DISCLAIMER: DanMachi aû — — — — — — — — — — — Alternate Title: DanGamer — — — — — — — — — — — Synopsis: a Boy woken out of nowhere. As he open and close his palm as if he's checking for something "It feels like I'm still inside the virtual world.. Status Open", but a surprising word came out of his mouth ● ● ● Name: Zetta Hair Color: Dark Eye Color: Silver Race: Half-Barbarian (Token) Level: 51 Personal Status ↑ Active Skill: -Locked-, Eagle Stomp, Stomp, Air Walk, Flash Drift, Avoid, Borrowed Power of Heracles Passive Skill: -Locked- ... ... ...(Omitted) ● ● ● with mouth agape. the Boy pinched his cheek to confirm if he's daydreaming. But shock struck his body by the reality as he fell unconscious after the confirmation ... ... ... "What a poor soul, to be thrashed like this" says the Old Bearded Man who saw the unconscious Boy as he hefted him in one arm
A month later after transferring in this world unknown to my knowledge. I learned that God exists. . .
Pffff! Who would believe that Old Man by the way? the hell?
All he spout is a fairytale-like world where God blesses their servant or the so called children, calling it Falna; to fight monsters using their Godly power called Arcanum.
Is he out of his mind?
Is what I 'believed'
Yes.. I didn't believe from his nonsense at first. But after the realization that I ain't dreaming nor in heaven, adding the fact that I still have this character interface. . .I decided to believe
But I was too rude to him for the first time to even pinch his cheek, pull his white beard and grip his trunk-like arm, hard enough for him to release a loud squeal. And. . . he's alive as hell! and real at that!
I, at the same time did the same thing to myself... closing my character interface, I even try to bite my own tongue enough as it bled; thinking it was just a dream, thanks to it that I almost fell unconscious for the second time. . .Who the hell bit his own tongue to check if he's isn't dreaming? If that's the case I might die again. . .
But the question is... Where the hell am I?
The old man explained that we are at the old village of Martinez, far eastern part from the Largest City called Orario, well, to be fair we are almost at the very edge of this continent. maybe that City is the landmark of this world or its capital? I dunno..
One thing for sure is that. . .I was transferred here like in another Isekai Manga and Novels. . .
Bad news is... I'm not a damn Otaku.. I'm only a mere gamer of mouse and keyboard! I'm only Playing MOBA and MMORPG for my whole life. And not even a year since that immersive VRMMORPG is released! and here I am. . .died from the hands of a Robber. . .and to transferred here!?
I mean. . .good thing my tenant isn't there during the crime.
Good thing, I don't have any relatives left other than those 3 close friends like brothers to me.
There's nothing for everyone to mourn and only them would be there during my wake, so I let my backstory out of this. afterall, what's done is done. I won't be returninh there anymore anyway. . .Welp thats me. I didn't bother with what happened .. 'What happen, happens' is my motto in life. . .
Now then, lets turn back to the topic.
So. . .thus, I believe the Old Man senseless story. After all, what my body feels, is like an Avatar inside the game.
But for some reason, my hair is a spiky dark color like my original hair and has silver eyes like my In-Game Avatar, as if it pierce anyone it sees. . .so, Infamous Z is no more, huh but what reborn is Zetta. I ain't John anymore, which is my real name, but Zetta. To think that my virtual and reality body coincides in this fantasy world. hmm.
And just like that, after a couple of days if living with that old man. I felt I wasn't alone anymore. Like. . . he's my heartfelt and kindhearted Father whom I take for granted and swooosh, in a blink of an eye died without me saying I love him which is already too late for him to hear..
But I guess that old man doesn't like me after all. As he fed me with fairytale story such as Heroic tales, Adventurers and creating a Harem while saving a crying girl inside the dungeon. really? A Harem!? Thats not real, alright!
But my point is. He wants me to venture out and went to that City called Orario. Saying 'Falna is important, so go find your God to receive their Blessings blah blah blah' with hoarse voice and beeting in red as if he himself tastes the same experience of exhilaration.
Yes, his words alone made me excited, made me even move to that place
And so just like that. Months passed by until he brushes me off for good.
What's the most nonsensical he uttered when we parted is "I wish you met him" which is, he didn't even said whom. How the hell should I repay your kindness if you didn't said his name you jackass!
Is what I thought... but deep down inside I already misses the Old Man already. I don't know what kind of magical comfort he did to me but I wish I met him again. or his 'Him' he was talking about.
Well, I guess if its fate I might meet 'him' there. Well I guess if its fate that is. So for now, lets venture out towards the so called Orario
※ ※ ※
Helping anyone in need?. . .damn yes... even in this world. . .I adopted those personality I really hate. Well? unlike a certain someone who bleeds his nose though.
Welp, I guess I'm not allergic to any girls anymore? now that I can communicate well in front of them thanks to my tenants. Oh I should thank her sister too. I'm sure it was her who cured me for always opposing my decision...
Anyways... back to the present
I climb the highest mountain, but I slipped
I step foot to the highest cliff, still I slipped
I swam to highest falls, and I almost drown to death
In short... my adventure is full of agonizing and suffering!
But good thing I have my tolerance level, like I'm inside the game myself.
But well, that's just a metaphor. Just that, I find myself isolated and the feeling of adventuring alone is kind of, lonely.
It's only ten days but my stomach churned already due to this agonizing adventure. even with my Virtual Body of 20% pain tolerance.. its too much to bear this endless sufferings, I mean. I'm not the kind of physically fit in the first place so if I check my endurance, I'm sure it has at its lowest. Good thing my inventory has ready-to-eat packed made by the Old Man. What's more, all of my items inside the game are still here. Even my current equipment from that game.
Yes! I have an Inventory~ and the Old Man was surprised as I explained things thereafter, which was easy to understand by him..
Anyway, I forgot to sleep since then. Maybe its time to sleep now?
I opened up my Status and reach out my hand towards the 'Sleep' icon [💤]. But before my hand touches it, I heard multiple growl and a single cry coming from a Girl. Thus I ran, or rather my leg started to run before my mind could even make a decision. Who the fuck played a Hero in this era?! oh well... lets go bitches! That howl is an exp afterall!