
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Sir_Smurf · Fantasi
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195 Chs

Study, Review, Try, Move Forward Part 2

The dwarf immediately roared and wanted to retort, but he never finished.

Iglin-san, who fought with all his strength and fought in the vanguard for

the longest time, knows best.

If we continue fighting, something might go wrong.

For example, another army (monsters) appeared deep in this hall——


"Wow! It's the "orc" group! How ugly! I really don't want to fight them!

"...Strategic retreat. There is no other way."

Seeing the four "Orcs" crowding in like four walls, Chris and Reki both

started to run away.

Classmate Iglin also cursed "Damn it!" and followed behind.

(It would be nice if there was a "magic".)

The little demon and the orc chased after him, followed by a dragon.

I peered around and calculated the distance to both sides. In order to

eliminate the one in ten thousand possibility, I rummaged through my

backpack while running.

Then he left Nina and ran side by side with Reki-san who was following


"Reki-kun! Can you prepare [magic]!?"

"...There is not enough time for chanting."

"I'll prepare the trap! So it's at the third dead tree in front! Is that okay?"

Seeing me running side by side, smiling cowardly, and "that" clutched in

my gloves, the black elf girl said softly:

"...Just listen to me."

Then he immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

As I asked, I stopped at the third dead tree ahead, knelt down on one knee,

and started chanting a spell.

After confirming this, I glanced at the chasing group of monsters, and then

threw out "that"... "Purple Moth's Poison Bag" in my gloves.

This is an item I bought in the store before rushing to the dungeon. Lily

often used this kind of pouch when exploring the "upper level". What flew

out from it at this time was naturally "Poison Scale Powder".

"Cough, cough!" ?

"No!" ?

The monsters, centered on the little demon, all suffered from "poisoning"

symptoms, and their progress slowed down.

This alone can't stop this large group of monsters from chasing, but the

agreed time has been completed.

"[Dark Thunder]!...It's over."

Reki-san, who deployed the magic circle and pressed one hand to the

ground, started running again.

I also ran as fast as I could—disguising myself as Level 1 with all my

strength—to avoid the dead tree and chased after Nina and the others.

Not long after, when the "orcs" kicked the little demons away and chased

after them in large strides,

"[Black Explosion (Boom)]."

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" ?

Reki-san read out the explosion command and activated the "Land Mine

Magic". The "Third Team" finally succeeded in throwing away the



Eglin-san slammed the helmet he was wearing onto the ground.

The sound of impact echoed clearly in the quiet hall. However, no one

blamed him.

Because everyone, including Nina, was out of breath.

"Is this the fourth time!? In the end, we failed to defeat that dragon


It is now the fourth day since the "Special Internship" began.

The "Third Team" has launched a total of three attacks on the 11th and 12th

floors, but still failed to defeat the dragon designated as a "credit condition"

by the "school district". Only by submitting the "dropped items" of

monsters designated as "credits" can you go to the next floor.

The "Third Team"'s rapid advance to the 7th floor on the first day has now

completely stopped.

"Except for the amateurs over there, we are all Level 2! According to the

guild's information, shouldn't that kind of dragon be easily eliminated?"

Although he has retreated, he cannot completely release his fighting

posture. Therefore, holding a sledgehammer in one hand, he was still the

"excited Eglin-san" and cursed "Damn it!", and his anxiety was clearly


"Except for 'Squad 7', we were the fastest to reach the 12th floor, but...!

Why were we surpassed by other teams!"

The reason... is very simple.

Because there is no group fighting.

Because the efficiency of "Team 3" is too low.

Even if we travel the shortest distance along the regular road, the distance

to the 12th floor is still much longer than expected.

Considering that there are still battles along the way, the consumption will

be even more intense. Therefore, the "Third Team" that does not cooperate

and only relies on its own strength to break through the floor will consume

more physical and mental energy than other teams.

In the battle just now, even though they were at Level 2, the "Third Team"

was unable to suppress the dragon and other monsters simply because they

did not have enough energy (stamina).

(Under Nina's suggestion, this time we first carried out supplies after

reaching the 12th floor, and then launched an attack, but...)

Physical strength can indeed be restored with magic, and mental strength

can also be replenished with props.

However, it is said that "baby dragons" are a rare species that will not

appear in more than five on the vast floor. This is also why it is called a

powerful enemy (boss) in the "upper floor" where there is no floor leader.

After all, it is difficult to encounter in the first place.

What will happen if the students from the "school district" are rushing to

defeat this dragon?

The answer is - in this situation that looks like a "battle for battle", it takes a

lot of effort just to find it by luck.

So in the process of constantly consuming energy and searching for the

dragon, the physical strength that was rarely recovered was gradually

consumed... and then the "Third Team" became what it is now.

Starting from the 10th floor, there will be a monster feast in the dungeon,

and the number of enemies and the number of battles will also increase


The younger brothers (little demons) surrounding Xiaolong are also very


(Nina's "Magic" is more focused on reply and support. Although it is Level

2, forcing her to the front row is not a good strategy...)

In this team, if we abandon the support and reply to the vanguard, the

consequences will be dire. The mental recovery medicine has been used up.

Considering that she has to return, she must avoid placing a greater burden

on Nina.

Everything is heading in the wrong direction.

If it were to simply break through the 12th floor, the "Third Team" should

be able to do it easily.

But if you want to defeat the dragon in today's environment, the difficulty

will skyrocket.

If an adventurer with several years of experience enters the maze, the

consumption can be controlled, but it has only been four days since Iglinsan and the others entered the dungeon, so they are complete novices. On

the other hand, the students who are about to completely break through to

the "upper level" in just four days are indeed too good... But even at Level

2, if they are not efficient enough, they will naturally be tortured by the

dungeon itself.

——I carefully considered my words and expressed the above meaning

gently, but I was yelled at, "Don't use hindsight!". I am so sorry...!

"...Let's call it a day today. We've used up all the items. It will be dangerous

to continue."

The dragon will also appear on the 11th floor, but it has become a fierce

battle area for the "battle".

After hearing Nina's words, everyone in the "Third Team" who came to the

12th floor with the last ray of hope either had their faces twisted, or kept

silent, or were dejected.

They did not refute and were about to acquiesce to the proposal, but at this


"...Nina, I'm sorry. Do you want to wait a little longer?"


I mentally apologized and interjected.

"As for the 'Third Team', we can still continue."

——This is my intuition. Probably, it only works here.

