

Alright, some of my readers complained about how OP 'Shiva' is with their reasoning. I admit it is, so I'll change it to a less powerful one.

Also, there's a reader that Aria's level is ridiculous, and yes yeah absolutely I agree it took 8 years for Ais to get to her current level. But then again she's from the future who knows what changes there.

And also for your information, I didn't actually read the LN, only the manga, and the anime, no idea what's beyond Vol 14.

Might read it soon.


Hestia doesn't know what to do right now, the feelings that she had inside were threatening to burst outside her chest, she felt like crying right now, other than Bell. No one was this nice to her. Hestia couldn't take it anymore and she tackled Aria and hugged her.

"Ariiaaaaaa! Why are you so good to me?! I don't deserve you!" Hestia cried.

"Fewwhh?!" Aria was caught off guard by Hestia's unexpected hug.

Honestly, she didn't expect much, to her this was some common act. 4 million valis wasn't even that much, while it's true that a small amount of many, to her who is a first class adventure this kind of money is nothing more than pocket money.

"I-it's nothing, so Mommy Hestia you should buy a dress it's almost time for the banquet."

"O-okay! Aria-chan thank you! Thank you so much!" Hestia wiped the tears in her eyes.

Bell smiled seeing the interaction between his daughter and goddesses, he knows that Aria is a good person, but seeing this confirmed it, he was glad that he didn't fail as a parent in the future.

Then Hestia suddenly had an idea. "Ah! Aria-chan and Bell-kun accompany me in buying a dress! I'd like you guys to choose for me, please?"

Both father and child looked at each other, before shrugging, there was no way they could refuse their goddess request, besides Bell thought that it's a good idea to spend time with his goddess.

After that Hestia and her familia went to a dress shop, while they were on their way Aria talked about earning enough money to buy a mansion to stay. Hestia wanted to refuse but looking at her, Hestia knew that she couldn't stop her decision so she didn't insist on stopping her anymore, except she only added a condition that she shouldn't be reckless.

Hearing that, Aria stayed silent as stated before, she wasn't the type of person who would accept a promise that she can't fulfill, and she's aware of how reckless she could be, it was a trait that she got from her parents.

Hestia didn't hear any agreement from Aria, and she is worried.

"Aria-chan? Can you promise me?"

"...." She hates making a promise that she can't fulfill.

So she kept her silence.

Hestia stared at Aria with a serious expression, she stopped walking and said.

"Aria-chan, promise me."

"...Mommy Hestia, I can't. I don't like making promises that I can't fulfill." Aria looked at her with a firm expression.

Hestia closed her eyes and let out a big sigh. "I can't win against that… fine then! Instead of being reckless, promise me that you have to stay alive no matter what, you can't die inside the dungeon. Can you do that?"

Aria smiled and nodded. "That. I can, I promise I won't die inside the dungeon."

Hestia smiled and nodded. "That's a promise then!"

Then her gaze shifted toward Bell and said. "That applies to you as well!"

"E-eh? O-okay!" Bell promised.

All three of them arrived at the dress shop. Hestia hesitated to go inside, for a while now she was a dirt-poor goddess, so going inside an extravagant place like this is making her feel uncomfortable because she feels like she doesn't belong here.

But before she could do or say anything, she was dragged by an excited Aria, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the dress inside the shop.

"Woah! This still exist here? I thought that last piece was from years ago! Wait, isn't this the hundred million limited edition dress?! How come it's cheap?!" Aria's eyes darted toward the dress, back in her time these dresses were either lost or limited edition that was so expensive.

"Mommy Hestia! Try this one! Come!" Instead of Hestia, it was Aria who was excited instead!

Seeing this, Hestia's nervousness disappeared, her expression now curious and excited.

Now both girls were trying on some dresses, and now there is Bell who was nervous and embarrassed because he's the only guy inside the shop.

While his goddess and daughter were having fun, he was teased by some customers, and every time they did his face would turn red and those who teased him couldn't help but think 'Cutee! He's like a rabbit!'


Hestia and Aria have finished picking a dress. Aria didn't actually plan to buy some dress herself but her girly instinct awakened after seeing these rare limited edition dresses.

