

Suddenly one day at the night time a fairy come to the world and it land into the river which is flowing besides the city of the capital. As it's a night time so there have no persons in there. This fairy did some mistake so his world's king punished him and send him this world. But this fairy don't know where he is now...................

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4 Chs


It's morning now. Sunny is sleeping and moon also. Moon wake-up and see sunny is sleeping and his fever is now control. She though is she really sleep the whole night like that...? She is looking at sunny and thinking what he want to tell me.....? Moon lay him down and she go for fresh. She come to the kitchen and notice someone is nocking at the door. She go to the door and open it. Moon's mother come to her home also with her father. Moon is so happy to see them. She invite them to the home and they enter the home. Moon's mother made lots of food. So moon's don't need to make food. Moon's mother is asking where is this boy.....? Moon is telling them

..."he is still weak and still sleeping. Now his temperature is control. But still i am thinking am i send him to the hospital...?..... " Moon's mother tell her...." everything will be alright. I am here now. So you don't need to do worry. Can i go to see him...? " Moon say....." obviously you can. But don't call him...." Moon's parents go to his room and see him. Such a pretty boy. So much cool and handsome also. Moon's mother like him by watching him for the first time. Sunny is so much handsome as he is not just like an ordinary human. Moon is serving the food and call them for eat. They come and set the chair and telling her..." this boy is really so much pretty. Where his parents leave....?.." Moon say.... " don't say anything like a fool....! What are you doing..? He is my patients and i am responsible for him..." Moon's mother say.... " Oh.. my poor girl. I was jocking. But he is really good to looking... " Moon is also thinking about him and the last night. They are eating their food.....

After sometime sunny wake-up and go to washroom. He come out from his room and he want to eat something so he call moon. Moon tell him to set the chair. Sunny look clearly and see two unknown people. He immediately stand up and asking moon who are they....? He is scared because he is not familiar with more people in this world. Moon tell him..." they are my parents..... " Moon's mother tell him.... " oh..! dear you don't need to stand-up. Sit beside of me. Are you ok now....? You don't need to do worry i will take a good care of you and you will be well soon....." Sunny sit down and he is not strong now. Moon's mother make some sup for him and moon give him this to eat. Sunny is hungry and he is drinking this sup. Moon's mother asked him....." is it good to drinking and are you liking it to drink....? " Sunny is enjoying it any say her..... " it's really good and it's test is like moon's made sup. You both can make delicious food. My mother also made food for us sometime. She is also a good cook....." Moon's mother asked him..... " then where is your family now...? " Sunny is quite and he can't say anything. Moon stop them any say finish your food. Sunny is not well now. Let's eat first.....

Sunny look at the moon and thinking that is it will be goot to say her everything....? But king told him he can't say any word about his past life. Also it's a rules. But he can say everything to just one and only one person. Also if this person believe him then everything will be alright but if this person don't believe him then he will disappear for permanently and he will die. He have this opportunity because he is the boy of this king. He is call the prince of his world. He will be the next king. But for someone he is punished now. As a prince he can take some opportunity from king. If ordinary fairy get punished then they can't tell anyone about them - self. But he can tell one person. Now he is thinking. At that moment moon's mother call him and telling him...." what are you thinking..? You are looking sad. Are you alright dear.....? " He say nothing but eating.....

Moon is thinking another things. She is thinking about the last night. Sunny told her he will tell her about his past. Moon also want to know about him. When she will find free time she will asked him about his life. Moon take 3 day off so she is cleaning her house. Sunny is feeling better now. His temperature is now in control. Sunny want to help moon. But moon and her parents say him...." you don't need to do it. You just take rest. If you need anything then just asked anyone they will help you...." But sunny don't want to lay down again. He is sleeping all the day and doing nothing. He tell moon.... " i need to pay you of your money. If i don't do anything then how i can pay you..? You all are so good to me. When i will go back then i will miss all of you.... " Then sunny start helping moon. But moon is feeling something strange. But she don't need why...? They are working together. They work for the whole day and now they are so much tired. Sunny is taking rest because moon didn't give him so much time for work. It's also time to take medicine. So moon give him food and medicine. Also send him to his room for rest .....

