
A.I is taking over...

Hey guys some of you have pointed out that this Fanfiction is like reading an Ai, which isn't wrong, but isn't completely right either.

This is how my process works...I write the chapter as is...then I put my chapter through the Ai to improve it, take out any mistakes, or perhaps change the format of paragraphs that might not make any sense.

Then I take that rewritten chapter and I fix it and add stuff, like dialogue and paragraphs that would make sense in certain scenes or another.

And then after I feel like the chapter reads well, I put it through Grammarly just to make sure any spelling mistakes I missed are fixed(Grammarly isn't perfect, but you guys point out the things I miss).

And once that's all well and dandy the chapter is finally ready to be uploaded...that's my process, it's long, convoluted and a pain in the ass but it works for me.

That's why when you guys read it, it sounds like Ai, because it partially is...but isn't, it's an entire process.

Once I feel like I'm good enough as a newbie writer to not need the Ai's Formating, I won't be using it anymore...plus I thought that the way Ai wrote the chapters was perfect for Muichiro's character and how he's a Robotic human trying to find emotions.

Well, that's pretty much all I needed to say, hope you're enjoying the story so far.

I might do another Mass release in the near future, but not for now...man did those eight chapters such the life out of me...now I know how Harry felt when those Demntors tried sucking the life out of him.

(Random Meme)

Two more chapters, tomorrow.

Iseeyou6969creators' thoughts