The most expensive dress was no more than 1 million valis, so that's why Aria bought some too.

Hestia showed off her new blue dress just from the quality alone, one would know that this dress is expensive, then she asked Bell.

"Bell-kun! What do you think?"

Waiting for his praise, Bell was genuinely surprised to see how Hestia became more attractive.

"G-goddess! Y-you, look perfect!" Bell praised her with a blush.

"Hehehe!" Hestia giggles, seeing her child's reaction, everything was worth it!

Honestly, she couldn't care less about the banquet that Ganesha prepared, the only reason why she wanted to go is because she needed to see Hephaestus and ask (beg) her to make a weapon for Bell.

Originally that was her plan, now because of Aria's presence, she might not need to do it, however, she's still going because it would be a waste not to, especially when she has a new dress to show off.

Now Aria came out from the dressing room. Bell's attention was shifted at her and his eyes widened, he couldn't move his eyes away from her, he unconsciously said.


Normally he would blush at the sight, but for some reason he couldn't, he just looked at her admiring her beauty.

Aria heard her father's compliment, she grinned and said. "Thank you Otou-sama!"

Then she did a noble bow, she lifted her dress with both hands and bowed not too low nor too high.

Hestia saw Aria and praised her from the bottom of her heart. "Aria-chan! You look so beautiful! Awh~ you look like a goddess!"

The white-haired girl giggled and replied. "Thank you, but you're the real goddess here Mommy Hestia!"

"I know!" Hestia didn't try to sugarcoat Aria's praise.

"Anyway, it's time Mommy Hestia, me and Otou-sama will accompany you! Right?" Aria winked at Bell.

Bell was stunned for a moment before smiling. "Yeah, we'll accompany you to the party goddess."

"Really?! I'm so happy! Let's go, my children!" Hestia grabs each arm of the father and daughter pair.

Then after that, they went together to the Ganesha's banquet hall named 'I AM GANESHA'

Hestia looked at Ganesha's banquet outer appearance with a weird expression. "What the...did he just make a banquet hall that looks like him? Even the banquet hall name is weird! 'I AM GANESHA'? Whatever, it's his choice."

Aria didn't find this banquet hall weird, because she had seen weird ones on her timeline.

While Bell finds the banquet hall cool, if Hestia were to find out she would pull a strange look at him.

"Mommy Hestia, this is where we stop good luck at the banquet!" Aria said.

"Yeah, be careful goddess!"

"I will! See you later, my children!"

Hestia went inside the banquet hall after, then Bell looked at his daughter and said. "Wanna eat something before going home?"

"Sure, where?" Aria asked her father.

"Hostess Of Fertility."

After that both went toward the Hostess Of Fertility direction, while they were on their way, a redhead goddess saw them walking together, her eyes widened. "Ais-tan?! Who is that boy she's with?! Grrr! Is she keeping this a secret to me?! Unforgivable!"

The redhead was about to chase them, but they suddenly disappeared from the crowd. It was too late, the redhead goddess slumped on the ground.

"Nooooo! Ais-tan betrayed me!" The redhead goddess said with tears in her eyes, then she gritted her teeth and said.

"I'll interrogate Ais about this! There's no way I'll allow her to befriend a boy!" After that, she stood up from the ground, because she didn't want to embarrass herself any further, because the gods and goddesses around her started talking about why she acted like that.

The redhead, who is known as the goddess of trickery Loki, went to the banquet hall.


Ganesha's banquet hall,

Hestia ignored everyone who talks bad about her.

"Isn't that Hestia? Wasn't she supposed to be poor?"

"Right, her dress looks very expensive... where did she get the money to buy that?"

"Perhaps, she stole it?"

"Haha, maybe other than that there's no other explanation."

Hestia sighs. 'I can hear you guys…'

She wasn't offended by what they said, because she knows the story, though she wasn't going to deny that she's poor, at least for now.

Then Ganesha arrived at his banquet hall and shouted. "Thank you for coming, everyone! I am Ganesha, the host of the banquet of gods!"

Ganesha talked about the monster festival that was going to be held within the next few days and so on.