Now I am almost exhausted.

Although it is not yet at the "limit", it is still a state of being forced into a

desperate situation.

Only by seizing this opportunity can the "Third Team" change.

Eglin-san and the others have [upgraded] and reached Level 2. They can

more or less defeat skill with force.

Because of this, they despise group fighting and rely on individual strength

to force their way through.

Therefore, in today's situation where brute force cannot be relied upon, as

long as they experience new methods - experience the success after hard

work and the amazing results, they will definitely gain something. can be

used next time. Able to use it as a weapon.

After all, they are all students in the "school district".

(This must also be... "knowledge" and "wisdom".)

When I was in the "deep state" with Miss Liu, I had to use various means

and ingenuity to become stronger, otherwise I would not be able to survive.

If I could recreate that experience to some extent, it would be possible.

"After being forced into a desperate situation, it is an opportunity to grow."

I can't help but think this way now.

But to be honest, "you can continue" is the most dangerous word in the


"If it's this team, it's not considered an 'adventure'...so it doesn't matter."

I covered my eyes with my bangs and said with a smile.

Nina, classmate Eglin, classmate Reki, classmate Chris, everyone's eyes

were wide open.

"Adventurers must not take risks." I recalled Miss Eina's words and clearly

told Nina and the others that they were not in the scope of "adventure" yet.

They got here through their own efforts alone.

So, if we can unite... the "Third Team" can go further. Absolutely.

Teacher Leon and the others probably knew this, so they never disbanded

the team.

"You, you said you can continue...what do you plan to do!? So far, nothing

has gone well!"

"Well, so far, I have been observing everyone's movements, and then I also

came up with something like a 'combat'..."

For the past four days, I have been observing the "Third Team" from the

end (supporter) position.

I'm usually in the vanguard. At most, he sometimes swaps positions with

Miss Ming and retreats to the central defender, so the perspective from the

back of the team is very fresh. Because of this, I understand a lot of things.

Like "It would be nice if there was that attack now".

Like, "If you just turn that way, you can lighten Chris-san's burden."

And——"What should I do if I am on the vanguard now?"

In the process of thinking about various things, I gradually understood

many things about the team members.

Probably, I have never experienced this feeling in [Hestia Familia]. Even if

I retreat to the guard position. The cooperation of [Hestia Familia] is so


Precisely because they were "students" who were still making progress, I

noticed many things.

"Are you kidding! Who would trust a layman like you in combat?! If you

blow yourself up here, who can bear it!"

However, classmate Eglin, who held a sledgehammer in one hand, rejected

me excitedly.

...There is no other way, it is indeed helpless. I have been serving as a

supporter and have not made any contribution to the team so far. I didn't

gain enough trust to propose "combat".

This was totally my mistake.

If Lily were here, she would probably sigh and say, "It's still too young."

Just when I was worrying about what to do,

"I'm OK."

Reki-san, who had been silent all this time, said this.

"Fight, I listen."

"You...what did you say!?"

"The instructions for escaping just now were very good... much better than

the dwarf's roar (forcing others to do something difficult)..."

Everyone was taken aback. Student Iglin spoke out, but classmate Reki said

calmly through a black mask. Eglin-san suddenly shrank, and Chris, who

was looking back and forth between us, for some reason, put his hands on

his hips and puffed up his chest.

"That's okay with me! After all, Lapi's ears and tail are both furry! It must

be a good fight!"

There is no connection between the two, and the ears and tail are still

disguise props, but for some reason, classmate Chris also believed me. Just

as I was surprised again, Nina, who was looking at me, kept staring at me—

as if she was recalling the figure of "Lappy Flemish" so far—and then

slowly smiled.

"I also want to hear about Lapi-kun's battle."

Three against one except me. Seeing the team's voting results, Iglin was

truly speechless this time.

He muttered for a while, then seemed to give up and pointed his index

finger at me.

"If this is some boring battle, I won't listen to you!"

It's really not easy for the team.

I thought like this after being supported by Lily and Welf until now.

But since you have gained credit and "trust" - then you have to respond.

Under the swaying bangs, I suppressed a smile, swore so, and nodded.

"Then Lapi-kun, what should we do?"

"Well, what you have to do is not difficult..."

We naturally formed a circle and leaned together. After hearing Nina's

question, I also gathered my thoughts.

Although I have only had sex with Lily a few times, but...

"Would you like to try 'hunting'?"

"Make full use of the terrain."

The first thing I learned from Miss Eina's lecture was this basic tactic.

Now, "Team 3" and I have returned to this foundation.

"Hey, is it really okay...!?"

In the mist-shrouded hall, I heard the growling voice of classmate Iglin, and

I hid the words 'probably' deep in my throat.

Would it be better for me to go there? But I need to make preparations here,

and the "Lv. 1 supporter" cannot take on too important a task. Now we can

only trust Nina and the others.

Finally, God seemed to hear our prayers as we waited with bated breath...

only to hear the continuous sound of the earth approaching towards the hall.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

The "young dragon" appeared with the momentum to break through the

entrance of the passage.

The ones who rushed into the hall before the dragon were the half-goblin

and the little human!

"Everyone, I caught it!"

"As expected of me! Even the bait can be used easily!"

As they said, Nina and Chris, who were on "bait duty", ran towards us and

shouted at the same time.

I asked Nina and especially Chris-san to serve as scouts.

Although he is a small human and can fight in the vanguard, he is also very

powerful, but this time I want him to use the excellent eyesight unique to

his race to find the dragon in the "fog" unique to this floor. After a lot of

things happened between me and Lily - trying to steal the "God's Dagger" -,

I already know that the eyesight of the small humans still works in this "Fog


It is the job of the competent team leader Nina to ensure a safe escape route.

The two of them found the little dragon together and lured it here.

Of course, the dragon is followed by other monsters such as "Orcs" and

"Little Demons". Facing an opponent that had been defeated, the team's

state remained unchanged.

If you fight normally, you probably won't be able to block the opponent's

attack, but——

"[Dark Thunder]!"

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" ?

In this hall, a large number of Reki-san's "Land Mine Magic" have been


When Chris and the others went to "fish for monsters", we buried as many

magic light explosives as possible in advance.

"Orcs" and "little monsters" just step on the hidden magic circle, which will

trigger a dark flash and explode into pieces one after another. The "Baby

Dragon" is really impossible to knock down, but the left front foot that

stepped on the mine has been destroyed. Nina and Chris, as agreed in

advance, fled to both sides of the passage and moved to a safe area in the


Things are simple.

