
Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World?

Markus-001 , a 9-year-old professional assassin, mercenary, scientist, and scholar of the magic arts trained and conditioned at birth to have superior intellect and physical might and to especially be completely ruthless and efficient in killing, is suddenly tasked by his masters to be the bodyguard of the young lady Sophia Rosewood of the Rosewood marquess household, although perturbed by this he would soon realize exactly what kind of situation he’s in “Sophia Rosewood...isn’t that the name of one the protagonists of that RPG game that I recently beat?” And just like that Kazuki Amagiri a recent University graduate found himself in his favorite game franchise “Fires of Valentia” and what’s more he’s been reincarnated or more accurately had his soul merged with one of the Fires of Valentia’s most recurring antagonists the “party killer” Markus Silver famous for his ridiculous dps, hard counters and incredible speed “Isn’t he a mid-boss in fires of Valentia 1 and 3 and also the final boss of the second game?” “The Markus Silver famous for being the 3rd hardest boss in the franchise and also one of the most popular characters? Due to his personality or should I say lack thereof?” “Wait! If I remember correctly, he got killed by Sophia and Reinhard during the mid-chapters of the third game...” “Oh, fvck!...” How will this university graduate merged with the super antagonist change the course of destiny? Here are my Patreon and Discord please support me and my work: permanent invite link to my discord: https://discord.gg/UHjsjzDAHT Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=87172906

cier_Tempest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
148 Chs

Chapter 5: the Silver household (part 1)

"We will be arriving at capital city Millelith's national port in 10 minutes, please make sure to have all your belongings on hand, thank you for flying with us today! We can only hope for your continued patronage in the future"

An announcement made by a typical flight attendant voice sounded throughout the airship.

""Oh, is it over already? A shame, I wasn't done enjoying the flight...oh well, I'll have plenty of chances to enjoy flights like these in the future. In the meantime, lets start putting my plans into action""

Markus said, putting his game face on (which is kinda redundant since he's expressionless so technically his game face is always on).

Not having the time to wait for the crowd of people to get off the airship, Markus used his skills as an assassin to sneak away from the airship and went to the baggage retrieval area, from the perspective of everyone on the airship, he practically vanished into thin air since as a possessor of the assassin class he had the ability (also known as the active skill) known as [shadow step] which gives him the ability to always move in people's blind spot, their "shadow" so to speak.

While waiting to get his stuff Markus took the time to take in the capital's scenery.

((Millelith, capital of the Rangdrind empire one of the most densely populated cities in the world and the first major player hub of the game any players of fires of Valentia would encounter, it was present during the 1st and 2nd game but was absent during the 3rd game for certain reasons))

Markus thought as he tried to absorb every bit of info he could from the sight of one of the largest cities on the continent of Valentia.

But unlike before the departure Markus didn't dawdle around for too long since he needed to proceed with his plans immediately if he is to survive and also there were some things that he needed to confirm.

((If I remember correctly the carriage of the Silver house is...ahh, That one!))

Markus looked around and spotted his target, a carriage carrying the emblem of the Silver house, three swords stabbed into the skull of a dragon, according to the game's lore, the origin of the house came about 110 years ago when three brothers, triplets to be exact: Tian, Hugo and the coincidentally named Markus Silver subjugated a calamity class dragon that attacked the capital endangering the royal family and the country as a whole, however this victory came with the price of Markus's and Tian's life, leaving only Hugo behind, to honor the sacrifice of his brothers, Hugo designed the family's emblem with three swords, black for Tian, white for Hugo and finally gray for Markus embedded into the skull of the dragon that they brought down and became the foundation of their house.

