
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Level Up And New Skill

-Author note start-

First chapter lets go!!!!!! hope you guys enjoy

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

-Author note end-

It's a new day in the dungeon city of Orario in the new Hearthfire Mansion, after the dramatic defeat of the Apollo Famillia, Bell Cranel, Captain of the Hestia Familia better known as Little rookie lays down with his short-stack goddess on top of his naked back. Quite the odd scenario, however this is normal in this god infested world. the purpose?



with that throwing his goddess off his back, the surprised bell looks up to see a sheepish Hestia.

"Sorry, Bell-kun, I was a bit shocked"

rubbing the back of her head sheepishly chuckling. meeting Bells ruby eyes with her sapphire ones, a serious atmosphere is set between them.

"Kami-Sama? Is my status o-ok?"

Bell asked a bit disturbed by the serious air Hestia is emitting. Then Hestia meets his disturbance with a shit-eating grin.

"Bell-Kun, Congratulations on becoming Level 3."



'I leveled up?!'


'I'm another step closer to Ais-San!'

Then abruptly the door smashed open, a crossbow aimed in the air, it was none other than Liliruca Arde or Lilly, resident pallum, supporter and fellow Bell simp for short.

"Bell-sama! are you ok?! is there an enemy?!?!"

"Oi, why are you only asking if Bell is ok?"

Hestia asked in indignation

"Li-Lilly, we are ok, I leveled up!"

"Wha-what?! again? so soon?!"

Hestia proceeds to ponder.

'It must be that skill, Liaris Freese, It must be that wallenwhatchamacallit again! hurghhhhh'

Hestia thought to herself while biting her finger.

"I just finished my work, what's with the commotion?"

Asked Welf Crozzo as he entered the room, also known as resident blacksmith, "I don't want to make nuclear swords for reasons", best bro, Emiya Shirou wait wrong one. anyways.

"Little Lilly, I think you want to lower that crossbow of yours, and preferably not aim at our goddess"

Lily snorted and lowered the crossbow.

"Well? why are you standing here, I will relay the news after I finish with Bell-Kun here so Shoo Shoo" Hestia shooed Lily and Welf out of the room. they left without complaint except a little glare from Lily.

"Good, they left! Now Bell-Kun, lay back down, I need to finish printing your status to show you and report to the guild" says Kami-sama in a cheery voice(only the level aspect, there has to be a way to prove your level up no?)

I laid back down as instructed, and felt a sheet of paper on my back.

"Lets see lets see... Done....Nani?" Hestia said confused

"Kami-sama, is everything alright?"

'This status update is taking an unusually long amount of time, I'm hungry... and we need to start recruiting! Kami-sama said we will start today!'

"We-well Bell-kun, it seems you have a new skill" Hestia said a bit frustrated with how ridiculous her child is.

'A unique one at that, what even is this? I've never heard of such a skill?' Hestia thought to herself and slightly disgusted by what was written

"Seriously?! what is it, show me show me!" I said in excitement

"Go ahead and look, but don't use it until the entire familia are together to discuss it." Kami-sama said in an unusually serious voice.


I took in the paper to see

-Status start-

Bell Cranel

Level: 3

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0

Luck: H


Firebolt: No chant magic that can be used quickly


Argonaut: Allows a charge for a counterattack. It requires five minutes (formerly four, and before that, three) for a full charge and can either sound like a small chime or a grand bell depending on the power needed. It can be used for any type of attack but the effects will dissipate when the user is attacked or they lose focus.

Liaris Freese (Hidden): Fast growth as long as the user is in love. The strength of the effects corresponds with the level of the user's feelings.

Summon Mentor Of Heroes (NEW):

Upon channeling mind and using the incantation, summons the Mentor Of Heroes.


"I am the bone of my hand.

Ex is my body, and Fakku is my blood.

I have created over a thousand loads.

Unknown to sex.

Nor known to girls.

Have withstood pain to create many orgasms.

Yet, those orgasms will never be with girls.

So as I pray, Unlimited Hentai Works."

