
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

This is me?

"Is that really you?"

The entire room fell into a dead silence. Mo Nan looking at her mother wondered if she was playing a prank on her to get back at her for not showing up last night.

Trying to end this joke, Mo Nan grabbed his mother's soft hand that was touching his cheek and tried to apologize again, but the sound of someone knocking on the door came from the entrance of the house accompanied by a woman's voice.

"Su Yin" the soft voice of a woman calling from the door was heard throughout the house.

Hearing the woman's voice calling his name from the door, his mother ran towards the door, but before leaving the room she stopped and looked back at him.

"Stay here and don't move" he said with a soft voice, but Mo Nan seeing the expression his mother was making knew he was serious.

Left alone in the room, he wondered why this day was so strange and even his mother was behaving differently. Shaking her head in frustration, she walked over to her mother's work table and picked up a photo, in it was a man hugging her mother, both of them with a big smile.

Mo Nan looked at the photo of his parents and remembered what his mother told him when she asked about his father.

They met at university, they were in the same class, her father one day approached her to ask for her phone number, but she refused.

He never gave up, every day he asked for her number, so a month passed and he finally gave her her number. Little by little they became closer, until her mother fell into the charms of her father.

He was handsome, tall, with a fit body, had blonde hair and green eyes. His mother, being so innocent, fell in love after talking to him for a while.

Her father had also fallen in love with her mother, so one day he mustered up the courage and asked her out, to which her mother accepted like a girl in love.

A year passed since they started dating and his mother became pregnant. When he found out she was so happy that she proposed to him.

They spoke to his mother's family who immediately gave him their blessing.

His father's family lived abroad so they could only tell him by phone, but they still wished the couple the best.

Weeks before the wedding, his mother noticed that his father was acting strange, but as the wedding approached, she decided to leave that matter for another time.

At the wedding, all the couple's family and friends were gathered, her mother was already at the altar waiting for her father in a beautiful wedding dress.

She looked like an immortal fairy who had come down from the sky, all the onlookers were enchanted by her appearance. The men were crying inside her because a beautiful fairy was going to marry another man.

Music began to play giving the groom entry to the altar, everyone applauded and gave their best wishes to the couple.

Moments later everything was silent for the wedding vows to begin, but in the middle of this a hooded man interrupted, pulled out a gun and shot the groom, killing him instantly.

His mother was devastated watching her loved one die in her arms and was left unconscious. Everyone at the wedding was scared and started running, giving the murderer a chance to escape.

Days passed and it was learned that his father owed a lot of money to a man from the Underworld, which he used to play in casinos. The man behind the whole murder found out that he was going to get married, he became furious because he threatened him many times why he would pay him, but he always said that he had no money and now he had spent money for a wedding so he had him killed .

Her mother, remembering her lover's strange behavior before the wedding, connected all the dots and felt guilty for not having asked him what was happening.

Months passed, her mother gave birth to a boy, his golden hair reminded her of her husband, so she decided to give him her father's last name and promised to give him everything so that he would have a good future.

Her loved one's family had left her alone and cut all connections with her. Her mother's relatives helped her as much as possible, but she didn't have many resources so she had to work and leave her son with her parents.

Years passed, she bought a decent house, bought everything necessary for her son's studies and got a good job. Her life improved, but she was never satisfied with what she had, she wanted to give her everything she needed for the future of her son so she continued to try harder.


Bringing out a small smile, Mo Nan decided to take care of and make his mother happy. Putting the photo back on the table, she saw the laptop open, but when she was going to close it she saw her reflection on the screen and was shocked.

"This is me?" She asked in disbelief touching her face and hair.