Hestia didn't eat much since she already ate a while ago, saving from losing face. She was different from what she was yesterday because the future daughter of her first child went back to the past for whatever reason, but because of Aria, she had this.

And she was very grateful for this while eating a goddess approached her and said with emotion. "Hestia..? How..?"

"Huh..? Ah! Hephaestus!" Hestia smiled brightly as she saw her friend.

"Hestia... it's been a while..you look... better?" Said by the goddess of forge.

Hephaestus is very surprised by her friend's appearance, she didn't expect her to be doing this well, she thought. 'The rumors about her living in an abandoned church must be a lie…'

"Yeah! Thanks to my familia!" She said proudly.

"I see… it's good that you're fine." Hephaestus is happy for her friend. Hestia is one of the few friends that she has, after all, not many were willing to befriend her because of her right eye.

Hephaestus was a bit guilty that she kicked out Hestia from her mansion, but Hestia is a bit annoying and very lazy that's why she kicked her out, but it's a relief that her friend is doing well.

Hestia looked at her friend for a moment, she hesitated but then she became determined. "Hephaestus... I'm sorry!"

She bowed in front of Hephaestus.

This caught Hephaestus off guard, she didn't expect Hestia to do this, she panicked a little. "What are you doing Hestia?"

"Well... honestly... I'm sorry about everything...at first I didn't understand why you kicked me at your mansion but now I understand...it was completely my fault. I'm sorry for taking advantage of our friendship I truly do...so will you forgive me?" Hestia was genuinely apologizing, she was very immature before, she wasn't even a bit grateful for what her friend did to her, she's really a bad friend.

"....I understand so please stop bowing." This time Hephaestus gave a smile at her, meaning she acknowledged her apology.

"Thank you, Hephaestus! I will be a good friend to you from now on!"

"Sure, Hestia."

Hestia hugged Hephaestus, and Hephaestus awkwardly returned a hug, she wasn't used to this type of thing, she wasn't the best at showing her emotions.

As the two friends made up, an unexpected individual arrived.

"My, am I interrupting?"

Both friends' attention shifted toward the person. Hestia was surprised. "Freya? I never thought I'd see you here...as far as I know you weren't the type of person to join a party such as this.."

"Ara, that's true but I feel like going, why are you uncomfortable with me?" Freya smiled.

"I do, I honestly don't like your presence at all." Hestia glared at her.

"Fufu, that's what I like about you, Hestia."

"Wha-" Hestia was interrupted by the person behind them.

"Oi! Phae-tan! Freya! Chibi!"

It was Loki if there is someone she dislikes other than Freya. It's Loki, she's her nemesis, her eternal enemy or she thought so, she can't see her as such anymore, because of her children, it's bygones be bygones.

"It's nice to see you Loki," Hestia said politely.

Loki stops and stared at Hestia with surprise, now that she noticed it, her dress wasn't some cheap product nor she's using her goddess outfit and most importantly, she didn't say anything rude or offensive words toward her, instead, it was polite, she doesn't this person if it was the usual Hestia she wouldn't hesitate to say rude and offensive words toward her, they might even fight physical but today it didn't happen.

"Oi, Chib- no are you really Hestia?" Loki said.

"The one and only I suppose." Hestia smiled.

"What the hell…" Loki was lost, this wasn't the Hestia she knew of, this was a different one.

It wasn't just Loki, but also the people around her we're just as surprised at her. They were expecting a fight between Loki and Hestia to happen but they didn't expect this at all!

Is Hestia being polite to Loki? Is this even possible?!

Not knowing what to do, she didn't want to start an unnecessary fight between them, since she's polite, she'll do the same.

Hephaestus spoke. "I didn't know you two could get along.."

"I second here." Said Freya.

"Hah? Getting along? I don't think so, since she didn't start a fight, then I won't simple." Loki stated, just because Hestia is polite doesn't mean they will get along, what about those several thousands of years of fighting, she can't just ignore it and start chummy, chummy with Hestia.

Hestia is also the same, but unlike Loki, she'll make some real effort for them to get along, for the sake of her children, she thought. 'Geek! I don't really want to do this! But! But! Aria-chan is such a sweet child! I can't let her be unborn because of my bad relationship with Loki!'

