
Sigyn 1

Aria finally got home, thankfully it was really a stressful night for her, meeting new faces and familiar ones, either way, she wasn't used to this kind of life, like meeting her mother and aunts as teenagers.

It's weird, no it's a strange experience but it wasn't a bad one, Aria stared at the 'house' where she and her father lives, honestly, she can't believe her mommy Hestia and father lived in this place!

Either way, she can't complain because it is what it is, besides they won't stay here for long! Because the very next day, she'll buy them a house!

A 'real' house, not this!

Taking a deep breath, Aria was about to knock on the door, however, she noticed that it was broken, "Eh..?"

It was at that moment, that she knew that they needed to switch to a new house ASAP, screw everything she can't let Otou-sama and Mommy Hestia live in a place like this!

She took a deep breath and exclaimed. "I'm back!"

Not even a second later, she heard footsteps and then the Loli goddess burst out the door completely destroying it, however, the said goddess didn't care and she immediately jumped at Aria and gave her a tight hug!

"Aria! Where were you?! It's already late! Don't you know how dangerous it is for you, a beautiful young lady, to wander around the night?!" Hestia scolded Aria with a pissed yet concerned tone.

Aria couldn't help but smile a little at her Mommy Hestia's concern and thought, 'Even in the past she's still as overprotective as ever…'

Even when she was level 7, she was still getting scolded, saying no matter how strong she becomes, a young maiden like her should not be late at night.

"I'm sorry Mommy Hestia, it's just I met my mother back in the dungeon and followed her back to Twilight Manor." 

"Wha- wait you met WallenWhatsIt?! Wait no you went through the Twilight Manor where Loki is?!" Hestia exclaimed in a loud voice.

"Yes, I also met Loki and the rest of the Loki Familia," Aria wanted to add 'Mommy' in Loki's name, but ultimately decided not to, because not only it would cause trouble, she would be sure Mommy Hestia would be furious!

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but remember what her parents told her about the past when Hestia found out about the relationship between Loki and her father. She heard that Hestia almost started a war with the Loki Familia.

"Then..! Did you tell them about you coming from the future as well..?" Hestia could already tell that she did, her face says it all.

"Yes…," She felt a bit guilty for not informing her beforehand, but then again it was an unexpected encounter.

"I see…so everyone from Loki Familia knows?" Hestia asked.

"No, not all of them only Mother Ais, Loki, and the top members of the Loki Familia, and the rest just knew me as my mother's twin sisters…which is kind of awkward to me," She admitted the last part in a shameful expression, but then again she and her mother did look the same except for the eyes and hair.

She was like her mother's doppelganger or twin sister, in this case, her father said so, her mother said so, and most of her aunties agreed.

"Indeed, you do look like your mother…." She accepted it easily, as there was no better background story to have, she had no compliment here, except for the fact that Loki knows!

Damn, she was getting a mild headache just thinking about her!

"Anyway, let's get inside and don't stay late ever again! If you do please inform me so that I won't have a heart attack from worry!" She said it in a joking yet serious tone.

"I will Mommy Hestia, you have my words," Aria replied with a beautiful smile, that her mother isn't capable of at least in the present.

Seeing her smile, Hestia smiled too. It was contagious.

"Oh, right Mommy Hestia, please take this." A huge bag filled with Valis appeared in front of the 'house' which is just a broken church that no one uses.

"W-what is this?! No, is it what I think it is?!" Hestia's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, it's 10,000,000 Valis, thankful I managed to sell the Black Goliath magic stone," Aria couldn't help but be disappointed that It's only 10m, back in the future it's thrice the price of that, but then again people from the present still didn't know to properly utilize a magic stone like in her future.

Thanks to her sister who single-handedly caused a revolution on how to properly utilize magic stones, now they are entering the modernized age.


To be honest, she's a bit crazy. If she wasn't she would never become this strong, as they say, the stronger you are the crazier you get.

