
Chapter 4

Raven growled as he spun around to block the attack of a war shadow. They were becoming ways for him to slay now.

He barely even focused as he spun around and cut on diagonally and it poofed into ash. Always gotta enjoy the clean up service, at least until it didn't work and you had to rip that stone out yourself.

With a small grin shoved his hand forward and ripped out the stone of the last war shadow. Honestly at this point, they weren't even a challenge.

He's memorized all their attack patterns and everything. He could almost do this with his eyes closed if his senses were stronger.

He had managed to venture to floor 9, though he could admit he was struggling somewhat, but it was to be expected and desired. He hadn't updated his status in over a period of two weeks.

Tiamat had thrown a large fit over his desire to hold off on frequently updating his status, but after a lot of convincing and promises of being safe he was given his way.

He was also forced to be her cuddle buddy every night, but he was already, so moot point.

"CAN YOU FUCK OFF IM HAVING A MENTAL MONOLOGUE!" Raven yelled out at the small group of armed goblins rushing at him. They quickly died and their cores looted.

Now where was he? Ah yes. He was already her cuddle buddy every night, so that didn't matter. Honestly he found it a little weird still that he and her had bonded so well right away.

Like hell, he revealed the fact he was the son of Empress and Maxam. If Loki or Freya found out... oh boy. Grandma Hera would probably come charging arcanum unleashed.

Though honestly, he could see Freya just wanting to have his soul, or a way of gloating to Grandma Hera.

Future him issues.

(Future him: Fuck you!)

Slowly he made his way to the surface, on the 7th floor he missed one of the poison moths and got poisoned, luckily he still had another detox potion.

Imagine dying to poison when you have potions. Noob.

Climbing through the rest of the floors, he didn't run into many more monsters though. Which he found weird, but whatever.

Upon reaching the surface, he sheathed his sword once he felt safe. Which meant he reached the climbing area where plenty of adventurers waited to enter and exit the dungeon.


"77,830 valis today. Well done." The person behind the exchange counter said bored as they gave the pouch of money over to him. Taking it he walked off with a quiet goodbye.

Whistling a small tune quietly, he pondered on the future. He wasn't stressed, he had four years, but he also knew at some point his knowledge would become moot.

However he only felt that was when the fun would begin. He had 4, roughly 5 years before the fight against the one eyed black dragon happens.

His only goal is strength, just so he can stab the bastard dragon through with his sword. To hear its screams as he slays it.

Then he's gonna go find its spawn point in the dungeon and spawn kill that bastard. Oh the fun~

Shaking his head he focused again, while that was the goal, he wasn't going to let it affect his life. After all, he should be able to enjoy his life and not let his goals affect him.

Thankfully though he got home soon enough and went inside, but Tiamat wasn't home. Shrugging he made his way to the kitchen table and set down the money bag and his gear beside his sword.

Then he made his way upstairs to the bedroom and laid the sword down underneath the bed and laid down for a nap.


"I'm home!" Raven heard and groggily he opened his eyes and got up heading downstairs to see Tiamat organizing the things he left on the table to their correct spots.

Apparently she liked doing that.

"Welcome home." Raven said as he slumped on the couch. He was still tired, and now he was hungry as well.

"Looks like you made a killing in the dungeon today. Come on, let's update your status." Tiamat said happily as she dragged him upstairs.

Tossing his shirt aside, he laid down as she straddled his back and began the process of updating his status.

"You got a new skill!" Tiamat said in shock. Raven was shocked too. A skill this early on? What the hell? Taking the sheet after the copied everything down he only smiled before laughing in glee.


Raven Eveningshade

Level 1

Strength | H - 107 ~ D 517

Endurance | I - 27 ~ F 387

Dexterity | I - 78 ~ C 605

Agility | H - 157 ~ E 438

Magic | I - 0

Development Skills:



[Outer Talent]

•Rapid Growth

•Charm Immunity

•Alien Mindset

[Hero's Vault]

•Pocket Space (Weapons and Armor only)


Oh by his primordial goddess of a deity, that was an amazing skill. He could store a shit ton of weapons and armor. Maybe he could do a Gilgamesh?

Grabbing his sword from under the bed focused on the skill and the sword vanished, but he now felt a distinct awareness of the sword in a pocket space.

Sadly it didn't work like Gate of Babylon. Oh well, can't have everything. He quickly stored his armor and he could make it appear and disappears on his body, which was amazing. He also then quickly stored his throwing daggers.

Oh yes, this would be a very much useful skill.

"Someone's excited." Tiamat teased him and he only smiled and nodded like a child, which he technically still was. He was still 14 physically after all.

Oh well, that would be something the future would solve. At least by the time of the start of canon when Bell arrives, he would be at least 18. Though it would only matter if he did in fact survive to reach 18.

After all, adventures die fast if they aren't careful or smart. Even when they are, they still die.

