
Twilight Manor 1

Ais fully accepted the fact that she had a daughter from the future, and the way she looked at Aria changed, without her realizing her motherly instinct was showing.

To think, her daughter would look exactly like her, the only difference between them is their hair, and she knows that her daughter got it from that boy- no, she can't call him a boy anymore, if anything he's the Man that made her pregnant in the future.

Bell and her interaction were a little to nothing, both of them truly never talked properly before, but this time she'll talk with him and want to know why her future self married him as her husband.

Ais and Aria, are on their way to the surface talking about what happened to the future, for better or for worse she didn't talk about Bell having multiple wives in the future. Aria probably thought of it as an unimportant matter at least for her.

Then Ais asked about the One-Eyed Black Dragon in the future, as she ask about it, there was clearly an untamable rage in her tone. Aria knew why, so she didn't bother asking.

"About that dragon, it was killed by you and father and in the process of achieving that goal, the entire Loki Familia and Hestia fought to weaken it, even though I wasn't born at that time yet. To the people of Orario it was a Historical moment, and after both, you and father killed the One-Eyed Black Dragon, you both became heroes in the eyes of the people, and a title of Dragon Slayer."

Aria basically spoiled the entire thing, not aware of the impact that she just made.

Knowing that she and Bell, who is supposed to be her future husband. Ais felt very very satisfied knowing that she had revenge with her arch-nemesis, the One-Eyed Black Dragon.

Ais asked another question, it was about her mother, she wanted to know if they successfully rescued her after slaying the dragon.

Unfortunately for her expectation was crushed, as she heard from Aria that, her mother sacrificed herself to kill the One-Eyed Black Dragon.

Ais became depressed, she gripped the Rapier hard on her waist, almost breaking it.

She failed, she failed to save her mother from that dragon!

All of sudden, her daughter patted her shoulder and said, "Don't be depressed mother, that is what happened in MY future, and not this, you and father could still change the outcome!"

Aria smiled gently at her mother, hearing that her depression instantly disappeared completely, and her expression became determined.

'That's right, it didn't happen yet we can still avoid my mother sacrificing herself. I just have to work harder to become stronger to avoid that future!'

Ais was eternally grateful for her future daughter for this information, at the same time she felt a sense of pride knowing that her daughter is strong, stronger than the current her.

"Just so you know, I'm training Otou-sama so that he will become much, much stronger than what he is in the future! Naturally mother I'd do the same to you! At your level monsters from deeper floors could barely give you a decent challenge, except if it's a floor boss, so I'd spar with you later." Aria gave her mother a wink.

Ais smiled brightly hearing that her daughter will help her become stronger to change the future. At this moment, she can't stop her feelings from bursting out.

She jumped at Aria, and gave her a tight hug, while she was patting Aria's head.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"No problem mother! It's a daughter's job to help their parents! It's only natural!" Aria grinned.



Ais and Aria are now on the surface. Ais looked at her daughter hesitantly, Aria noticed this and asked.


Aria didn't call her 'Mother' since they are at a crowded location.

"Can I tell this to my familia?" Ais asked expectantly, hoping that she will agree.

To Ais, Loki's familia was her family so she can't just keep this a secret from them.

Hearing that, Aria smiled and replied. "Shall I come with you then?"

Ais' expression brightened, she knew that Aria was okay with it, and she excitedly said. "Sure!"

Aria only agreed because it's the Loki Familia, if it was any other familia, she wouldn't carelessly allow her mother to say that she's from the future.

She trusted the people of the Loki Familia, as she was raised by both Loki and Hestia familia, like Ais she also saw them as her family.

And the mother and daughter pair went to the Twilight Manor with smiles on their faces.


(Abandoned Church)

Bell just finished exchanging the magic stones that he earned from slaying monsters in the dungeon with his daughter.

He earned more than what he had yesterday!

50,000 Valis!

Bell's happiness was simple, so he went home with a big smile hanging on his face. This was happiness.

He had arrived at his goddess home, and his eyes widened as he saw the broken door at his familia's house!