"Anyway, Loki it's been a while I heard about your familia these days, they're doing well." Hephaestus praised.

"Ah, yeah I'm proud of my children." Loki smiles genuinely.

They looked at Loki, compared back when she was still in heaven she changed, her children managed to change her, she did the impossible, and that only proves she loves her children with all her heart if not she wouldn't change.

"I can say the same with Loki, I am proud of them." Hestia smiled.

"Them?" Freya said.

"Ah, that's right I have a new additional child in my familia, she's just the sweetest."

Freya smiled and said. "I see..so that's how it is...I think it's time for me to go."

"Right now?"

"Yes, I have already gotten what I want." Freya left after she confirmed something.

"...?" Hephaestus didn't get it but she didn't ask what she meant.

"Well, I was originally here to tease Hestia but things changed, so I'll be going too." Loki left.

"It's just you and me again Hestia." Hephaestus smiled.

"Yeah...now that they're gone, I want to make a request."

Hephaestus left eye glints and said. "Oh? What is it?"

"A weapon, create a weapon for my child," Hestia said.

"Hestia you know I can't-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Hestia says. "I'm not asking you to do it for free, naturally I'll pay. We can discuss the price in private."

Hephaestus sighs in relief, she thought that Hestia would ask her something for free again, but it wasn't the case, then she smiled. "Then, let's continue this discussion in my office."


Hostess Of Fertility,

The father and daughter pair ordered the best dish that this pub could offer. Bell insisted on paying the bill but Aria stated.

"We are a family, my money is your money, your problem is my problem, so dad you don't have to pay okay?"

"R-right…" Bell can't argue with his daughter because she made her point, and honestly, it made sense.

Their order arrived on the table, the dishes looked and smelled delicious, and the quality and quantity of the food were worth the price, one of the reasons why this place is popular.

Though in the eyes of Aria it was so-so, at least it was decent she thought.

Bell started eating the dish they ordered, as he took a bite, he smiled with delight. "As expected of Mama Mia's dish, it's delicious!"

Aria also took a bite and she didn't say anything, it was already a good thing that she didn't criticize the food because she respects the people here.

Amongst her sisters and brother, she was the pickiest eater, that's why she likes cooking her own food from time to time, she couldn't count how many restaurants she criticizes already, but there are always exceptions.

Like for example the street snack jagamarukun, no idea why she loves eating it. It was just some potato but she loves it regardless, it was the only street snack that she loves and no other.

As they eat peacefully, all of sudden someone bumps right into Bell making the dish that he was eating drop into the floor.

Bell looked at the person who bumped into him, and he became so nervous, that he started shivering.

Aria noticed this behavior of her father and asked. "What's wrong, Bell?"

She wouldn't call him 'father' if someone was listening to them, she makes sure of that.

Hearing her voice, the person that bumped into him spoke in a drunk yet surprised voice.

"Ais? Why are you hik* here? Hik*"

It was Bete Logan, who was really drunk. Normally he would notice the difference between Ais and Aria but right now, then right beside he saw Bell.

"Oh? Hik* I recognize you! Hik* you're that tomato brat! Hik* hahahaha! Yeah, you were that pathetic tomato hik* brat that Ais saved! Hik* Care to explain why are you hanging out with hik* this weak brat? Hik*" Said Bete.

Bell was trembling to hear his comment, he thought that he didn't want to be a coward anymore.. but what's this?!

Why can't he look at this person's eyes? Why was he shivering? Just why?

"Hah! This tomato brat is trembling! Hik* What are you scared? Hik* you can't even look at me in the eyes! Pathetic! Listen here tomato brat, you don't deserve to be at the same table as Ais! Hik* cause you're weak! The weak have no right! Now get the fuck out of her-" Before he could finish his sentence a fist went to his face and his body flew several meters away from his original spot.

Boom! Crash!

That punch made Bete sleep for good, the person who punched him is none other than Aria, who had a grim expression on her face. She was sick of listening to Bete's nonsense.

He insulted her beloved father, the father she deeply admired. If it wasn't for the fact that she's suppressing most of her emotions right now, she would have killed Bete right here and now.