"Let's go eat out somewhere today, like a pub for dinner." Raven said now wide awake. Tiamat smiled in agreement. Raven grabbed the money pouch from today's earnings and both headed out.


Raven stared at the pub before him. The Benevolent Mistress. He always wanted to visit this place.

"Table for 2 please." He said to a server whom he had no idea who they were, maybe they were the kitchen lady before she became kitchen lady.

"Right this way!" The server said cheerfully as she led them to a small table in a corner. "Syr will be right over to take your orders, can I get you two some drinks though?"

"Laaaa." Raven smiled amused at the lady's confused expression and look. As always, people trying to understand Tiamat was always amusing, followed by her pout of realization.

"Two ales."

"Coming right up! Oh, before I forget, here's our menu." She said and left to get their ales.

"This is so annoying!" Tiamat complained as she pouted and read the menu. Raven only smiled as he viewed the menu.

Their drinks were given and a few minutes later the famed lady arrived, alongside Ryuu?

"Welcome patrons! I see May has given you your drinks. Are you prepared to order? Also I'm Syr, this is our newest patron Ryuu. Please be gentle with her, she's new." Syr said excitedly and Raven stared at the lively girl with a smile while wondering if this was Freya or Horn.

A glance at Tiamat made him decide it was Freya.

"Well a pleasure. I'll have the spaghetti. She'll have the..." Raven glanced to where Tiamat pointed "Chicken." Raven said and Syr nodded cheerfully while Ryuu just looked awkward standing there unsure on what to properly do.

"HEY YOU USELESS ELF BUSS TABLE 11!" The strong voice of Mama Mia yelled out as Ryuu moved off quickly.

"Hehe. I'll get right on that." Syr said with a wink as she moved off to place their orders.


After giving the order to the kitchen, Syr, or rather Freya leaned against the wall in a hidden spot while her eyes glowed as she stared at the two chatting patrons.

"He's back! He's back! He's back! The miracle and amazing child is back! He's returned. Oh I'm so jealous you got him Tiamat. Why couldn't it have been any other deity beside you!?" Freya complained to herself before sighing.

"Why did my hero have to be taken away. Oh well, I'll just have to try the hard way then." She said to herself.

"SYR GET YOUR ASS BACK TO WORK! I DON'T PAY YOU TO SIT AROUND!" The loud voice of Mama Mia yelled and Freya quickly slipped on the expression of Syr again and rushed off.

She had customers to serve after all, and if she was lucky, she could hear about her hero!


Raven could admit, he found it amusing as Freya tried to get some information by making conversation. Even more so the annoyed glances Tiamat was giving the hidden goddess.

It was a pretty nice night.

"You know you don't have to worry. Despite everything, she won't try something." Raven said guessing her thoughts.

"Huh?" Tiamat asked confused.

"I'm well aware who that girl is. Grandma H and Grandpa Z did keep track of things going on here in Orario by correspondence with Ouranus." Raven said smiling, and it was the truth. They had done that, but not to knowing that much.

Mostly to ensure he and Bell would be fine at the start of their journey as the last legacies of the Zeus and Hera familias.

"Good." Tiamat said as she wrapped her arm around his and squishing into her breast. "You belong to me. Not her."

Awww, she sounded so possessive he almost cooed.

"Yes. All yours." He agreed with her as they walked home and went to bed cuddled up, though this time he idly pondered on how things are probably gonna be much more interesting now that Freya was aware of his return.

How did he know?

Let's just call it's a gut feeling.


"He's alive Ottar. He's returned. My hero is here!" Freya was squealing later to her favored child happily.

"The son of Empress and Maxam is in Orario?" Ottar asked slightly shocked.

"Yes! He joined Tiamat as her first child. The one goddess I wouldn't move against. Not out of fear, mostly, but respect and understanding. Tiamat deserves all the love she can get." Freya said as she remembered the life of her favorite goddess in Tenkai.

"I see. What are your orders then?" Ottar asked. Even if he held a lot of respect for the boy, he would do what he was ordered to.

"Nothing for now. He seems to be growing fine. Let us watch him grow. Let us see what the true inheritor of the legacy of heroes turns outs to become! Let us watch as one of the few people with the potential to become the last hero of this era!" Freya said excitedly and Ottar stared out into the sky's of Orario.

'We shall see if you are worthy.' Ottar thought as he remembered the little kid from all those years ago.


Yes I will be providing more detail soon enough on why he's a hero to Freya. Not for a while, but it will be mentioned eventually.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. It was pretty fun writing it, though it did take me a bit to decide on how to do it.

I'm trying to do a mix of dungeon and slice of life. Nothing heavy is happening right now, but eventually more heavy things will happen and plot starts forming for the story.

But by then I will have hopefully built up the familia and made bonds formed for them.

Anyway, till next time whenever I publish a chapter for this story, since it's not a main story I will focus on.

- Voidy, The Insomniac Writer

P.S. Ever gotten high as shit then drove little go karts around like you were in Mario? I will tell you, surreal experience, both high and not high.