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Nah. Got more of an older brother little sister vibe.
Old Comment dude.
Because Saitama's powers are boring in comparison to hers? And since he won't be limited to being a side character he could end up stronger than Saitama.
Didn't they chicken out and retcon that anyways?
Also you are making a pretty massive assumption with that most if not all get Falna statement seeing as Bell literally gets rejected by everyone but Hestia just because he didn't look like much and the fact the gods wouldn't want to fill up their Familia past a certain point as managing it would take up too much of their party and fun time. In this case DxD is better again seeing as long as you're willing to work for it you WILL get it eventually. That's not even getting into how Abysmal Falna is after you get it.
All can learn Magic and Touki. Both for Humans are very difficult but can be done without any talent at all and Touki alone would cause you to crush almost all of Danmachi in a contest of Physical Strength and DxD Human magic crush Danmachi in terms of versatility and power.
We're talking about Steve's Boyfriend right? Or is it another one you were talking about?
Nah he relies on his super human abilities and arm too much.
Ehhhhh no. MCU is better but comic Tony got dealt a way worse hand by everyone around him so he's not that bad in comparison to what he could have been.
They are the same now