It just took a little time to turn the ordinary hall into a "favorable terrain that

can be used effectively".


"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" ?

The monsters that did not step on the mines were harvested one by one by

the furious classmate Iglin. At this time, the little dragon roared, seeming to

want to call his "companions", but to no avail.

The walls of the hall have been damaged. Mazes are taking priority over

completing structures and cannot spawn new enemies. Monster Feast will

not spawn. This is also the reason why I stay in this hall.

While Reki-san was laying the mines, Iglin-san and I destroyed the walls of

the maze. This hall has now become a minefield, and it is also our "hunting


Seduced out, set a trap, and brought down.

It's really just pure hunting.

This cannot be done when everyone goes their own way, but if the team can

work together, there are as many ways as possible.

(Everything is "experience".)

It's just that I have expressed all the "experience" I have accumulated until

now - reaching the first level adventurer position.

Even if I can't teach others how to fight like Miss Ais and others, I can still

do this kind of "explanation"!

"Surround it, surround it!"

The only remaining monster is a dragon.

What is floating here is not mist, but black fire powder. In this dreamlike

space, the "Third Team" attacks from all directions, forcing the painful

"young dragon" into a desperate situation.





Using the bait (support) from Nina and the others, Iglin-san used the dead

tree as a jumping platform, jumped up high, aimed at the dragon's back, and

swung the sledgehammer.

"Goooh——!" ?

A fatal blow that penetrated the dragon's scales and spine. I have already

told him where the enemy's "magic stone" is.

With its head raised high and its body thrown back, the "young dragon" let

out a death cry, and then a large amount of dust rose up.

please...! !

After witnessing the monster's defeat, I was still watching nervously along

with Nina and the others.

As if praying, I looked towards the explosion site where the little dragon

turned into dust and dissipated, and then... there was a Gulu sound.

The sharp "little dragon's teeth" rolled down to the ground.

"Yes, yes————————!! Xiaolong's "dropped item"! It's so good!"

"It's so, so great, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Classmate Chris shouted long live—! , raised his hands and cheered.

Then Iglin-san let out a sound of joy, and Reki-san grabbed the mask with

her fingers and pulled it down, with a smile on her cute lips.

Finally, it was Nina who ran to me, who was standing there blankly.

"Rapi-kun, you are so awesome! The battle is so perfect!"

"Well, well, that's great... Ah, Nina, I'm sorry for putting you in danger this


"No, there is no such thing!"

It was the first time I saw Nina so excited. She held my hands tightly and

kept shaking them up and down.

I couldn't help but smile shyly. At this moment, Iglin-san and the others,

who were holding "Little Dragon's Fang", also came over.

"A layman! No, Lapi! You are very good at it!"

"Ah, no, it's just that everyone is very powerful, but I'm not..."

"Why are you being modest! I think you are a maze nerd, right! Everything

you say is so spot-on! That's why you entered school at such a difficult

time, right!? Isn't that right!"

"Ah, ah ha ha ha..."

Classmate Iglin kept smiling, and Peng Peng patted my back, making me

smile bitterly.

After all, I am actually an active adventurer, so even if I don't succeed, I'm

not far off?

"Lappi, you are such a lucky rabbit! Become my guardian beast from today


"Thank you very much?"



Classmates Chris and Lucky also shared some incredible joy with me.

Seeing the "Third Team" who was extremely excited for a rare moment, I

solemnly expressed my gratitude.

"Thank you very much, Eglin-san, Reki-san, Chris-san. Thank you for your

willingness to believe in me——"

"Just Eglin."


"Call me Iglin! Don't use honorifics either!"

"Me too, you can just call me by my name! After all, starting from today,

you are my best friend in writing!"

"Me too...name for you."

Looking at the smiling faces of Eglin-san and the others, I also smiled


It's incredible, it feels like the distance between us has shortened a lot.

A "successful experience" that can be shared with peers. The longer you

suffer together, the greater the joy at the end.

This is the dungeon. And the fun aspect of group battles.

I unexpectedly returned to my original intention and I was so happy that my

heart wanted to fly out.



After laughing with Nina and the others, I called her one last time.

My intention must have been conveyed.

Nina nodded in response to me, then took a step forward and said seriously:

"Everyone, listen to me. I think this is the dungeon. If we don't work

together, we will definitely not be able to move forward."

The students who had previously turned a deaf ear to the squad leader's

words were now looking at her and listening carefully.

"So, after this, I also hope that everyone can work together. Don't let this

team be called the 'crane tail' again. ...What do you think?"

The answer I got was "...I can't help it." This was still not frank enough.

"Even if it's for my dream, it's a headache if I can't get 'credits'. ...So, let me

help you."

"I also think it's easier than fighting alone this time! Let's try it next time!"

"Dwarves and small humans are so simple... But, no problem."

After hearing the answers from the three people, I felt relieved, while Nina

seemed to be deeply moved, with a little tears in her eyes.

We stuffed the "dropped items" into my backpack, carried them carefully,

and left the maze.

After returning to the surface, I found that the sun had already set.

Under the influence of the sense of accomplishment, the light of the sunset

looks very soft and warm.

The smiling "Third Team" did not go back to the "School District" directly,

but walked over to the "Guild Headquarters".

"...Hey, let's forget it, right? If you want to exchange for the "Magic Stone",

the "Tower of Babel" can also be used..."

"Today is the anniversary of our breakthrough to the "upper level"! Such a

small exchange office is not suitable for us who have triumphed! We should

be proud of ourselves at the "Guild Headquarters"!"

Since the sledgehammer was loosened and carried on the back, the dwarf is

now "Noble Master Eglin". I couldn't help but smile bitterly when I heard

what he said, but Nina looked a little dull.


"It's Nina who wants us to keep in step! I know this is called KY!"

Hearing the words of Iglin and Chris, Nina was speechless and closed her


As for me, I wanted to go to the guild's bulletin board to collect information

before and after exploring the dungeon, so I agreed - although I was a little

afraid of meeting someone I knew - but seeing that she was not very active,

I was a little confused.

However, this question was immediately solved.

After arriving at the "Guild Headquarters", we successfully completed the

exchange in a corner of the hall, and then——

"...Could it be Nina?"


Nina was about to leave the hall quickly when a voice reached her shoulder.

It was Miss Eina who called her name.

"...It's Nina, right? It's me, Eina! Do you recognize me!?"

