
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Komik
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31 Chs

Chapter 4 - Part 2


Lefiya's heart pounded with a mixture of curiosity, jealousy, and determination as she observed Ais departing from the Twilight Manor. Her golden yellow hair swayed gently in the afternoon breeze, and her round dark blue eyes shimmered with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She quickly adjusted her rosette pink cape and hurriedly followed Ais from a distance, her pointy ears perking up, alert to every sound.

As Lefiya stealthily trailed Ais, her mind buzzed with thoughts of the conversation she had overheard between Riveria and Ais. The talk about love, relationships, and companionship between females had ignited a spark of hope within her, but it was quickly overshadowed by the reality of Ais seemingly showing affection to someone else.

Lefiya's steps faltered for a moment as her imagination ran rampant. In her mind's eye, she pictured herself standing next to Ais, their hands intertwined, sharing secret smiles and stolen moments. She shook her head vigorously, trying to dispel the daydream.

She needed to see the girl who supposedly held Ais' supposedly affection, Shalltear Bloodfallen. It was a burning curiosity that consumed her thoughts, driving her to push forward in her pursuit.

Ais moved at a fast pace. Lefiya's mind raced to keep up with the swordswoman's movements, taking note of every turn and landmark. Ais passed by the vibrant Jagamarukun Stall, where the delightful aroma of grilled meat wafted through the air. Lefiya's stomach growled softly, momentarily distracting her from her mission.

Shaking off the temptation, Lefiya refocused her attention on Ais. She watched as Ais weaved through the clothing shops, her golden hair catching the sunlight and drawing attention from passersby. Lefiya's heart skipped a beat as she imagined walking alongside Ais, browsing through the colorful garments together.

Ais continued her journey towards the Main Plaza, then West Main Street, passing by the Hostess of Fertility with its alluring atmosphere. Ais then headed northwest, passing by the remnants of ancient ruins that whispered tales of forgotten times. Lefiya's footsteps quickened, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel her anticipation building as Ais finally arrived at an abandoned church. Would the girl be beautiful? Would she be strong? Would she be everything Lefiya wasn't? Thoughts of self-doubt and jealousy briefly clouded her mind, but she pushed them aside, focusing on her goal. Lefiya discreetly hid, peering from a nearby hiding spot, her gaze fixed on the entrance. Her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotion.

Lefiya's breath hitched as her gaze fell upon the girl standing in front of the abandoned church. Her beauty was undeniable, every detail of her appearance exuding a captivating allure. Lefiya couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and self-consciousness as she took in Shalltear's delicate features and elegant attire.

Her eyes widen in surprise and jealousy as she watches the two talking. She is hiding behind a nearby tree and peeks through the leaves, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.



As Ais approaches the abandoned church, she feels her heart racing and her cheeks growing warm as she remembers the sensations she felt during her training with Shalltear. She takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself before entering the church.

Upon seeing Shalltear, Ais nods silently in greeting before beginning their training session. She focuses on the physical movements, trying to push aside the confusing feelings that keep bubbling up within her.

The silver-haired girl had a slightly disappointed look on her face, as she was thinking Dammit, she did come back after all, what I did last time didn't work.

As they train, the smaller girl's touch sends shivers down Ais' spine and she feels herself growing increasingly flustered. She tries to focus on her training, but her mind keeps drifting back to the conversation she had with Riveria.

Eventually, Ais takes a step back, her breath coming in short gasps. "S-sorry," she stammers out. "I need a break." She quickly makes her way to the edge of the ruins, needing some space to collect herself.

She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths, trying to clear her mind and push aside the confusing feelings that keep cropping up. Eventually, she stands up and makes her way back. Ais takes a moment to gather her thoughts and finds a topic to discuss with the silver-haired girl, to distract herself. She speaks with her usual soft-spoken tone, barely above a whisper.

"...Tomorrow," Ais starts, her voice soft and measured, "my familia... they have a dungeon expedition." She pauses, gathering her thoughts. "And... Loki, my goddess, wants me to accompany her to the Monsterphilia. I... couldn't refuse." Her words trail off slightly, her voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and a tinge of regret.

Ais hesitates for a moment before continuing, "Because of that... I won't be able to come here to train tomorrow, or even the day after." She hopes Shalltear understands the weight of her commitments and the unavoidable absence that awaits.

