
IRL Gacha

Waking up to find himself in some kind of video game version of real-life a young boy must learn what all these new functions of life mean. While also summoning gear, allies, and spells to aid him it what's to come. If that all wasn't enough the poor boy has no memories of his past and must also work to find out who he really even when looking past all this new Gacha Game stuff.

OneBelowAll · Game
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Start, First Summon

My eyes shoot open as I'm met with the ceiling of my room. Sweat runs down my face and I'm breathing heavily, I remember having a dream but I can't remember for the life of me what it was about. But seeing as how I'm breathing like I just ran a marathon I'm assuming something happened to me at the end of it. Wiping the sweat from my forehead I laugh, just thinking about how worked up I am over some dream I can't remember a single thing about is actually pretty funny.


That sound breaks me out of my laughter and makes my eyes narrow in on the floating blue screen in front of my eyes. The screen is small and looks like something pulled straight from an RPG video game. The text in it is white and I having to squint my eyes in order to read it without sitting up.

[Welcome to IRL Gacha, are you ready to enter the game?]

"What's this? Did I fall asleep while playing a VR game or something?" I ask myself as I try to sit up, on my bed but I soon realize I can't move my body. "I-I can't move, why can't I move!" I shout in a panicked voice. Suddenly the text on the screen changes and the text reads as such.

[Besides your arms the rest of your body will be in status until you accept the invitation to the game]

"T-the hell? What do you mean my body will be in status?" Suddenly it hits me, this is a VR game, I just gotta take off the headset. I try to move my hands towards my head but my arms won't move. I can hear another ding, and the text on the screen begins to flash with some added text that says, press OK to start.

Gulping I find that I can move my hand toward the screen but any effort to move it any other way results in my arm not being able to move. So I move my hand toward the screen and with my right pointer finger, I press the ok button. Suddenly the text on the screen changes and now shows new text.

[Welcome to IRL Gacha, before you can truly start please confirm your information]

The screen suddenly changes to show information unique to me but something is off. All the information is correct, Age:16, Height:172.1 cm, Weight: 59.5 kg, Birthday: September 29th, Game Name: -, Name: Error. Suddenly the screen's text changes again to reveal new text.

[Error, Name could not be found. Please select a new one]

Suddenly the screen changes yet again to show a blank bow and underneath that box is a keyboard. Seeing this I grow confused. What does this screen thing mean by, name cannot be found? "What do ya mean my name cannot be found. My name is-" My eyes widen when I realize that I can't remember my name. Come to think of it I can't remember anything about my past. Friends, family, likes dislikes, looks I'm drawing a blank on every single one. It's likely I wouldn't even know my age if that wasn't on the previous screen. Looking around the screen I see a button next to the box where the name I type would appear. The button has the word random on it and not knowing where to even start with creating a name or trying to remember mine I click it.

The first name that appears inf Gin Nori, that name sounds familiar plus I didn't like the sound of it so I click the button again and the second name that pops up is Hatsumi Tsubasa. I look at this name for a second before clicking a green checkmark button that appears next to the random butt.

"Has a nice ring to it, plus I bet it's a cooler name than my previous one," I state as I finally get feeling back in my body and quickly sit up.

[Thank you, Apologies for the error. With your name picked you can now enter your Game Name]

{Notice, this process can be skipped for the time being but will become mandatory before you enter an extraction, Raid, or Boss}

As more of these pop-ups show up, I grow more and more confused. I swing my hands to the left, it goes right through the screen and makes them vanish. I then start looking around my room I see it's pretty barren, a desk in the corner, a bed pushed up against the wall, a tv on a small table opposite my bed with a game system pushed up against the TV side. As I look around I notice a mirror above the desk in the corner. Walking over to it I can finally see my reflection and how I look. I have messy purple shoulder-length hair, crystal blue eyes, a birthmark underneath my left eye, my body is fairly buil.d but nothing out of the ordinary. I have on a plain white tank-top and black sweat pants.

Looking down at the desk I suddenly get an idea. I quickly open the drawer and being to rummage through them, looking for anything that could give me a hint about who I am. However, all I find are journals that have what seems to be school work in them. "Come on, there's nothing in here? I didn't keep a journal or something, not even a photo?" I say in anger as I slam the drawer shut. As the oud sound of the angry slam leaves the room the sound of knocking on the door fills the room.

"Hatsumi, sweety are you ok in there? I heard something slam." Asks a feminine voice. My eyes dart to the door and I think about what the voice just said.

"Sweety? Oh, I get it. Seeing as how I'm 16 that must be my mom. If I have any sisters I don't think they'd call me sweety." I explain to myself as I move toward the door and grip the nod. "Plus if anyone is gonna who I am it's gotta be my mom." I open the door but then step as I see what's behind the door. It's no woman, instead, there's only a black silhouette of a mature woman. "W-what the hell is this?" I ask dispute no one being around to answer me.