Nina held her breath when she saw her emerald eyes of the same color as

her own wide open deep in the glasses.

Then, she looked away and ran out.

"Wait, wait, Nina!"

She shook off Miss Eina's words and rushed outside.

Standing still on the spot with Iglin and the others, I looked back and forth

between Miss Eina, who looked hurt, and Nina, who was running away, and

at the same time reluctantly chose the latter.

I am a student (rabbi) now, but this kind of thing is no excuse at all. I said

'I'm sorry' in my heart and chased after my classmate who looked wrong.

"Nina, wait a minute! What's wrong!?"

"Haah, haah...!"

I ran on the street at dusk, weaving through the crowds, barely keeping a

close distance, and when Nina finally stopped in the central square, I ran


On the northwest side of the square, a half-elf girl stood in front of a

fountain with the sound of spraying foam, holding her chest tightly.

"...Sorry, it's nothing."


"Really, it doesn't matter... I just feel like I'm worthless..."

Nina lowered her head and said so. There was a shadow on her face that I

had never seen before.

Looking at her with a crescent-colored light, I couldn't ask further, nor

could I say a considerate word.

"...I'm going back to the 'school district' first. ...I'm sorry, Lapi-kun."

After saying that, Nina stepped onto the main road leading to the port town

in the southwest of the city and disappeared into the depths of the crowd.

Wearing the "School District" combat uniform, I attracted many curious

eyes from around me, but I could only slowly look toward the southwest

and northwest.

"...Maybe it's just being nosy, but..."

Those two must have been sisters, and I was always helped by them.

So, I made up my mind.

I turned back the way I came, lowered my head, and asked Eglin and the

others to take care of my backpack and other luggage, and then I was given

time to move around freely.


When the sunset completely loses its figure and the sky is filled with stars.

I saw her sighing and coming out of the back door of the "Guild

Headquarters", so I talked to her:

"Miss Eina."

"Eh...? B-Bell-kun?"

Eina looked at me, who was squatting next to her with a sense of guilt, and

her eyes widened.

I'm not wearing a wig now. The "School District" combat uniform was also

taken off, and the camouflage suit was stuffed into a bag prepared in


After I separated from Eglin and the others, I secretly walked to the alley of

the "Adventurer Avenue" on Northwest Street. After confirming that no one

was around, I walked into the underground store "Witch's Hermitage". It

was the magician's shop that I went to during the Battle of Maze Street and

during my escape date with Ms. Hill.

If there were rumors that students from the "School District" were entering

and leaving the [Hestia Familia] base, things would be very troublesome...

So after thinking about it, this was the only place I could rely on. The shop

owner, Ms. Lenno, said helplessly, "Again Here we come." He welcomed

me in. I bowed my head again and again, and used the fari gold coins I

shared from Iglin and the others to buy clothes and change into them. When

I left the store, I was no longer a student (Rapi), but turned back into an

adventurer (Bell), and then , I came to the guild headquarters.

"W-why are you here? And you feel more dressed up than usual...?"

"Ah, ah ha ha..."

The clothes I bought casually were judged as dressing up, which made me

feel a little complicated. At the same time, I also got to the point.

"Actually, I was at the "Guild Headquarters" in the evening, and I saw Einasan... with a girl who looked very much like Eina-san..."

When I said this with guilt and lies, Miss Eina's face was immediately

colored with sadness. This deepened my guilt.

"Then, I became a little concerned, and waited until Miss Eina got off

work... I just thought, could you tell me something, or something like that."

I knew very well that I was interfering in their affairs, but I really couldn't

ignore it.

Whether it's Nina or Miss Eina.

Miss Eina, who seemed a little confused, finally raised her face and nodded


"The child's name is Nina... she is my sister."

Wearing the clothes of a guild employee and eating with adventurers would

affect the guild's image, so we first went around to Miss Eina's house, and

then went into a very stylish restaurant in the north of the city with her after

changing clothes. The windows used here are not wooden windows, but

expensive glass windows. Rather than an adventurer's tavern, it is more like

a store where upper-class people can dine safely.

Miss Eina, who was sitting opposite, slowly began to tell while eating her


"We are six years apart...but actually, I have no memories with that child."

"Eh...? W-what's going on?"

There is indeed a big age difference, but there are no memories...?

"Because the child was just born, I went to the 'school district'."


"Our mother was very weak. She couldn't survive without medicine. My

father worked very hard, but... as a child at that time, I was thinking about

what I wanted to do. In fact, I wanted to work and make money right away,

but my mother asked me to at least Go to the "school district" to study..."

This was the first time I heard about Miss Aina's family situation, and I was

quite shocked.

Miss Eina was only six years old when she entered the "school district". As

soon as Nina was born, she embarked on a journey to the Garden of

Learning alone.

She chose to work in the guild through the "school district", and initially

she was interested in the generous salary. In order to send the money to her

parents, she said with a little self-deprecation.

"I can't go back to my hometown at all. Nina probably won't remember me.

In other words, she probably only knows that she 'has a sister' and treats me

no differently than a stranger."

"This, this kind of thing...!"

"...I'm sorry, I said it a bit weird. But we are just so estranged. I only

vaguely remember what the child looked like when he was a baby...When I

was finally able to go back to visit my relatives, it was Nina's turn to go to

the "School District" .

Miss Eina and her sisters are so far apart in terms of distance and time that I

can only listen to her story in a daze.

Nina must have entered the "school district" with the same purpose as Einasan.

I was separated from my family for the sake of my family and to help my

family. Maybe in the lower world, such things are normal, but I still feel

helpless and sad.

"I have also sent letters. Not to mention my mother and others, I also sent

them to Nina who goes to the "school district". The letter says, 'You may be

confused, but I am your sister, so if you have any troubles, just tell me. '.

When I received the reply, the article above was very blunt, but I was very


At this time, Miss Eina, who had always been smiling, suddenly became


"But, from a certain point on, I never received a reply... I was wondering...

if I was too busy, if I thought it was troublesome to send letters, or... if it

was because I clearly didn't see you Even though I haven't done anything

for her, I still think of myself as my sister, so I hate me..."

So I never got to send her a letter, she sadly confessed.

"My mother and others told me, 'There is no such thing, Nina values you

very much,' but...I was very scared. So this year, when the "school district"

came back...I couldn't just be happy. No, actually it was A little scared.

After all, Nina is on that ship."

...That's right.