Quickly, he rushed inside the church with a worried expression and exclaimed.

"Goddess! Are you okay?! Please be okay!"

He was genuinely worried for his goddess, then he saw Hestia, who was eating Jagamarukun with a delightful expression on her face, seeing this expression visibly become less tense.


"Bell!" Hestia noticed his arrival, and she greeted her with a toothy smile.

"Goddess, what happened to our door? Why was it broken?" He asked.

"Ah, about that it was Loki's children, they accidentally used too much force knockout, you know amazon's had a terrible amount of strength, anyway that's what happened, they did apologize for it, so it's fine," Hestia explained.

"So that's what happened! Anyway, goddess! Look, I earned more than yesterday!" Bell happily let his goddess know.

"Wow! Good job Bell!" Hestia praised him.

"Hehehe! Ah, right goddess, you didn't update my status yesterday, can you update it today? I feel like I've improved." He said.

"Oh! Yeah, I got a lot on my mind yesterday, so I kind of forgot anyway, Bell lies down and takes off your shirt so that I can update your status."

After that Bell took off his shirt and Hestia started updating his status, seeing his newly updated stats. Hestia's jaw dropped as she saw his stats.

Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength: G 211 - > C 702

Defense: H 101 - > E 599

Dexterity: G 232 - > D 606

Agility: F 313 - > B 831

Magic: I 0 - > I 0

Magic: None


Liaris Freese - Fast growth as long as feelings last. The strength of the effects corresponds with the level of the user's feelings. As a side effect, it makes the user immune to charms

Hestia thought. 'What the hell is this? This is not called 'growth' anymore! It's called leaping! This skill! Must absolutely be a secret! Until Bell has the strength to back it up!'

"Goddess?" Bell wondered why his goddess was taking too long from updating his status.

"Ah! Sorry, Bell! I kind of lost for a moment, let me copy your new status." Hestia didn't forget to erase his skill and copied his newly acquired stats.

As Hestia gave Bell his new status, she saw him trembling.

"G-g-goddess! Is this for real?!" Even Bell was doubting his growth.

"Yeah, it's real honestly I'm the same, I can't believe it."

After that confirmation, Bell couldn't stop his happiness anymore. "I can't believe it! With this, I'm one step closer to my goal! Just you wait!"

Suddenly Ais appeared inside his mind, smiling while looking at him.

"Goddess, let's celebrate!" Bell dragged Hestia along with him.

Hestia herself didn't mind, since the growth of his stats is indeed worth celebrating for, she also hopes that Aria is here too so that they celebrate together.


(Twilight Manor)

Ais and Aria arrived at the Loki Familia's headquarter, Ais went inside followed by Aria, the guards of the manor couldn't help but be stunned at the sight of two Sword Princesses.

They thought that they were dreaming or something, but the problem is they weren't, right now they have tons of questions to ask about who is the other Sword Princess behind the original one.

Both mother and daughter are now inside the manor, many members of Loki Familia we're stunned by what they saw, most of them thought that they were hallucinating but they knew they weren't.

"My Loki! I can't even tell the difference if it wasn't for the hair!" Said Raul.

"I know right?!" Anakitty said with shock in her tone.

Alicia was also equally shocked.

While Lefiya's head was overloaded by the sight. "There are two Ais-san... there are two…"

One could see a cloud of smoke coming out from her head.

Bete stared at Aria and mumbled. "She's familiar...have we met before?"

Little did he know, she was the person who knocked him unconscious.

Riveria came out of her room, after hearing the commotion, and then she saw Ais and Aria amongst the crowd.

Her eyes widened and thought. 'So, the rumors were true...she really looks like a twin of Ais..'

She never thought that Aria would come to their manor, much less together with Ais, but it made her job easier.

"Ais can please come with me with your companion in the main office," Riveria called Ais.

Ais heard Riveria and nodded, now both Ais and Aria went to the Twilight Manor main office along with the mother of the familia Nine Hell. Riveria.


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