
Twilight Manor 3 Final

I'm back! Guess what? I'm updating this daily!

2 Chapters a day? Well if it's within top 20 then I'll keep 2 Chapters a day update!


Aria found herself surrounded by Loki's familia, she honestly expected this but it doesn't mean that she had to like it, most of the members approached her as girls.

Asking random questions like.

Which familia do you belong to?

Hestia, obviously.

Do you have a boyfriend?

This question is pretty normal but Aria found herself pondering, something like that didn't cross her mind at all, not until today, now that she thinks about it, having a boyfriend is pretty much impossible for her, as her standards are pretty high, first and foremost of all they had to be stronger than her, as she won't accept a weaker person than her, second they had to have a good personality and had a good manner, even if they are indeed stronger than her if their cocky and arrogant, they are a huge turn off for her.

She doesn't like narcissists either, or anything similar, so if her suitor is anything like that then they can forget wooing her, they can find another as she wasn't interested and finally the third, this is the most important one of all the 3, as they have to get her father's approval if not, they can forget rule 1 or 2, no matter how strong they are or how much of a saint they are, if they don't have her father's permission then forget everything, as she would never accept them.

Though, she never answered that question.

And they continued to ask her questions, and she did answer them as politely as possible, as she started to get a bit annoyed.

Luckily her savior has arrived, although it was something unexpected!

"Quiet you, weaklings! Can't you see how uncomfortable she is?! Stop bothering her!" It was Bete Loga, known for being rude, especially to those who are below him.

Everyone stared at him for a moment, they didn't expect him to interfere, but his words made them realize that he was right, looking closely at Aria's facial expression, they could see a hint of discomfort on it, no matter how small it is, it doesn't matter, they made her uncomfortable after all.

Then they started to apologize, saying that they should have known better, they were ashamed that they didn't notice it.

Surprise was evident on Aria's face, not because of their apology, but because of the unexpected help that she got.

Aria couldn't help but raise her brow at the person who 'saved' her, she realized that it was that rude wolf that insulted her father, honestly, her first impression of him wasn't the best.

After that, everyone started to go back to their respective places and the only ones that were staying were the top members of the Loki Familia.

Bete, Tione, Tiona, Ais, Riveria, and of course, the elf Lefiya.

"Bete! That was really unexpected! You helping a stranger?! That's too out of character even for you!" Tiona said in a loud voice.

Hearing the loud voice of Tiona, Bete scowled at the amazoness, "Shut up! You're too loud! Fuck my ears!"


"Don't 'oops'! Me you fuckin moron!" 

The others couldn't help but stare at them, while Riveria sighs at their childish bickering, ignoring the two, Tione decided to say something, "Anyway, ignoring those two, it's nice to finally meet you Aria!"

Aria stared at Tione for a moment, she knew her of course, she's one of her aunts in the future, as much as she wanted to reveal that she already knows her personally, she couldn't as it was meant to be a secret, plus the looks that Mommy Riveria was giving her wasn't good, she definitely knows what she's thinking at least in the surface.

"Nice to meet you too, Tione." Aria felt strange calling her without the 'aunt' part.

"Oh? You know me?" Tione curiously asked, she wasn't surprised though, she's definitely famous enough that people at least heard of her in Orario.

"Of course, who hasn't heard of the twin amazoness of the Loki Familia?" Aria quickly replied as she didn't want to feel more of Riveria's 'intense' gaze.

"Oh, I'm flattered that you know me!" Tione said with a proud smile, she takes pride in her hard work reputation after all, "By the way, I didn't expect you to be Ais twin sister! I thought it was just baseless rumors but to think it held some truths,"

"Honestly, I thought Ais doesn't have any relatives, we already established that, however, all of the sudden one pops out of nowhere! And it's her twin that we didn't hear about until recently! It's really suspicious of you to think about it, not just that she's supposed to be a level 7! How come no one knows about her? Someone of her caliber should have been well-known, famous like Ottar!" Tione kept rambling about obvious facts.