When I mentioned the "school district", and for a moment in Port Town, I

saw Miss Eina's sad eyes, which turned out to be thinking about Nina.

"...So when I saw you today, the feeling of 'meeting for the first time' was

stronger than if I hadn't seen you for a long time."

"Eh... But, Eina-san immediately realized that it was Nina... her sister,

right? And you even took the initiative to talk to her..."

"Of course I understand. After all, she is wearing the clothes of the 'school

district'...and she looks exactly like my mother."

Perhaps recalling the scene in the evening, Miss Eina showed a smile.

Although Miss Eina said that she is exactly the same as their mother... But I

think Miss Eina and Nina are exactly the same. No matter what others say, I

think they are like a pair of sisters.

"But Nina doesn't seem to want to see me..."


"After all, she just ran away... As expected, I was hated by her."

At the end, Miss Eina forced herself to make a joke.

However, it turns out that's the case. Now I kind of understand the

relationship between the two.

Nina also has some kind of "troubles"... Teacher Leon said so.

Does this have a lot to do with what Miss Eina just said?

Teacher Leon said that she hoped I would listen to her directly...but could I

really ask?

At least it wouldn't be possible to force her to speak.

I have a hunch... Nina's problem is more complicated than Miss Eina's.

I don't know if it's a good thing for me to intervene in what can be called a

sisterly issue.

I need to think about it myself.

But anyway, now——

"I think Eina-san's sister must... no, she definitely doesn't hate you."


"Her expression is very painful. She would not show that kind of expression

when facing someone she hates."

I want to convey directly to her what I felt next to the two of them at that


Whether it was Nina's speechless profile after being called by Miss Eina, or

the hazy expression stained with the color of the sunset when she rushed

outside, they were far from disgust.

I stared straight into her wide-open emerald eyes, the same color as Nina's,

and firmly concluded.

Miss Eina froze there, motionless...and then her eyes became moist, but

now she forgot her sadness and smiled.

"Thank you, Bell-kun..."

"Ah, no, you're welcome...but I interfered even though it had nothing to do

with it...I'm so sorry."

"No, there is no such thing. I'm... very happy."

I suddenly came to my senses and couldn't help but apologize to her, and

then Miss Aegina slowly shook her head.

As stupid as I am, I am always fascinated by the sight of young women

with flushed cheeks and quiet smiles.

I immediately felt embarrassed and smiled awkwardly, so Eina-san covered

her mouth and chuckled.

As if he had calculated the timing, or as if he had seen something heartwarming and wanted to pay the price, the waiter poured amber wine into

Miss Eina's empty glass. By the way, I had to go back to the "school zone",

so I drank juice.

We thanked each other as if we were toasting again, and just as our lips

were about to touch the glass—there was a bang.

There was a dull sound coming from beside us sitting by the window.

No, the only window next to us facing the avenue... I thought so, looked

over there, and then,


"Lord Bell"

Then they found Kami-sama and Lily's heads pressed against the window

glass, their eyes making dull mouth movements.




Eina-san and I both received a huge impact that seemed like we would fall

off our chairs, and we cried out.

When I looked carefully, Kami-sama and the others were followed by Welf,

Miss Ming, and Miss Haruhime, Miss Lyu. In short, all members of the

[Hestia Familia] were there. I couldn't help but shout in my heart, "Why!" ?


While we were panicking, Kami-sama and Lily, who no longer hit the

windows frequently, strode around to the entrance, shook off the wailing

waiter's restraints, and broke into the store!

"What are you doing~~~~~~~~~~, Bell-kun~~~~~~~~~~~~?"

"K-Kami-sama!? Why are you here!?"

"Don't answer questions with questions, Bell-sama! You shouldn't be in the

'school district', right?"

"Li, Lili, no, I have something to do with Miss Eina, so I sneaked out for a


The heavy pressure that seemed to be dragging me into the abyss made me

tremble. Even though I had done nothing wrong at all, I still said something

like a defense, and then——Kami-sama and Lily's eyebrows swung! The

earth stood up high.

""Believe it or not, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

In an instant, there was a huge thunderstorm! ! My ears ah-! ?

"I dress up so beautifully just to seduce you, this consultant!!"

"There is no temptation, God Hestia! Wearing a guild uniform will affect

your image, so this outfit is a last resort...!"

"No, that's right, it's just tempting~! Looking at her moist eyes and her

feminine expression, she even thinks about taking the innocent and ignorant

Bell back home if she has the chance -!! Lily knows it all too well!"

"I don't have that, Artis!!"

Even Miss Eina, whose face was red, was affected. I can't understand

anything anymore! !

Could someone please explain this situation? ?

"Sir Bell, actually... it was the cold-faced Sir Helen who sent Sir Sir's secret

message to the guild hall..."

Then, among the [Hestia Familia] who followed Lord Kami and the others

into the store, Miss Ming spoke awkwardly.

"The letter says that the shadow of a witch appears next to the White Rabbit

who is being followed by Mr. Hegni... It needs to be dealt with quickly.

There is also a map on it."


"Since the Warrior (Tough Warrior) who dotes on rabbits might let Belldono go, I leave it up to my subordinates... or rather Hestia-sama and the


Being followed! ? By Mr. Hegney! ? How did you do it! ? I didn't feel any

suspicious "sight" at all! ? Could it be that that person knows how not to

scare rabbits (pets)! ?

It should be impossible to invade the "School District", so... Could it be that

I was being watched while I was in the city! ? Miss Hill, what are you doing

—! ?

"The girl in the tavern seemed to be trapped inside the rich hostess, unable

to move. The "goddess attendant" went crazy after completing the owner's

order. It took a lot of effort to hold her down... She broke in In the kitchen,

we tried to take away the knife, but we managed to knock her



Following Miss Ming, Welf, who was a little injured, said tiredly. What he

said was the most speechless thing I have ever said. At the same time, the

body temperature of the whole body is also dropping rapidly.

Although I didn't see the scene, the scene at that time still clearly appeared

in my mind!

Miss Helen, are you still thinking about killing me? ?

My face switched rapidly between seven colors as if I was sick. Miss Eina

was still shouting loudly with Lord Kami and the others, looking back and

forth on both sides, and Miss Haruhime was panicking, and now she looked

like the only one. conscience.

By the way, Ms. Liu, who was looking at me with a blank face all the time,

was the most terrifying! !

"After leaving the base, you shouldn't have had one girl after another,

spending time in their homes all day long, Bell-kun!"

"No, no, no!? I'm studying hard!!"