Suddenly a new screen opens up but instead of the blue, I've seen before this one is purple with a golden outline and green text. My eyes dart to it and I quickly begin to read the text to try and understand what I'm looking at.

[Congraduation you've reached your first Gacha Spin. Usually, you'd spin and randomly get a character of a random rarity. These rarities being C: Common, UC: Uncommon, R: Rare, SR: Super Rare, UR: Ultra Rare, and L: Legendary. However, for your first spin, you are guaranteed an Ultra Rare character.]

As soon as I'm done reading this another screen appears beside the one I'm already looking at. This one has a dark blue button with a golden outline and the words on the button say Free Summon. Above this button, the images of mature women slowly appear above it. There's only one image above the button at a time and after twenty-five seconds or so the image changes to show a brand new woman.

The text on the original screen changes and now says,

[To start the summon please press the button that says Free Summon]

"What? So what my life has become some kind of crappy Gacha game?" I ask myself as my head turns to look at the summoning screen again. "What's the point of this though? I mean they're making me do some random summon to see who my own mother will be. Besides with no idea who I am how am I supposed to be attached with this woman, it'll just feel weird." I tell myself as I look at the black silhouette behind the two screens. "Well, I guess anything is better than looking at that for the rest of my foreseeable life," I say as I slowly move my hand and press the free summon button.

Suddenly a blinding light fills the room, I quickly put my hands up to shield my eyes from the blinding light. It quickly changes between grey, blue, dark blue, light blue, purple, and green. Then out of nowhere it suddenly stops at the purple light. The light dyes down a little and due to this I slowly lower my arms and see that the once blank silhouette is now being filled in by someone. The fill-in starts with a pair of black heels, then as the silhouette continues to be filled in a black business suit is revealed along with a pair of bigger than average breasts. Then when the head and face are revealed a woman with long silky black hair with red highlights, her eyes are a deep shade of green. One here face is a kind smile that radiates warmth and along with that smile is a pair of red cat-eye glasses.

The two-screens that appeared before the summoning vanish and a brand new screen appears. This time the screen is the same shade of blue as the first couple of screens that appeared. However, this screen is not wide like the other screens, this one is long and after looking at it for a moment I can see this screen contains all the information for my "mother".

Name: Chiharu Tsubasa

Age: 39

Height: 63.7 inches

Weight: 176.4 pounds

Birthday: July 5th

Occupation: Human Resource Manager

Rarity: UR/Ultra Rare

Element: Dark

Class: Melee

Weapon Type: Fist/Gauntlets-Axes

Star-Level: 5

Status: Can assist you in Extractions, Riads, and Bosses

Special ability: Chiharu can heal anyone who's a member of her family, once per battle.

Backstory Summary: A loving mother who has three children. While her husband works overseas she works as a Human Resource Manager to provide for her family. She's over loving to her family and sometimes overly protect. Also, she's a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu {Raise Affinity to unlock more of her backstory}

[Addition information will be presented when you part take in your Extortion, Raid, or Boss]

"I still have no clue what's happening here," I say under my breath swipe my finger to the left which makes the screens in front of me vanish just like the others. As soon as those screens disappear a throbbing pain in my head starts. I grab my head as this pain starts from my head and works its way down my body. Suddenly I feel something land on my right shoulder, looking at it I see a hand and it's the hand of my Chiharu.

"Hatsumi sweaty are you ok?" Chiharu asks as the pain subsides. "If you're not feeling well you can stay home from school today," Chiharu tells me as I shake my head before looking her in her face before answering her.

I'm fine mom, I just got up to fast." I tell her eyes my eyes suddenly widen. Wait what did I just call her? Did I really just call her mom just now? Why? I have no memories of her plus I just summoned her out of thin air. So why did I just call her mom like it's second nature?

"Well, if you say so. But if you aren't feeling just promise me you won't push yourself." My mother states as she embraces me in a tight hug. I don't return the hug at first but then I realize that without even noticing it my arms have wrapped around her and now I'm returning the hug.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!" I shout within the safety of my mind as he separates from each other.

"Why don't you come downstairs and grab breakfast. I made your favorite. Whi knows maybe you and sister can walk to school together for once." My mother tells me as she leaves the room.

"Sister?" I question as I slowly peek my head out of the room. "If I run into her is she gonna be all blacked out like mom was before I did that summon thing?" Almost on cue, I hear a new voice behind.

"Morning." Turning around I'm greeted by a black silhouette similar to the one mom was before she was summoned. The only difference being this one seems younger than the silhouette depicting mom. As I see this a new screen pops up in front of me.

[Your second summon is also free. However, this time a specific rarity is not guaranteed. This one will be of a random rarity. Please select the free summon button when ready]