
Chapter 1. How Could I be So Foolish?

Are you there?

Please, answer me?

Was it all a game to you?

I really need to talk to you...

With a heavy sigh, Nia puts her phone down as she walks away from her phone that rests on her bedroom dressing table. She drags herself towards her bed and just sinks into her double sized mattress, that is draped in white and what appears to be violet embroided lilies on her bed sheets. " I knew you were too good to be true", she exclaims out loud, frustrated.

Nia had spent almost half of her day, staring at her phone and texting this mystery person who left her on unread since 4th of February. We are on March 22nd, a whole month plus and she still was persistent to get the person on the other side, to respond. For her it was a matter of urgency as she couldn't believe the outcome of what was happening. " He promised", she thought to herself. " I can't believe it, after a whole year", she carried on, lost in her thoughts. " I really can't believe it, I must be really foolish".

"I thought you were my home", Nia whispered as she thought out loud. Tears began to stream down her smooth face, settling on the top of her cheeks that revealed her deep dimples, every time she shut her eyes and tried to silence her cry. This made her sore eyes look more puffier and red on her beautiful, sun kissed skin. She rested her head on her fluffy pillow that she pulled close to her face, like she was almost hugging the pillow, to console her and vanquish the pain she felt away. Shaming herself for being so vulnerable with a guy who she had never met or heard his voice before. For a whole entire year! " I'm so, so stupid", she carried on shaming herself, taking the blame for putting her heart out there to a stranger.

* *Phone pings on the dressing table**

Nia almost ran out of bed like the flash, the instant she heard that phone come to life after a whole day of silence. Almost stumbling upon a chair next to her work station, that she set up to carry out her 9-5 , remote job. Gaining her balance she grabbed her phone with high hopes that her mystery man finally got his senses back, to reply her messages. As soon as she entered her screen lock password she went straight to the app under the name LIVELY. Lively, is a 3D virtual life game that allows users to create and personalize their avatars, bringing them to life, however they wished. It also allows users to travel around different servers where you could meet and socialise with new people. The 3D game world was very entertaining and somehow 25year old Nia found herself swallowed into constantly playing the 3D game after encountering her mystery man.

"Arrggh!", Nia sighs heavily in disappointment as she clicks on Lav_ here 's profile, which displayed his beautifully created avatar, with his profile bio saying "I miss you", which was the last thing he updated the last time he and Nia spoke. Now it's been two months since he was last active, not a word not a trace and not even a goodbye. Lav_here, the mystery man just vanished out of nowhere, and Nia was having a hard time accepting, that maybe, just maybe he didn't really catch feelings for her and that he was just a sad, lonely person who was bored and enjoyed toying with people's emotions. To make Nia feel even worse, the last conversation was them having a conversation of taking their relationship out of the virtual game and communicate in real life for the first time.

Nia opens the last conversation that revealed she had the last say, as she gave him her Instagram username, ending the conversation with " jaan, add me". Our mystery man , Lav, was half Indian as he claimed and over the course of time taught Nia a few words in Hindi. Words he insisted for her to know as it didn't really matter to him if she'd learnt the language and become fluent. What mattered were the keywords he wanted her to always remember. Lav had told Nia that she was the love of his life and had chosen the word "jaan",meaning "life", in Hindi. A word he referred to every time during their conversation . So, ofcourse hopeless, romantic and clearly gullible Nia took his word. The emotional bond that grew between them over the year, almost made Nia feel that she might have found her soulmate. In a world full of superficial things, she thought the heavens where finally answering her prayers when she bumped into Lav one day.

She remembered him being very candid during their first meet. They were both in a server that appeared to be a tropical island with a bridge that led into the waters. Nia was standing right at the end of bridge, her avatars feet in the water, staring at the sunset whilst having a public conversation with a male user who went under the name, AraBprince95. Mr. Arabprince95, was hovering around Nia and asking about her religious views. Immediately, Lav had taken the Liberty to save Nia from what he thought was such a terrible conversation.

"Is that what people really ask these days, whether you're a Muslim or Bhudhist", he said . " Leave the poor girl alone, you're gonna scare her brother". ArabBprince85, immediately left chat upon reading the messages sent by Lav.

Nia : You cock blocker 😏

Lav_here :💀

Nia: I see.. youu want me😏

Lav_here : Ahh this woman, nothing of sort.

I was simply saving a damsel in distress 😁

Nia : Do I look distressed to

you mister ?🙄

Lav_here: so you're telling me you

You were enjoying every minute

Of that excruciating convo? 👀

Nia: I mean noo but.. you

You didn't have to poke

your nose in🙄

Lav_here : fair enough ma'am, also

To answer your question, I'm not

Interested in you. So, no I don't

want you 😌.

Nia : 🙄 yeah right then

next time bugger off

Lav_here: Aah English ay?

Nia: British, Black British.


Lav_here: Aah so tell me

Miss British are you as pretty as

your Avi?🤔👀

Nia: Are you ugly as yours?🙄

Lav_here : 💀.. a little snarky aren't we?

Nia: Well you're asking

me dumb questions 😑

Why would anyone want

to look pixelated?

Lav_here : welp 🥴 ..what can I say I am dumb guy.