Her gaze shifts slightly as she recalls another task. "The day after tomorrow... I must retrieve my weapon. It's currently being repaired," Ais explains. "Finn, my captain, wants me to prepare for a deeper dungeon expedition once the repairs are complete." Her voice carries a hint of determination as she mentions her captain's plans.

Ais looks at Shalltear, her golden eyes searching for any signs of understanding or acknowledgment. At that, the smaller girl smiles.

"Oh Ais, it is not a problem, go go and have fun" she says, internally thinking Yes! I got rid of Ais finally, and the excuse comes from her. Nice one Loki! You have my thanks for once.

Ais meets Shalltear's smile with a tiny small, genuine smile of her own, a rare sight for those who know her. The warmth in her words brings a sense of relief to Ais, alleviating some of the internal conflicts she had been feeling.

"...Thank you," Ais replies softly, a hint of gratitude in her voice. She appreciates her acceptance of her commitments and the encouragement to enjoy herself.

Encouraged by her response, Ais takes a small step forward, her expression serious yet curious. "I... have a question," she begins hesitantly. "What... would you do if someone... likes you?" Her voice trails off slightly, her eyes fixed on Shalltear as she waits for a response.

Ais's question stems from her recent conversations with Riveria, and her attempts to understand the intricacies of emotions and relationships. She's uncertain about her own feelings. As the question hangs in the air, Ais feels a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. She wonders how the silver-haired girl will react, unsure of what response she will receive.

"If someone likes you….?" Shalltear ponders for a moment before the realization hits her This must be about Bell, right? This is the moment to dump Ais into Bell and shoot two birds with one stone! She nods several times to herself with confidence.

She was completely misinterpreting the situation…

"Well, the most important thing is to give they a chance, learn more about them, what they like, what they don't… see if they have things in common with you, perhaps something that you can share together." she advises Ais. Unaware of the consequences that her words will have.

Ais listens attentively to her advice, her eyes fixed on her as she speaks. She takes in every word, processing the guidance she receives.

As she mentions getting to know the person and finding common interests, Ais glances at her sword, realizing that fighting is something they share. A flicker of understanding crosses her features, and she considers the possibility of further connection through their shared love for combat.

But Ais is also curious about the other side of the equation, the things that Shalltear doesn't like. She ponders whether she should ask, hesitant to delve too deeply into her personal preferences.

Summoning a bit of courage, Ais musters the words, her voice slightly tentative. "And... what about the things you don't like?"

"..hmmm..mmm….." Shalltear ponders crossing her arms, "Mosquitoes!. I hate those bloodsuckers" Her face twisted in a grimace as if she had bitten into something bitter. "They are… annoying" Her eyes began to narrow in anger. But returned to normal quickly.

She may give advice to others but she wasn't able to take any clue in Ais' conversation….

Ais nods, absorbing the information. Mosquitoes, she thinks to herself. Such a small and seemingly insignificant creature, yet it invokes annoyance and frustration in her. Ais can't help but find it somewhat amusing, a contrast to her own intense hatred towards monsters.

Taking a moment to process Shalltear's response, Ais finds herself reflecting on her own feelings. She wonders if there are other things that she dislikes, things that elicit a similar response within her. But for now, she remains focused on her, eager to continue their training and learn more about her companion.


Lefiya's heart sank as she witnessed the interaction between Ais and Shalltear during their training session. Her eyes widened as she noticed the effect the silver-haired girl had on Ais, causing her to grow increasingly flustered. Ais' cheeks flushed with a strong pink blush, and her breath became ragged, betraying her inner turmoil.

Lefiya couldn't help but feel a mix of envy and frustration at the sight. She longed for Ais to show such reactions because of her, not the smaller girl. The longing inside her intensified, fueled by the desire to be the one who could elicit such responses from Ais.

Ais, clearly overwhelmed by her emotions, took a step back and stammered out an apology, expressing the need for a break. Lefiya watched as Ais hastily retreated to the edge of the ruins, seeking solace and space to collect herself. It was a moment of vulnerability, a glimpse into the inner workings of Ais' heart.

Lefiya's cheeks turned light pink as conflicting emotions swirled within her. She found herself torn between wanting to support Ais and wishing to be the source of her flustered state. But for now, she could only observe from the shadows, her admiration for Ais growing even stronger as she vowed to learn from the example set by both Ais and Shalltear.