"No—it's hard to say that, Hestia-sama! Hermes-sama may have instilled

something in Bell-sama!"

"Believe me, Lily!?"

"Compared to this, Bell, I haven't received a reply to my confession yet."




"Chirp, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! ?"

After Kami-sama Liliana screamed loudly, my strange voice also broke out!


Why do you choose to say it at this time, Miss Liu

——————————————! ?

"B-Bell-kun, is this true!? She confessed her love... Ah, speaking of it, it

seems that we had such an exchange during the war game..."

"Ah, you remember that it was broadcast to the entire Orario through the

"Mirror of God", right - uh, Lord Lyu!? Why are you kneeling on the

ground suddenly!?"

"Her face looks like a ripe strawberry!?"

"The whole city... in front of everyone... the vows of love... are all heard...

eternal shame... help me, Alize..." "

"Don't add fuel to the fire and then blow yourself up, okay, you big idiot!?"

"What's going on, Bell-kun————————————!!"

"Please tell me the matter!! Tell me clearly!! Lily won't let you go back

until you fully understand, Mr. Bell! If you say that, please return to the

base immediately!!"

"I'm sorry, Bell... I should have stopped it... I'm so sorry, I'm such a


After coming closer, she seemed to remember something, and Miss Eina

stopped moving, Miss Minato was shocked by the goblin who suddenly

collapsed to the ground, Miss Haruhime was panicked by the goblin's red

face that seemed to be burning, Miss Lyu covered her face with her hands

as if she was about to say something like, "A fragile person is called

justice." After Welf's roar, Kami-sama and Lily's roars also flew over.

Finally, I heard Mr. Hegney apologize to me. Was it an auditory


I was helpless to do anything about the chaos in front of me, and the urge to

roll my eyes and pass out came over me.

Anyway... we caused trouble to the restaurant, so we're going to apologize

to them sincerely, and then don't go anywhere near this place again.


When I returned to the "school district" looking miserable, it was already

late at night when the date was about to change.

Normally, at this time, the gangway at the control level that was built like a

suspension bridge in the port should be closed, but it is still open now.

Standing in front was Nina, who looked worried.

She ran over, and after returning to Ms. Renault's shop, I put on my wig and

combat uniform again, hiding my fatigue and trying my best to smile.

"Where have you been!? Seeing that you haven't come back, I'm really


"I'm really sorry... A lot of things happened in Orario..."

"...Because of me? Because I made you worry..."

"No, it's not! It's really not! It's not Nina's fault!"

Nina just got angry and immediately showed a sad expression. Seeing this, I

quickly denied it.

Going to see Eina-san was my own initiative. Rather, it was as if I was

secretly investigating. What happened after that felt a bit out of control, but

it was all my own fault...!

Anyway, I wanted to tell her that there was absolutely no need for her to

blame herself, but Nina seemed to be sensitive to something,

"...big liar."

Just listen to her whispering.

The expression on her face seemed to be awkward or blaming me, but she

also felt a little happy.

"...I also caused trouble for Lapi-kun and everyone else, so we can clear

both sides."

"Y-really? I don't think so, but...if that's the case, that would be great,


I scratched my head with one hand and couldn't help but tell the truth. Nina

really laughed "haha" this time.

Seeing this smile, I finally felt relieved.

"Shall we go back to the dormitory? Although there will be no "special

internship" tomorrow, there is still training."

"Ah, regarding this matter...can I go to the "Faction Experience" tomorrow,


After all the things that happened tonight, Lady Hestia strictly ordered me

to go back to [Familia].

In the "School District", Orario's "Faction Experience" itself is a selfservice application form. As long as you explain it carefully to the teachers

and get permission, you can do it at any time. I heard that many students

outside of the "Combat Techniques" department have already gone through

the "Faction Experience" before the "Family Recruitment".

Although I was very sad that I couldn't train with the "Third Team", there

shouldn't be anything unnatural about it. However, when she heard my

application——Nina was obviously shaken.

"L-Lapi-kun...have you decided on a way out?"

"Eh? Ah, well, I want to be an adventurer, so I have a general direction..."

I hurriedly pulled out the settings prepared by Teacher Leon in my mind,

and after being confused... Nina lowered her eyes and said sadly,



"...! Huh, I'm sorry. I'm going to ask them to start the stopped elevator!

Then let's go to the supervisor (Arisa-senpai) for training together!"

Nina suddenly came back to her senses, hurriedly forced out a smile, and

then boarded the gangway with a clang.

The sound of waves is faintly audible.

It was the sound of the vast ocean crashing into the Great Soda Lake.

She disappeared deep into the control layer, and I could only watch her

back silently.

"Hmm~ What a youth!"

"...Lord Eden?"

"Whether it's sweet or bitter, they are the dots that decorate your life! Come

and join me~, Aoharu—☆"


The blond goddess with a springy face appeared briskly from the back of

the gangway. I imitated her and stretched out one hand towards the night


She must have negotiated with the principal (Lord Badr) for Nina and me,

and then lowered the gangway.

What exactly is youth (Aoharu)? I thought about it seriously, and at the

same time I thanked the goddess for her mercy.

And after that, I had to write several reflective essays...

"Some direction! It's coming!"

Lily's sharp instructions flew over.

In the maze wrapped in bark, the sound of flapping wings echoed around,

and the entire team's endless fighting spirit was aimed in the same direction.

"I'll do the 'Sniper Dragonfly'. Welf, please deal with the 'Killer Bee'!"


The vanguard was divided into two groups. I dealt with the sniper dragonfly

group with long-range attacks, and Welf, who possessed the light of level

sublimation, took over the newly emerged giant bees.

I'm wearing a battle suit, a "Goliath Scarf", and Welf's new rabbit armor.

Not a "student", but the weapon of a long-lost "adventurer".

The combat uniforms of the "School District" are also very good, but as

expected, these are the ones I am more accustomed to wearing.

I felt the feeling of Level 5's ability pulsing through my body and released it


Without using quick-attack shooting (Flame Volt), he immediately got close

and like a top spinning in the air, he cut the entire sniper dragonfly group

into pieces in one go.

If it were the current team, Lily and Haruhime-san would be exposed to

risks if they rushed to the back row where the enemy was attacking from a

distance, but——

"Haruhime, bow your head."

"Yes Yes!"

Now we have the "absolute central defender", Ms. Liu!