Riveria, Ais, and Aria started sweating a bit, what Tione said was true, despite her appearance, she's actually a bright person, meaning she's one of the smartest in her familia, unlike her sister Tiona whose intelligence is that of a kid.

Her only saving grace is that she's strong and her battle IQ is one of the tops. Tiona might not be smart like her twin sister, but she sure hell pack a punch.

Lefiya sneaky introduced herself to Aria, "I-im Lefiya Viridis n-nice to meet you, Ms. Aria! I-i hope we get along!"

Her shy introduction got Aria's attention, to her this was weird not just weird, but strange as well, the Aunt Lefiya she knew of wasn't someone who has a shy personality like this, she was a headstrong woman that wasn't afraid to say whatever in her mind is without stuttering.

She's so different in the past, Aria thought, but she decided to ignore that and replied, "Nice to meet you too, let's get along,"

She gave Lefiya her hand, at first Lefiya was confused but a moment later, she realized what she was trying to do, quirky she took Aria's and started shaking it.

Inside her mind was squealing in delight, 'I'm touching Ms. Ais twin sister's hand!'

After shaking Lefiya's hand, her eyes wandered around and locked toward her mother's rapier, even if she wasn't a blacksmith with her experience with countless weapons due to her sister, she knew the quality of her mother's rapier wasn't good, with her mother's strength it would have shatter like a piece of glass, so fragile.

If she were to guess, it would shatter the moment her mother uses 90% of her strength.

"Ais, I couldn't help but notice the quality of your weapon isn't good," Aria couldn't help but cringe a little when she spoke her mother's name without titles.

Ais didn't react as she expected, she just nodded and replied, "This is just a replacement to my original weapon, it was being repaired because it's broken."

"Oh, that makes sense." Aria then pondered for a while before taking something out of her bracelet.

As soon as it came out, everyone's attention was captured by the glowing sword that was in the hands of Aria, especially Ais, she was instantly mesmerized as she laid her eyes upon the sword.

Suddenly distant memories from her past appeared, the sword that is currently resting in Aria's hand was so similar to the sword that she used as a level 1.

Sword Ale,

It was the second sword that she owned before Desperate was made.

Unlike her Sword Ale, this one was bigger than that short sword, either way, they are similar.

Ais stared at her future daughter with a questioning look, at least in the eyes of Aria it was a questioning look, but to the others, it looked like Ais stared at her blankly not showing any emotions.

"Use this weapon instead of that replacement, it won't last long I guarantee it, this sword is called Hope, (Yes, very original) it's better than that rapier or your original weapon, it also has a special property, it's unbreakable." When a level 10 used his full strength, Hope didn't break so it's confirmed that it could withstand the highest possible strength that any mortal could achieve.

Everyone was either shocked or surprised that Aria was giving her a high-quality sword without flinching. They were newbies, they could tell what bad weapons and good weapons are, and Hope was probably the best sword that they had seen.

Ais couldn't contain her shock, she was giving this sword to her?

"Y-you're giving this to me..?"

"Yes…? I have better ones anyway, so it's better to be used rather than putting it inside," It was true that she had a few other swords that are slightly better than Hope. While it's a good sword, it wasn't the best one she got.

Plus, this weapon was originally made for Ais anyway, but it was given to her due to the fact that her mother in the future had a better weapon than Hope.

She didn't realize her words made them even more shocked than before.

'She has better ones?!' Is what everyone around was thinking.

Giving Hope to Ais, she slowly caresses the sword that was given to her by Aria, just by touching the sword it resonates within her, this sword was definitely made for her.

She hugged the sword and then looked at her future daughter, and softly said. "Thank you…"

Aria answered with a smile, "You're welcome,"

At the same time, in the alley where Aria first appeared, a girl with a redhead wandered around the place with a big grin on her face, "Hah! It's the past alright! Now, let's find where my idiot half-sister is!"

Guess whose daughter is this? Aside from Bell of course. It's obvious he's the father.

Also support me on Pa.treon for faster update! Don't give a damn about advance chapter anymore, the more a get the faster I update it's like me getting a steroid hah!