(do note I did not come up with this parody of UBW, credit goes to whomever I copied this off of lmao)

-Status end-

"S-S-Sex?????????!?!?!?!" I screamed out completely red in the face

'Wh-What is this???? I dont ever understand half of what is written in the incantation, Ex? Fakku? Hentai??????, and why is there sex written there???? what kind of magic is this!?!?!?!?' I thought in utter bewilderment.

"B-Bell, don't scream that out loud!!!!" Kami-sama said and put a finger to her lips to quiet me down.

then the door in an impressive feat of strength was launched and smashed straight into the wall in front of it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BELL-SAMA!!!! What are you offering him!?!?!?" Screamed out loud Lili and pointing a finger at Hestia, whilst being red in the face.

"I think there is a misunderstanding here, Chibi." said Hestia with frustration

'Not that I would mind that with Bell-kun. hehe' thought the virgin goddess with a perverted grin that lasted only as second.

"Is this true Bell-sama?! she didn't proposition anything shady to you?!" Lily said with a manic look in her eye, sending chills down my spine.

"H-Hai, she didn't, I just got a new skill and it has a very weird, umm, incantation hehe" I said shyly.

Lily nodded, took a look at Hestia for a couple of seconds, turned around and left me and Hestia in the room with a blown door.

"So, Kami-sama, you said we gather the familia members and then use the skill right?" I asked nervously.

"Exactly that Bell-kun. why? is something the matter?" she said in a matter of fact tone.

"Uhm, well, I think it will be embarrassing to uh, well you know." I said red in the face

"Well? spit it out" said Hestia with a tired tone.

"I think it will be embarrassing to say the incantation in front of everyone like that!" I said in a very rushed and embarrassed voice, looking down on the floor.

'uh oh, I'm getting a weird feeling' following my natural survival instincts I raise my eyes to meet Kami-samas eyes and my heart sinks to my stomach.

There the goddess Hestia, with a shit-eating grin, giggling to herself, meets Bells eyes.

"Well Bell-kunnnnnn, we don't know what you will summon, at all, heck I've never even heard of a summoning skill, let alone heard of a "Mentor of Heroes", So! it will be the safest if we summon him in the presence of us all, and well in the surface of the city of Orario in case of emergency!" Hestia said, nodding to herself, spewing "umu,umu" every now and then.

'To be honest, I believe the skill is harmless, it must of been born from Bell-kuns desire to be a hero, and a skill to train him to become one kind of makes sense! but, for safety measures we have to do it with everyone. yup yup, and I get to embarrass him! hehe'

"So frankly Bell-kun, you have no choice!" Kami-sama said matter of factly

"Y-yes, Kami-sama" I said with hopelessness.

"Yosh! let's gather everyone!" Kami-sama said as she pulls me towards the main hall holding my hand.

We walk through the blasted door way and Kami-sama erupts in a mighty roar!

"OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, Everyone gather in the main hall!!!!! Bell got a new Skill!!!!!!!!!!!!"

'Sometimes Kami-sama impresses me, how can so much sound come out of such a small body' I thought to myself. (Bell must of never met the legendary chihuahua, absolute lions those lil critters are).

Unsurprisingly, everyone is already at the main hall. Yamato Mikoto, The newest addition to the Hestia familia is cooking everyone breakfast. As me and Hestia climb down the stairs towards the hall I greet Mikoto.

"Good morning Mikoto-san" I say with a smile (I dont remember exactly how they address each other but whatever)

"Good morning Bell-dono, congratulations on the level up, I heard from Lily-dono and Welf-dono" responds the swordswoman

"Thank you!" I respond with a bright smile

Welf-san approached me to talk

"So Bell, what is with the new ski...BAM" a large smack was heard interrupting Welf, we all turn and see Hestia's hands on the table. apparently she smacked the table (idk bro you tell me).

"So! Gather around! before breakfast is ready we need Bell-kun to use his new skill! there may be a chance we are getting a new member to my familia!" Hestia says with passion

Everyone but Hestia and Bell seem confused.