A large number of "Crazy Beetles" attacked the side of the team, and she

passed in front of them like a gust of wind. It seemed that she just touched

the new weapon "Elvis Justitia", and there was a deafening sound, black

and gray. explosions occurred one after another.

Now it's a chaotic war. When I wasn't paying attention, this experienced

adventurer had switched to a one-hit kill aimed at the core to prevent the

"magic stone" from being ingested by monsters. She showed a "skill" that

made me widen my eyes. Make full use of the strength that the number "Lv.

6" deserves.

What's more, as if to explain the instructions she just gave to Haruhime-san,

she threw one of the two kodachi.

The knife flew past the crouching black turban and passed through the

empty space. Just when she thought she had lost her hand, she found that

the bark of the tree cracked, and the Kodachi pierced the chest of the

monster that was about to appear.

"Hey! Hiccup!" ?

The "Lizard Man" who turned into dust and fell down the moment he was

born truly demonstrated what "life and death" is.

What is the ideal way to deal with monsters in a dungeon?

In [Family], when this topic was brought up, Miss Liu, who was cleaning

the clubhouse, said calmly:

"Solve it the next moment it is born from the wall, or the moment before."

That's it.

Indeed, this way the monster can't do anything.

Even so, it was impossible to achieve the unique skill of accurately

detecting the aura of the monster that was about to emerge from the maze

wall. At least it's impossible for us today. I'm afraid only Miss Ming who

possesses [Yata Black Crow (Skill)] can barely practice it.

But Miss Liu has the same feeling and intuition as this "skill". There is no

doubt that she is the strongest person in [Hestia Familia]!

(Thanks to Miss Liu, the stability of the team has greatly increased!)

This will completely block any side or rear surprise attacks on Lily and

Haruhime-san who are rearguard.

Perfect defense brings about a substantial increase in attack power. The

vanguard group can focus on the enemy in front without any worries, and

the destructive power of the team's assault will be completely different from


This feeling of being too reliable made me look towards Ms. Liu, and my

eyes met Sora's eyes, and she immediately lowered her head. Even with her

face covered, you could see her cheeks were flushed, and even her slender

pointed ears were stained red. And I also felt tortured shame and a little


The current location is the 22nd floor of the "Big Tree Maze".

Just as I predicted, after the application for the "Faction Experience" was

approved, I changed from "Lappi" back to "Bell", returned to the "Zohuo

Pavilion", and was questioned by the god who had been waiting for me

early in the morning. Asked again. Sitting with Miss Liu.

The two of us blushed, and after several questions and answers that were so

incoherent that we couldn't even understand them, Kami-sama said



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas] Be continued between 2018 and 2015

this topic is tonight," and went out to work. I don't know how long it will

take before I can make up my mind to reply to Miss Liu...

In short, I didn't expect to have any other plans all day today. While I was

away, Lily and the others also re-examined the team's cooperation. Now

that this is a rare opportunity, let's accompany Lily and the others to explore

the maze.

It has been less than four months since I first set foot on this floor.

[Hestia Familia] has grown to the point where it can easily break through

layers below the 20th floor alone.

"Bell-sama, Lyu-sama—! We are fighting now, please concentrate! Why are

you looking at each other like students, like the sweet and sour youth


"I'm so sorry!"


At this time, Lily quickly noticed our appearance and issued a stern

warning. Is Aoharu popular?

The ugly sight of Lv. 5 and Lv. 6 being blamed made me want to cry a little,

and at the same time, the entire team began to deal with the new wave of



At this time, unintentionally.

Even in the midst of the battle, I glanced behind me.

"Hey Bell, where are you looking!"

"...Sir Bell?"

Welf, who was fighting on the side, called me, and from some distance

away, Miss Ming, who was directly behind me, showed a confused

expression. Ms. Liu, who was fighting from the side of the team, seemed to

have noticed something and glanced at me.

I immediately said "Sorry!" and cut into the enemy with Welf.

He cut the stag monster "Sword-Antlered Deer" in two, and split the large

monster "Mammoth Yugong" in the depths with Welf, and ended the battle


"...Um, Miss Ming. Can you tell me something?"

The long battle is over and it's time to finally take a breath.

After picking up the "magic stones" and "dropped items" with Lily and the

others, I said to Miss Ming while filling the water bottle.

"What's the matter, Sir Bell?"

"I was wondering, since Miss Liu stayed at the center back in the last battle,

could Miss Ming also move to the vanguard position..."

In order to confirm and "update" the coordination and formation, I

expressed what I felt.

"Although I was in a good position at the time, I felt that if Miss Ming came

to the vanguard, I could take another step forward and attract all the

attention of the enemy in front. In this way, in terms of results, the safety of

the team would be improved It will also be higher...probably."

"I see, it's true... I'm very sorry. I didn't think carefully."

"Ah, no, I'm not blaming you...! I am the one who said these words with a

proud face. I'm sorry!"

Before Miss Lyu joined, Miss Ming, the all-powerful adventurer, was the

lifeline of our [Hestia Familia]. She has even used [Yata Black Crow

(Skill)] to protect the rearguard (Lily and the others), and her consciousness

has always been inclined to the guarding aspect. It is better to say that it

proves that Ms. Ming has been making this kind of sacrifice up to now.

Behavior. I may have been offended.

Driven by embarrassment, I kept apologizing.

At times like this, I will painfully realize that I am not suitable to be the

group leader, but...Lily looked at me, looking very surprised.

"Lily...? What's wrong?"

"...It's okay. What Lily wanted to say was spoken out by Mr. Bell first.

Should I say he was stunned or something..."

"Eh!? Hug, sorry!"

"That's nothing. And Lily has never been a vanguard, so she can't say

anything to attract the enemy's attention..."

After saying that, Lily kept staring at me from head to feet.

"Lord Bell... I always feel like you have become smarter?"


She suddenly said something unexpected to me, which made me roll my

eyes in surprise.

"My little girl feels the same way. Mr. Bell today always feels very


"Study, knowledge..."

"Haha, you are indeed a first-level adventurer."

"Is that so...?"

The words of Haruhime-san and Welf hardly made me feel the same way.

As your level increases, your head will spin faster...well, maybe this is

indeed the case...

While I kept tilting my head, Ms. Liu, who was watching us from a

distance, pointed out something.

"The 'field of vision' has expanded."

Hearing this peaceful and awe-inspiring voice, everyone looked towards


"Bell, your 'personal' 'vision' is almost complete. Fall into the 'deep' with

me and learn how it feels to lure enemies and respond to attacks coming

from blind spots. That's it."