Lefiya's ears perked up as she listened to Ais explain her upcoming schedule to the silver-haired girl. Ais' voice carried a tinge of disappointment and resignation, revealing her inability to come and train for the next few days. Lefiya couldn't help but empathize with Ais, understanding the weight of obligations placed upon her by her goddess and her familia.

The mention of Monsterphilia, an event that celebrated the diversity of monsters, reminded Lefiya of the upcoming festivities. She too had been invited to attend by their shared goddess, Loki. Lefiya's thoughts briefly shifted to her own plans for the event, but she quickly refocused her attention on Ais.

At the mention of Loki, Lefiya couldn't suppress a small sigh of understanding. As a shared goddess between them, Loki's sometimes bothersome nature was not lost on Lefiya. She empathized with Ais, knowing all too well the occasional annoyance that came with having Loki as their divine patron.

Lefiya's heart skipped a beat as Ais posed the question of what would one do if somebody likes you to Shalltear. Her imagination ran wild with anticipation, curious to hear her response.

Lefiya's own emotions swirled within her as she pondered Ais' question. Her admiration for Ais fueled a sense of yearning, hoping that someday she would be the one to confess her feelings to the swordswoman She watched intently, her dark blue eyes fixed on the interaction between the two.

Lefiya's mind raced as she absorbed Shalltear's advice to Ais: give a chance to all those that like you and honestly try to make it work. Her heart skipped a beat, and a surge of hope coursed through her veins. The words resonated deeply within her, and she couldn't help but interpret them as a sign, an opportunity presented by fate itself.

With newfound determination, Lefiya's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as she mustered her courage. She took a deep breath, her thoughts focused solely on Ais and the confession she had longed to make. The time had come to step out from her hiding spot, approach Ais and express her feelings.

Lefiya's dark blue eyes shimmered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she took hesitant steps toward Ais. Her mind raced with thoughts of what she would say, how she would convey the depth of her affection. The admiration she held for Ais fuelled her resolve, providing her with the strength to face the possibility of rejection.

As she approached Ais, Lefiya's heart pounded in her chest, a symphony of emotions echoing within her. Her lips parted, ready to speak the words that had been locked away for so long. This was her moment, her chance to be honest with herself and with Ais.

Lefiya's cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink as she excitedly ran up to Ais, her golden yellow hair flowing behind her. It was now or never, and she vowed to seize this perfect chance to confess her feelings.

Time seemed to stand still as Lefiya opened her mouth, ready to utter the words that had weighed heavily on her heart. At that moment, her elven pride mingled with her kind nature, urging her to take this leap of faith and lay her emotions bare before the one she held dear.

With every ounce of determination, Lefiya spoke, her voice filled with a mix of nervousness and sincerity. "Ais... I... I wanted to tell you... I... like you." Her words hung in the air, waiting for Ais' response, as Lefiya bravely exposed her vulnerable heart, hoping beyond hope that Ais would give her a chance at love.

Or that is what Lefiya imagined in her head would happen…

Instead, Ais prepared herself to start training again and accelerated in Shalltear's direction to resume sparring, the sound barrier was broken and an expansive wave expanded. The wind wave expanded blowing away the unprepared Lefiya into the ruins, Lefiya was blown away like a leaf in the wind, falling face-first into some stone rubble and cracks in the ruins cracked fallen stone columns, getting stuck upside down.


Shalltear used her parasol to parry Ais' blow and separated from her saying "Ais! I think you just blew away someone" indicating with her head to a nearby place.

"...Owwie" said upside-down slender legs wearing white stockings and elegant pink sandals. The legs ended in an upside-down skirt that showed the decorated pink panties of a girl.

Ais freezes in her tracks as her words sink in. Her eyes widen slightly, registering the unexpected turn of events. With a mix of surprise and concern, she quickly redirects her attention toward the fallen girl and rushes to her aid.

Ais extends her hand towards the upside-down girl, her expression composed yet slightly puzzled. She reaches out to help her up, her grip gentle but firm as she pulls Lefiya to her feet. However, as soon as Lefiya stands upright, she utters the words that catch Ais off-guard.

"Ais! I like you!"