
Band of random.

Classes are done. Markus and I are off to the common room to grab the other two people from our band. Markus plays bass, Markus family doesn't approve of it, but he chooses not to care. I'm a lead singer and composer. Then there's Robin, our female drums and backup singer. Jake is guitar and drives us to the small gigs we do here and there. Robins was put in the guy's dorm since there were no beds available in the female's side. She doesn't seem bothered by it, even going as far as saying " girls are sneaky and like to backstab. At least with guys, they either think of food or with their third leg."

Robin has blonde hair and is apart of the international art program. The way I explain Robin to people, "she is like a carebear with a sugar rush." Robin's art is like Van Gogh, my favourite of her art is her replica of "iris" a painting done in 1889.

Then there's Jake, the campus bad boy. Once you get to know him, he's a completely different person then rumours tell. The rumours are a pure coincidence. Some kid got beat up, Jake helped him only to be blamed by the teacher when he found the aftermath of the fight. Jake can't have a break, I mean after all the guy cries when a fly dies.

We are an okay group of friends, we don't have a bad reputation but we are not all that popular in campus and teacher definitely think we are trouble people.