…It's not that I feel good about myself, but hearing her point it out like this

makes me agree.

Miss Ais's teachings are connected with Miss Lyu's teachings, and it feels

like what you see expands in one breath.

If that was the "vision" that Miss Lyu mentioned, then Bell Crane had

indeed obtained a weapon.

In this sense, it can be said that thanks to the training I received from

Alfric-san and the others in the "Battle Wilderness", my "vision" of blind

spots has become sharper now.

Miss Liu continued.

"And now, you are gradually expanding this 'vision' to not only yourself,

but the entire team."

"It means the perspective of being a defender, right? Lyu-dono."

"Wait, please wait, isn't the purpose of the rear guard commander (Lily)...!"

"It should be said that even though it's not a hit, it's not far off. So don't

worry, Liliruka. Your command and his 'vision' are different things."

Miss Ming asked the question, and the content of the question made Lily

panic. Then Miss Liu explained it carefully like the eldest daughter among

the sisters.

"To be more specific, it's 'tactical vision'."

"'Tactical Vision'..."

"A commander like Liliruka has to overlook the entire battlefield and guide

the entire team, while Bell chooses the actions needed by the entire team

based on the battle situation, or shares this information."

To sum it up, Lily's perspective is based on the overall perspective, while

my "vision" is based on a partial perspective. This is probably how it feels.

The advantage is that where Lily alone cannot make up for it immediately,

the vanguard and center defenders can make up for it. The burden on the

commander will be reduced, and more intensive cooperation can be quickly

carried out - Ms. Liu added.

"Improving the annihilation efficiency and response speed will benefit the

team. It is also critical that people in similar positions can see the same

scenery. The commander can observe the actions in the front from the rear

and further expand the strategy. There will be many more options."

After listening to her explanation, Welf and Miss Ming also said "Oh" and

made sounds of understanding.

Indeed, as a vanguard attacker, my top priority so far has been to break into

the enemy formation. Of course, thanks to the addition of Ms. Liu, the team

has become far more stable than before, which gives me the freedom to

have "vision".

Maybe the concept of "vision" was also cultivated by Miss Lyu during the

[Asteria Familia] era. It's not about waiting for instructions from the center

back or the command from the defender, it's just the ability of the forward

to think. Can be the lubricant of the team, or the force of the gears. Maybe,

Miss Lyu also learned this from someone from the [Asteria Familia].

"Your 'expansion of horizons' this time is because you entered the 'school

zone', right?"


"I thought your trip to the 'School District' this time was a well-timed break.

However... even this kind of break will be turned into food for your


After saying that, Miss Liu smiled.

I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when I was praised, but I also

felt happy at the same time.

The time spent in the "school district" is by no means wasted. Perhaps,

being able to command the "Third Team" for hunting is also a result of the

experience of the last platoon (supporters) and "Martial Arts" and other


I am very happy to be recognized for my studies in the "school district".

What's more, it's like Nina and the others have also been praised, which

makes me very proud.

"The cooperation with Bell has been confirmed. It's almost time to go back.

After all, the road back is long."

"Yes, I also got a lot of "magic stones" and "dropped items"! As expected,

Mr. Lucky Rabbit (Bell) is here, so I make a lot of money!"


After that, we completed several more battles and left the "Big Tree Maze".

I want to return to the base before Lord Kami comes back. Today, the firstlevel adventurers (Mr. Alfric and others) are visiting the house. At the same

time, they are also on guard against illegal intrusion by people who are

targeting Haruhime-san, so I am a little worried. Besides, I have to go back

to the "school zone" at night.

Just when I was feeling comfortable fatigue and satisfaction from this

somewhat busy "double life" of a student and an adventurer,

"Damn you...! You guys from the 'School District'! Don't be too proud!"

"You are the ones, can't you be more polite! It turns out that all adventurers

are a bunch of hooligans!"

We were about to enter the cave-like "Cave Maze". When we entered the

13th floor, we heard a heated argument.

Looking closely, there is an explosive atmosphere floating between a group

of adventurers and the "squad" of the "school district".

Is it a gift from a monster, or is it fighting for prey (monsters)? No matter

where I was, it looked very unsettled. When I realized that the adventurers

were ready to reach for weapons at any time, my feet moved without


"Um, what's wrong?"

"Ah!? What do you care about—Shiro, [White Rabbit Swiftfoot]!?"

"First level adventurer!?"

The domineering human adventurer leaned back and backed away when he

saw my face, and the other adventurers also became timid as if they were

facing a monster from the "deep". Ah, this reaction is so hurtful...

Naturally, the adventurer group didn't know what I was thinking. They said

"No, it's nothing!" and immediately left the scene.

The only ones left were me and the stunned students of the "Combat

Techniques Department".

I don't know them. The articles on the chest are harp and books... Is it


"The fastest rabbit in the world!"

"Bell Cronny! The rude man who invaded the 'School District'!"

"Are you planning to help us!?"

"But we did get help, so thank you!"

"""Thank you very much for helping us! Bah!"""

The team of four people thanked me together, and then spat on the ground

in unison.

Seeing their backs leaving with the neat movements of an army, I felt like

crying. Sure enough, I must not let Nina and the others discover my


"A student of the 'school district'. You too are completely hated."

"No, it's my fault...there's nothing I can do about it."

"I really don't know if I am thanking you or hostile to you..."

Welf and Lily, who had witnessed the whole process, also gathered over.

When I dropped my shoulders in frustration, Haruhime-san spoke.

"There seemed to be a dispute just now...did something happen?"

"Most of the students in the "School District" with good conduct are

opposed to the lawless adventurers... When the "School District" returns to

Hong Kong, we often see this scene. Whether on the surface or in the

underground city."

"After all, the manners and etiquette taught in the 'School District' are the

furthest thing from adventurers..."

"It's just a common thing."

Miss Liu, Lily, and Welf replied as if they were talking about the unique

scenery of this period.

Ming-san and I, who have little experience in Orario, and Haruhime-san,

who has been living in a narrow world like Flower Street, said "Ouch--",

and the entire team's reaction was divided into two types.

But, that's it.

From what they said, it seems that the rude adventurers and the students of

the "school district" don't get along well...

"Arrogant brats... just wait and see."

I looked towards the front of the maze where the adventurers had left.

I always felt as if I heard some malice that concerned me (murmured), and I

had a somewhat unpleasant premonition.