
Journey to Orario

After a couple of hours of walking, Alvar realized that it was getting rather dark and he forgot to ask how long it would take to get there. Although it didn't bother him that much since it's rather calming to walk at night.

It's something he used to do in his world to clear his mind and keeps him calm. He doesn't need sleep and usually gets nightmares when he does sleep so he always keeps himself busy.

After another hour or so of walking, he decided to walk towards a tree and sat near it. He summoned one of his grimoires. He calls this one 'The book of emotions' because he uses it to write down his thoughts, problems and mainly keeps it as a diary.

He flips the pages to the current page and started writing the information he gained from Andrew in the different sections.

'He said that people with a falna can use magic or have different abilities. So I shouldn't use any magic in front of anyone since I don't have a falna.' He thought while scribbling these things down.

'I don't like attention so I shouldn't do anything that would cause a ruckus, at least not until I find Cali. Also, another problem would be the gods or goddesses. They still have a part of their divinity and Andrew did say that some of them still have an ability they can still use. I'm guessing they each have specific divinities they govern so just in case I come across a god or goddess of death I should use an item to make my soul look 'normal' in their eyes.' He thought while thinking of an item to use.

He opened his storage and took out a skull that looks like it was made out of a type of dark metallic bone. It has 5 Arrow like spikes on the top side of the skull.

This item is called the 'Occult Skull Crown'. Its ability is to 'hide' the wearers' soul and also weakens the users' strength, speed and so on as long as the wearer wants it. The reason it has this optional effect is that as long as someone wears this item their rage will always increase and never decrease as long as the user doesn't go on a rampage. Alvar picked this item because he can limit his strength and speed but its bonus effect is to turn debuffs into buffs.

He can release his rage inside the dungeon without anyone knowing and not having to worry about destroying the floors.

He placed the item on his head. After it was placed on his head it disappeared because of his concealed spell. Any accessory or armour he wears will disappear but still has the same effects.

'Perfect! For now, I'll only keep my soul concealed since I don't know what might happen at Orario. I'll always keep my defence the same and keep the armour I'm wearing hidden since I don't know what types of materials are rare or common in this world. Who knows... Orichalcum might even be more common here than my previous one.' he thought with interest.

He also took out a bracelet. Its shape was that of a yellow and blue coloured eastern dragon.

"Sorry, Stardust for storing you in the storage dimension for so long." Alvar said apologetically.

The bracelet started glowing and growing for a few seconds. Then it started dispersing into particles which started forming a yellow and blue colored eastern dragon. It's about half the length of Alvar, who is 6"4.

Stardust is the only stardust dragon that exists currently in Alvars world... and yes... he did name a stardust dragon, Stardust.

It started to fly towards Alvar and nudged its head against his head like its reassuring its master that everything is fine.

"Glad your alright Stardust, you can fly with me towards Orario but if you sense any intelligent presence then turn back into a bracelet around my arm. I don't want anybody knowing you exist until we know it's safe." Alvar said with a smile while petting Stardust.

Alvar continued to write in his book while talking to Stardust for a couple of hours in the calming nighttime atmosphere.

He stood up while stardust was curled around his neck like a scarf and he was asleep. Alvar started walking again towards Orario while listening to his surroundings just in case he picks something up.

He also started practising his mana control and magic to make sure that the amount of mana in the air won't cause any problems down the lines but he felt everything was fine and normal.

He felt 5 presences hidden somewhere close, he decided to walk towards it and found a pack of dire wolves eating goblin corpses. Stardust started sniffing the air, woke up and stared at the dire wolfs like they were food.

"Go ahead Stardust, you can have your snack." said Alvar with a smile while petting stardust's head.

He let out a happy groan and flew towards the pack of dire wolfs. His body started growing and glowing. The pack of wolfs noticed the big glowing dragon and wanted to flee, but before they could, Stardust opened his mouth and burned them with a controlled stardust fire breath.

He started eating the bodies while Alvar just watched and leaned against a tree.

"Glad you controlled your breath, unlike last time Haha." He said laughing remembering the time when Stardust wanted to eat something and accidentally burned the bodies and a part of the forest.

Stardust did a proud pose thinking that he did a good job completely ignoring the second part he said.

After Stardust was done eating they continued walking towards Orario for a couple of days.

'It seems Andrew completely forgot to tell me how long it might take to go to Orario' He thought

'At least I was able to spend some time with Stardust on the way here.' he continued

As he was finishing that thought Stardust turned back into a bracelet around Alvar's left wrist. Alvar walked on and saw the end of the forest.

After leaving the forest he saw a massive city with huge walls going around it.

'So this is Orario, it seems.' he thought with a smile.

He started walking towards the entrance of Orario feeling the Silver orb glowing brighter and having a stronger connection with the other one.


(A/N) I noticed that I misspelt the name 'Orario' in the title and in the previous chapter I fixed it :P

This is the end of this chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it. If you did do add it to your library and throw some stones if you want to :P

About the release schedule, I can release chapters on Friday, Saturday and Sunday but I can try to make some in the week on my phone.

Anyway, see you all in the next chapter, Peace!