For their great deeds the Silver house was rewarded with land and prestige as well as the title of duke by the emperor but that was respectfully declined by Hugo for he desired to remain as a knight in honor of his brothers who died as knights which the emperor reluctantly agreed to, in the game by the time Markus came to the house it was in the middle of a great decline since most of their heirs died in battle due to their family's warrior-esque mentality and the current head, Aidan Silver refusing to produce more out of depression from losing both his wives and sons (which made him an easy target for Executor's brainwashing and manipulation), resulting in the family having to rely on the Rosewood house's aid to remain in power, so the introduction of Markus (our Markus not the Markus who killed the dragon) a supposed illegitimate child of Aidan conceived by a foreign mother with rumored prodigal capabilities was greatly welcomed by the vassals of the household.

A middle aged man with a monocle over his right eye was standing in front of the carriage, dressed in fine and strict garments diligently waiting for someone, the air he gave off was that of an experienced and wise Sebastian.

The moment their sights intersected the middle aged man's expression switched from serious to elated as he immediately approached Markus.

((Who's that guy?...))

Before Markus could finish his thoughts the man opened his mouth.

"Greetings, I would hate to bother you but are you perhaps young master Markus?"

The man respectfully inquired, in a matter as expected of a servant.

((So he was expecting me? None of the servants of the Silver household should know my appearance yet, is he an operative from Executor? No that's not possible both my knowledge as Kazuki and Markus can clearly tell that no member from Executor apart from me should be in the capital right now, especially considering how understaffed the organization is from the turmoil currently...nonetheless, I better play it safe just in case))

Activating all his combat related skills and reciting chants of magic in his head Markus spoke to the butler while his dominant hand (which is his left) reached for one of his many concealed knives.

""Ahh...yes that would be me I think? Anou...how did you know?""

Markus could feel his vocal cords burning as he tried his hardest to talk in a manner befitting of a 9 year old child as to not accidentally let loose the fear inducing effect of his "normal voice".

"I was given a very detailed description of you from the master:"a boy with hair as white as the winter snow, eyes as crimson red as blood and an expression as still as the surface of the moon" and I also deduced it from the fact that the only 9 year old who would be trusted enough to travel on an airship by himself with no adults accompanying him would be you and you're the only 9 year old child I can see here who is by himself"

""Oh...I see""

((Come to think of it the flight attendant did have a very confused expression when I came onto the airship and showed her my ticket))

Markus breathed a sigh of relief but without dropping his guard because he still couldn't fully trust this man yet.

""You have a very good intuition, mister...ehh?"

"No need to be so wary, my name is Zen a servant of the Silver house"

The man said bowing to Markus as one would when greeting a superior which made Markus a bit uncomfortable as he was probably a few decades younger than the man.

"I have been expecting you, although the master would've loved to meet his long lost offspring face to face he is unfortunately busy today with official matters so I have been given the duty of going in his stead"

""Please, don't be so formal you're making me nervous""

It's taking Markus everything he's got to try and talk like a "normal" kid, but what came out was just an extremely dull and monotonous tone.

"My apologies, ehem...may I call you master Markus?"

The man asked, taking a more light hearted tone than before in order to soothe Markus's concerns.

""Ehh...I suppose if that makes you comfortable, sure go ahead, in exchange I'll call you Zen-san""

Markus said, acting as if he's beginning to open up to Zen when actually he still has his left hand on the concealed weapon he carried.

"Thank you for being so understanding, please rest assured you'll find your time here in the capital city much more pleasant than you think"

Zen was trying to assure Markus as best he can.

"I understand that you have spent most of your life abroad so these new tumultuous developments in your life must be giving you a lot of pressure , but please be at ease we will put in the utmost effort in making sure your time here in Millelith is as comfortable as it can be"

"Now, if you would please be so kind as to step inside the carriage we will take you to the family's estate. Would you like some hot chocolate to calm your nerves once we get home?"

Zen spoke kindly to Markus like a grandparent speaking to their grandchild.

""Yes, I'd like that, if it's not too much of a bother of course""

Trying to act reserved Markus said.

"Excellent, now please take my hand if you would be so kind"

Offering his hand to Markus Zen had a bright smile on his face.

""Thank you""

Markus took Zen's hand and was led onto the carriage.

Thanks for reading

cier_Tempestcreators' thoughts