That dog has no right to call her father weak! Her father was the strongest person that she knew and her hero. She can't stand this dog calling her father weak, this is a warning and she heard this one more time, he better start praying.


She dropped all of the valis she had left, a little over a million on their table, and she looked at Anya who was sweating as she stared at her.

"This is the payment for the food and the damage I made, keep the change." After that, she left while dragging her father out of the pub.

If she was any other customer, Mia would beat her ass, but she wasn't just any other customer, she was a level 7 adventurer, even if Mia is mad she can't just challenge a level 7 adventurer.

Though Mia was feeling better because of the compensation, at least.


Outside the pub,

After they got away from the pub, Aria stopped dragging her father and bowed at Bell.

"Otou-sama! I'm sorry! I couldn't control my anger toward that dog! I hate him for calling you weak!"

Bell was stunned for a moment before saying. "No...it was the truth...I am weak.. but thank you for standing up for me."

He gave her a weak smile.

Aria denied. "Otou-sama you're not weak! Don't listen to that dog's words! There is nothing but barks! Don't take it seriously, you are strong, stronger than everyone else, you are the strongest person that ever lived, and my hero so please don't belittle yourself."

Her words were sincere and powerful, and those very words make him feel better, he smiled at her and said. "Do you really think so..?"

"Think? No, I'm certain you are! So Otou-sama don't ever belittle yourself okay?"

"I-i.. alright…" He believed her, if he couldn't, is he even worthy to be her father?

"That's good, now let's go home and sleep tomorrow let's continue hunting in the dungeon, you will have to show that dog that he is wrong!" Aria said.

"Okay!" He added some strength in his voice.

"That's the spirit!"



The entire Orario was in uproar, the guild just posted a new level 7 adventurer! Other than Ottar, there was no other level 7 in Orario.

Everyone was looking at the poster at the guild, most people couldn't help but say.

"Hey, doesn't she look like the Sword Princess?"

"Now that you mention it...she does!"

"Woah, is she related to her?"

"There's a high possibility!"

"Which familia does she come from anyway? Hestia familia? Never heard of them!"

"Me neither!"

"A new familia!"

The news was spreading around Orario, and naturally, the news arrived at the Loki Familia.


Twilight Manor,

The high executives are currently doing a meeting about their next expedition in the next 2 weeks from now on.

While they were discussing the funds, and plans suddenly Tiona opened the door loudly without knocking.

Riveria couldn't help but glare at Tiona. "Tiona, you better have a good excuse for suddenly doing that, or else you'll see.."

Tiona felt shivers down her spine, she knows how harsh exactly is Riveria.

"Calm down, Tiona must have a good reason for doing this, or else she won't do something as disturbing as this," Finn said to calm the atmosphere down.

Gareth was just looking at Tiona, waiting for what news she'll give.

"Sigh...so what made you rush here?" Riveria asked.

While they were waiting, suddenly Tiona showed them a poster and exclaimed. "The guild posted news of another level 7 adventurer in Orario!"

Riveria, Gareth, and especially Finn became interested in this news and wanted Tiona to continue.

"It says that this new level 7 adventurer is from a small familia and its goddess is known as Hestia! But that's not the point why I rushed here! It's because this new level 7 adventurer looks exactly like our Ais! She may be a relative of Ais!" Tiona exclaimed excitedly.

Hearing that Riveria, Finn, and Gareth flinched at the same time, they looked at each other and Finn spoke.

"Riveria, meet that girl who is identical to our Ais right now, also you better watch out she's a level 7, you don't know what she's capable of so if you ever get a chance to meet her, talk to her as polite as you possibly could."

Riveria nods, but before she could get out of the room, the amazoness Tiona raised her arm and said.

"I want to see her too!"

Finn thought for a moment, before deciding. "Alright, but be sure to behave."

"Alright! Let's go! I can't wait for this Ais-looking person!"


Pretty sure there would be a lot of mistakes in this one, I'll edit it soon.

Word Count: 4k

Please do support me Pa.treon, after the first 15k word I'd start stockpiling there you can read in advance :P
