
Mc Wars!

In the mist of darkness there was a skeletal figure who was

Sitting at a giant golden chair.

This figure was of course "Death"

He seem to be thinking about something just then he decided

To stand from hes throne and raised his left hand.






Meanwhile charcaters from different world

started dissapearing

Due to an unknown smoke

that wrapped around thier body

And seemingly devour them

till the very last bit of thier existance.


(Jojo Universe)


In a mansion we can see a handsome young man who has golden hair

Was laying at a very huge amd comfy bed.

Just then out of no where

A black smoke appeard out of nowhere

and slowly deveoured his body.

The young man tried to break free but to no avail.


He decided to ask for help to his servants and family members.


was the last word the young man said before his whole

Head was swallowed by the black smoke.


(Earth 600)


In the busy streets of a small town in japan we can see a

Teenage boy with black hair and green eyes he had a lazy

Expression and was wearing a school uniform.


While walking he heard a familiar voice "orikie-kun"

This belong to his friend chitanda.


He turned his head to see his dear friend only just to be

Surprised by a black smoke that devour his body in

A blink of an eye.


(Earth 2)


In a flying plane we can see a beautiful girl/woman who

Was sitting peacfully at the passenger plane.

Shes expecting

The plane that she was boarding to be

highjack anytime now


Just then a nervous woman dressed as a plane staff aproached

The passenger seat. "Is the detective here?"

The white haired

Blue eyes woman stand from her seat and

introduced herself

As the detective. Please follow me"

the woman nervously said.


The woman lead her to the entrance of the pilot/control room

"Please go inside"

the woman reached for the doornob just to

Be surprise when a thick black smoke devoured her hand

Out of knowhere.

The woman struggled but in mere seconds

Her body was fully devoured by the black smoke

Leaving the airplane staff terrefied and confuse.




In a giant colluseum strangers are randomly appearing/spawning out of

Thin air. The people were confused and some are even panicking.


Just then a Green haired kid stepped up and said.

"Please dont panic

everyone search the sorroundings

For clues and if you have a "quirk" usefull for searching

Please use it.

It might help us find a way to escape

or know where we are.


The people who heard this followed the boy's instruction

Beacause it was the logical thing to do but

most were

Confuse what is this quirk this boy was talking about .


"Now i dont think there is the need for that" a skeletal figure

Revealed himself floating above the Dark sky.


Most of the people who saw this were terrefied to see

A real living skeleton some of them even think they

Were hallucinating.


But surprisingly there are a few people

Who were calm.


" i asure this is real and your probably wondering where are you

And what are you doing here?.

The answer is simple battle royal..

The last one standing will be set free and if you refuse to

Participate you die.." the skeleton said coldly.


Just then he dissapeard leaving the people confused and scared

Just then the blond young man from earlier started to beatup people


" if this is how you wanna play mr. Kidnapper ill play along" the

Blond man sadisticly smiled when he was beating people.


People started to fight eachother

but there were some who was hesitant

And decided to not join the fight just

get struck by the lightning the

Second they tried to hide or escape.


Seeing this the people were left no choice but to fight

Till there are only one of them left.




Out of the 1000 main characters that Death summoned

10 of them succesfully survived and won the battle royal.


But out of this 10 Mc one guy stand out..


Dio a sadistic evil person at the battle royal he manage to

Win due to his smart manipulation and good strategy not to

Mention hes incredibly lucky.. "How interesting!"


for some reason space dont work when i publish it so i

put dots.