"Uhm, Hestia-sama how is getting a new familia member relat..." BAM another smack (damn)

"Shut up! I'm getting to that! no more questions! gather around and I'll explain with this piece of paper!" says Kami-sama with little patience holding the paper up for all to see standing tall (as tall as she can get).

'It must be the rollercoaster of emotions and the hunger. I understand Kami-sama' Bell sympathized as he nodded to himself.

"Uhm, Hestia-sama, the food will burn if I join you..." says Mikoto in slight trepidation.

"Ah! no no no no no no! you stay right where you are Mikoto! you have the meeting pass!" said Kami-sama in panic as her eyebrows twitch. (glory to the food)

Everyone wordlessly gather around the table and sit at the weirdly comfortable sofa. as Hestia places my status on it.

'I feel kind of exposed right now...' I think to myself in slight embarrassment.

As everyone reads through it with wonder that I reached Level 3, they come across the new Skill.

"Pffffft, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" Welf-san bursts out into laughter.

"What is this skill? HHAHAHAHAH? I don't understand half of the words but I can tell it's something stupid HAHAHAHAH" he says tearing up from laughter.

'What kind of joke is this?' Lily thought to herself in silence not showing any outward reaction.

I stare at the ground red in the face out of embarrassment.

'I must endure the shame! I must! uhhhhhh'

As everyone, well only Welf relaxes and Mikoto stares at us from a distance with question marks in her eyes.

"Well" starts Welf

"Mentor of heroes. is it? so you really want to be a hero bell heh?" He says with a grin and a teasing voice.

"Please stop" I say in a whisper

"What's that? you said something" Welf's wolfish grin only getting bigger

"PLEASE STOP!" I scream out

"O-Okay, calm down Bell I was just teasing you." Welf says apologetically scratching his head.

"I'm sorry, but please no more teasing especially if I use it." I say exhaustingly. and it's only the start of the day!"

We wait a moment, then a slightly more serious air is brought up by Welf.

"Well, Hestia-sama, as you gathered us around, you believe what Bell summons, the, the "Mentor of Heroes" was it? is a threat?" Welf asks with his arms crossed leaning into the sofa

"Well, Judging by the name of the skill and the fact it is a summon skill altogether suggests there is a very miniscule chance it will be a threat to us. after all what kind of "Mentor of heroes", kills his heroes and comrades? but better safe than sorry." says Hestia in a thinking motion.

"Lily, thinks its fine, we are in the middle of the city not in the dungeon, if its anything too bad, we can call for help or run if we must. What do you think Bell-sama?" says Lily.

"I want to use it." I say with certainty.

'I need to get stronger, and the fast, to reach Ais-san. if it truly is a trainer of heroes, my dream may come closer to coming true!' I think excitedly.

"Well, that decides that." Says Welf-san to conclude our short meeting as we all stand up from the sofa

"Breakfast is ready, do we eat or Bell-dono uses his skill? I gather it is something dangerous to need us to gather no?" Says Mikoto as she approaches us.

"Here read it" Says Kami-sama as she hands Mikoto the paper.

"I-I See." She answers red in the face and confused.

"Well, gather your gear and be ready for combat if something happens! Bell start chanting!" commands Kami-sama

"Hai Kami-sama!"

'Oh Hestia this is going to be embarrassing.'

I begin to chant as everyone prepares their weapons and gear.

"I am the bone of my hand.

Ex is my body, and Fakku is my blood.

I have created over a thousand loads.

Unknown to sex.

Nor known to girls.

Have withstood pain to create many orgasms.

Yet, those orgasms will never be with girls.

So as I pray, Unlimited Hentai Works!!!!!"

As I finish my chant completely red in the face and wanting to bury myself in my room, a bright light comes out and is covering the middle part of the room as I feel half of my mind or more being drained. everyone is nervous and ready.

The light clears and out comes...

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Thanks for reading! constructive criticism will be appreciated! remember this is my first story so no need to demolish me ok? thanks!

-Author Note End-