Simply there isn't a single first-class adventure that is normal, everyone has a screw loose in their head, and it's not possible for any top adventure to stay sane especially when they dive inside the dungeon daily risking their lives.

How is that normal?

Not at all, so that's why you have to be crazy to be truly powerful.

Those adventurers who acted normal after a hellish expedition inside the dungeon are crazy, the more normal they act the crazier they are.

(A/N: Cough- Finn)

"It wasn't a big deal, I've dealt with a far more dangerous foe than some boss monster," Aria's expression turned into a very serious one, it was devoid of any kind of emotion other than seriousness.

Hestia shivers down her spine, seeing the look that Aria was giving her, "J-just w-what kind of monster is it..?"

"Slime…!" Aria shouted dramatically.

".....what..?" Hearing her answer, Hestia's expression turned blank.

"Those monsters are the deadliest foe that I've ever encountered in my adventuring life! They are literally immune to any form of physical attack! Even with magic, they are hard to kill!" Aria continues to rant about how 'dangerous' and 'disgusting' slime are.

Hestia couldn't help but let out a chuckle, to think a level 7 adventure weakness is a slime.

-Hostess Of Fertility-

Around the same time, Aria got home from the church.

Loki was all by herself drinking a lot of wine, to relieve some stress that she got from today's revaluation, it was too much for her to handle mentally, her brain was overloaded by the information that her precious Sword Princess was taken by Chibi's child!

Of course, she's mad about it but at the same time she's not, because of the beautiful child that was born through their DNA, she's so similar to Ais but far more superior than her at the same age!

It was complicated!

And here she's drinking, she was sure she'll get a huge headache tomorrow, but she doesn't care, she wanted to get wasted!

Drink until it knocks her out! Hopeful that she'd at least forget everything today.

While she was drowning in her wine, she didn't realize someone sat right next to her, even if she did notice she wouldn't bother anyway, or at least what would happen if it's just a normal person or God.

"Hey, you okay there?" 

Loki hears a girl's voice beside her, normally she'd just ignore them, but something, something is urging her to pay attention to the girl.

Perhaps it's just her being drunk.

She stared at the girl beside her and saw that it was someone unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time, but she couldn't put her finger where.

The girl who sat next to her was a beauty. She had red hair similar to her. If someone paid attention to this girl's hair closely they could see some white strands of her hair.

Her eyes were like rubies, they were glowing in that color, her face was something that they call Cool Beauty, a handsome girl.

Then Loki's eyes wandered to the girl's 'assets' seeing that it was flat as a board, she felt a sense of kinship toward the girl, improving her mood a little and her impression of the girl.

Deciding what to answer, she replied. "No, I'm not as you can see I'm stressed."

"Hooh..? Let me guess, a girl?" The girl spoke in a knowing tone.

Normally this was a question to a boy, but let's be honest it's Loki, she's more toward her sex than the opposite. "That's right!"

She sounded in a 'hoarse' voice.

"A boy got her?"


"A boy with white hair, ruby eyes, and cute?"


"Eh..?" Loki was dumbfounded by how specific she described his appearance because everything she said was exactly the cause of her problem!

"Ahem, as expected of me! Based on your reaction, I'm right by the name Sigyn, may I know yours?" Sigyn asked with a big grin on her face.


Loki had no idea who this girl was but for some strange reason, she wanted to protect this girl, she wanted to be closer to her and get to know her.

"Now, let's talk about our problems!"

"Yeah sure," 

For whatever reason it is, she feels like she could get along with this girl named Sigyn.

So Sigyn the original is a Norse Goddess of Fidelity, who is wife to the original Loki but in this case, she's Loki's and Bell's daughter!

She's the first Demi-God that is going to be introduced to the fic!

Oh and another chapter is coming later, gosh I was late to write for today's quota.

Now, please can I have a vote? 

Also support me on Pa.treon for faster update! Don't give a damn about advance chapter anymore, the more a get the faster I update it's like me getting a steroid hah!
