
Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?

Markus-001 , a 9-year-old professional assassin, mercenary, scientist, and scholar of the magic arts trained and conditioned at birth to have superior intellect and physical might and to especially be completely ruthless and efficient in killing, is suddenly tasked by his masters to be the bodyguard of the young lady Sophia Rosewood of the Rosewood marquess household, although perturbed by this he would soon realize exactly what kind of situation he’s in “Sophia Rosewood...isn’t that the name of one the protagonists of that RPG game that I recently beat?” And just like that Kazuki Amagiri a recent University graduate found himself in his favorite game franchise “Fires of Valentia” and what’s more he’s been reincarnated or more accurately had his soul merged with one of the Fires of Valentia’s most recurring antagonists the “party killer” Markus Silver famous for his ridiculous dps, hard counters and incredible speed “Isn’t he a mid-boss in fires of Valentia 1 and 3 and also the final boss of the second game?” “The Markus Silver famous for being the 3rd hardest boss in the franchise and also one of the most popular characters? Due to his personality or should I say lack thereof?” “Wait! If I remember correctly, he got killed by Sophia and Reinhard during the mid-chapters of the third game...” “Oh, fvck!...” How will this university graduate merged with the super antagonist change the course of destiny? Here are my Patreon and Discord please support me and my work: permanent invite link to my discord: https://discord.gg/UHjsjzDAHT Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=87172906

cier_Tempest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
148 Chs

short story 5: the world outside (1)


I took a large gasp of air as I was freed from my silky, potato smelling prison.

""Congratulations, the hardest part is over""

Markus said, helping me pull the sack off of my body.

"Are you sure there wasn't any better way for us to do this?"

I asked, I realize this question is a bit redundant now but I felt that I had to ask anyway.

""Oh definitely, there were at least 46 other ways that I could've taken milady out of the mansion that would've been much more efficient and more comfortable for you as well""

Markus casually stated that he could've done better, which could only mean that he picked the most inconvenient method for a reason.

"Wha—?! Then why did you decide to put me in a potato sack instead of going with the other methods?"

I asked with a flabbergasted expression.

""For revenge of course, you did get me in trouble last week so I think it's only fair""