fuck why do they keep increasing"Jake as he was currently driving at speeds he could never imagine he would drive at and with skill he never knew he had.

"Should I have stayed and waited?!

No there's no room to regret my decision"

And as he drifted a corner out flew a paper from the glove compartment and at first he ignored it but at the end of the paper he saw

From :Ambrose Aurelius

What?! That should be impossible.

So he picked it up and read it and immediately turned pale .

Well as I've written this in a rush I must say it amazes me how I've even done this either you must be a fool or I'm too smart

I do wonder which poor soul is reading this Star or Jake or both?

But as your reading reading I should have already it figured out

You must have been elated when you 'outsmarted' me and even managed to escape me?

Poor soul

The moment you entered this car you were destined to die

Oh and there are no weapons all the crates are empty :)

You have fulfilled your purpose

You are no longer useful


From:Ambrose Aurelius


My purpose!? What purpose,wait...'as he had thought he looked towards the horde of zombies that he had...


Than he looked towards the weapon crates not having much hope but he couldn't check as he was currently focused on escaping the horde behind and when he did a tight turn driving over multiple zombies he saw the lid of one crate fall off and...

As expected there was nothing.

"Why why why why me why!!!!!!"I said in rage and anger at my utter stupidity he must be viewed as an idiot and the worst thing is that he can't get rid of this horde but he had a plan.

'Wait why did he write 22:30 that wasn't the time at all!' I thought as I looked towards the time 22:29:59




I looked at my watch as I thought in pity but surprisingly I felt shivers run down my spine as I knew I was in control.

It was perplexing but what I had done was necessary for my escape.

After I had told Star of what I had done she just looked at me in a misteriuos light and kept quiet.






"Three" Am I counting down towards the death of someone?


'Guess I am'

"Boom" I said calmly





And truly like he had said a boom did occur as there had been bombs planted at the tires of the armored vehicle and while in the air everything froze suddenly for Jake.

It was just too sudden even though he had been chased by zombies he had had a plan to escape them he had everything going for him but than the letter shattered his false dreams.

The armored vehicle was flung in the air as it crashed in the ground multiple times till it landed upside down.

And as Jake exited with much struggle he was completely soaked in blood with multiple wounds all over and with much struggle he sat down and leaned on the armored vehicle for support.

Anyone that would of seen him would have felt pity but what was in front of him were beings who he doubted felt emotion as they dashed at him in the thousands.

'Im not going to die to such monstrosities!'

He thought and even though he couldn't stand due to his broken legs he started shooting from where he sat


IF IM GOING TO DIE IM GOING TO BRING AS MANY OF YOU ALONG WITH ME.' and of course as they were in a residential area they were some that saw his pitiful but admirable display they could do nothing as they would also die to these monsters

His display did kill a few in front but can one gun kill a horde of supernatural creatures.

So he gave up and until they were in arms reach of him he suddenly shot the gas tank of the vehicle "I SAID IM BRINGING DOWN AS MANY OF YOU AS I COULD


his laughter was soon extinguished in flames forever...




But seeing their own kind die did not faze these creatures as they started hunting down the humans that had exposed themselves.




As I had to stop in a less populated area around the outskirts of the city I started to relax and even though I did not feel that physicaly tired I was mentally drained.

As I looked towards Star she was already asleep.

Should I just leave her here?


She's still useful.

I thought as I picked her up and headed to bed.

What hell awaits me tomorrow?

I'm not very good with cars and or guns but I'm still trying

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