Sunny is so much helpful to everyone. He always help moon's family. As moon's mother come here so moon don't have to do cook. Her mother cook for everyone. Sunny also help moon's mother. He is learning cooking from moon's mother. Moon's mother also like to teach him. Moon's mother like sunny very much because at first she though unknown boy will be with bad interest also he come here for taking advantage of her child. But she didn't though that this boy will be good for everyone. He always do something or anything and make them happy. So now moon's mother is happy to stay with sunny...

The next day sunny is feeling good and his fever also gone. He is doing cooking with moon's mother. Then moon come to kitchen and take sunny also go out both. They go to the park for walking also talking about the previous night. Moon didn't forget what sunny tell to her that night. Now she asked him what's the meaning of his talking. Sunny is thinking is it will be alright if i tell her...? Moon is again asking him what's wrong tell me now.....! Sunny is telling her that...." i can't tell you. If i tell you and if you don't believe me then i will die and also disappear. Now tell me first will you believe me....? " Moon is talking with sunny..... " What are you talking about...? Again you start and talking like a mad person. Why you are doing that....? " Sunny tell to moon..." see i told you that you won't believe me. Then why i should tell you....? " Moon then cool her down and say..... " ok i will believe you. But you have to prove everything that you will tell..." Sunny agree with her because he also need someone so that this people can help him....

Now sunny start telling from the beginning... " My real name is..... xinju... I am the prince of the fairy world. My father is the king of this world. I come this world because of punish. In our world the common punishment is, if anyone do any wrong then they have to leave the fairy world. Because in our world there have no place for culprits. But if anyone agree with his fault then he will punished but it will be shorter. But if you don't agree with your fault then they will be punished for a long time. And when they will take there punishment during this time in there own world's fairy will try to find the culprit or the true things.... " Moon asked him curiously.... " why you come here then....? What you did....? Are you also a culprit.....? " Then sunny tell her....."

I didn't do any wrong. Actually they though wrong about me. They though that i kill one of my friend who loved me. She is really a good person and my good friend also. She and me play together in our childhood and fly together at the sky. We fly a lot together at the night also. But one day a bad fairy come to my friend and say he love her. And then she that said she love me. And after this day the bad fairy follow her and after someday my friend got missing and i couldn't find her. For her, her parents thought that i did something wrong. So they punished me and i come here....."

Moon is thinking is he is telling truth or he is making story.....? She can't believe it now but she will think about it. Now she said to sunny...." let's go to home now. My mother is waiting for us. It's almost late so we should take our breakfast. So they are going to home. When they go back to home her mother asked them where they go for...? Moon tell her we go for a walk let's eat together. Now they are eating together. Sunny tell moon's mother that he couldn't learn today's menu. He want to learn cooking because he love to do it. Now sunny is thinking about to do some job. As he have to pay money to moon. So he asked moon what's type of job he can do...? Moon say to him..." Why you are thinking about job..? Don't you have any things to do.....? Isn't your world's king give you any work to do...? " Then sunny tell her..... " He need to do good work. If he can help every person that they need, then in his world's fairy can find the culprit soon. But i want to do work for you. Because you pay money for me and i promised you that i will pay you back. But for paying back to you money i need to earn first. Now tell me how can i find a job.....? " Then moon tell him you can do work like per-time workers. There have so many resturant or coffee shop. You can do work here and also it's good place for you.......

Sunny is really happy to know about that he can do job now. This day he go for finding a coffee shop to do job. He find a shop and they are taking people for job. Now he go there and tell them how he need this job. They also give him this job. As he is learning cook so he can do it. They told him come here from tomorrow. He is so happy. He go back to home and say everyone that he can do job now. Obviously it's not so much good job for leading a life. But as he is not staying here for long time so he have no problem with it. Moon is also in home and now she is thinking what she will tell him. Moon can't believe his talk but his getup is not same as like normal people. But moon want to believe him but she need to know more about him. Then moon go to sunny and congress him. But moon is thinking his getup can be more gentle. So moon tell him that..... " let's go somewhere. I will give you something..... " Sunny asked her whether we will go.....? " But she didn't say him but said him to go with her. As sunny have no choice so he go with moon. They prepared well. But sunny have no good dress without one dress. So he wear this and come out. Now they are leaving the home and going somewhere......