I like you miss British. Accept my Friend request 🥹

Oh btw, I am Half Indian and half Saudi.

Since then , Nia and Lav would meet everyday, In the night when Lav would get back from work. They spoke about their past experiences , families and got know more about each other over time.

*Phone rings*

Nia woke up from her train of thoughts and realised the phone only blew off because her friend Twandi was messaging her about meeting up. But Nia was deep in thoughts about Lav, she had simply forgotten to check who actually was trying to get in touch with her. Now Twandi was ringing her after obliviously not getting a response from her bestie.

Nia picks up the call unwillingly - Yes Twandipaa. .. I'm sss...

Before she could even finish her sentence. Twandi was making her presence known. " You fine babe , you been ignoring my messages"? Are you alive? Did you get kidnapped ...Are you not on planet earth no more? Twandi exclaimed out loud. " I'm here my sister", I'm just a little tired fwend". Nia spoke so softly that she almost sounded like she was waking up. " Nia, Upendo Franklin..you are too young to be tired', Twandi expressed loudly in her best motherly tone.

"So I have a proposal for you abeg you listen", Twandi carried on speaking on the other side of Nia's handset. "I'm listening", Nia spoke with a heavy sigh, knowing exactly, what was on Twandi's agenda. " I'm thinking I come pick you up say 'round 8pm, wear that sexy dress we bought from Zara fews ago, we are chasing enjoyment this weekend...and I'm not taking no for an answer", Twandi said with enthusiasm even though she sensed the defeaning silence on the other side of the call.

What felt like a whole 3minutes of silence, Nia finally grew energy to respond. "I'm sorry fwend, I'm just not feeling up to it this weekend",... Before Nia could even express her lack of interest on going out, on a Friday night. Twandi played a wild card that Nia was not expecting. " Fine! suit yourself, I'll go enjoy watching Cleo Sol, live in Manchester by myself",. She almost teasingly yelled over the phone saying these words.

"Omg, that's today. ..shoot shoot shoot" , Nia almost was in disbelief she forgot that her and Twandi planned this Yanks ago and they were both huge fans of the singer. Feeling a little embarrassed , Nia finally spoke " Fwend, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about tonight, it's 6pm now , let me get ready and I will personally pick you up by 7.15 and drive us there yeah?". Twandi sounded so I unbothered by Nia's apology " listen fine babe , you been acting a little strange and don't think I haven't noticed ..*pauses for a minute. "Sooner or later you're gonna have to come clean about whatever it is you've been hiding. So no thanks , turning down the lift love..tonight I'm planning on getting you Lit!.

'I guess we are taking the train then', .. Nia responded softly and taken back a bit by what her beloved friend told her. The truth is Nia was secretly dating Lav for a whole year and did not tell anyone . Not her sisters, not her friends so, Twandi had no idea either but noticed a change in her friends behavior over the last year. Somehow part of Nia felt embarrassed that she fell in love with someone who possibly could be a catfish story. " That's right, meet you at Oxford road station at 7.15 sharp", Twandi finally said. " Also, Nia please don't be late I'll be really pissed then". " I won't be late love, see you soon", Nia responded as she ended the call.

Walking towards her bathroom Nia passed her bathroom mirror and stared in horror at how much of a mess she looked. She still had her pj's on and her sleeping bonnet. She quickly ran the shower and undressed off her clothes, leaving her sun kissed body bare. Nia was a very petite, voluptuous woman . She had an hour glass figure with perky breasts, a beautiful baby face, light brown eyes and thick lips that almost looked like she was pouting in her neutral state. She jumped into the shower keeping her bonnet intact as she placed a large shower cap on as she didn't want to get her hair wet. Nia quickly scrubbed her morning sweat with some vanilla and bergamot shower gel, her favorite scent, using a fluffy sponge . She really enjoyed hot showers hence the steamy glaze that clouded the whole bathroom triggerrung the fire alarm in her apartment. That was definitely queue for her to get out of the shower as she didn't have a lot of time for a long shower. Turning off the shower tap, she grabbed her white towel and wrapped her self as she stepped out of the bathroom. The noise in the apartment caused by the fire alarm finally settled.

"Wear that sexy dress we got from Zaaara", Nia spoke mimicking her friend Twandi as she opened her closet and took out an orange strapless, v line mini dress. Nia thoroughly dried her body before she quickly moisturized her body with some scented shea butter. She swore down by Shea butter hence her magnificent, smooth skin. Nia quickly got dressed up as time was of the essence. She took her bonnett off and her beautiful 16inches, dark brown sis locks fell perfectly on her back. She styled it a little with her hands creating a side fringe, took her glossy lip colour in shade chocolate and tainted her lumpcious lips. The girl was a natural beauty and didn't need to do much, but Nia never felt that she was all that. She quickly stared in the mirror as she approved the orange dress , pairing it with some Dr Martens Velcro boots and a leather jacket. By the time she completed the look it was almost 7pm. She quickly switched off all the electronics and headed out to Oxford road station.

Good thing Nia didn't live to far from the station so it took her about 11 minutes walk to get there. Making her her arrival time at 7.11pm. She had text Twandi to let her know that she was at the station already. A couple minutes later, Nia turned around to hear familiar voices in front of where she was sitting. "Is that you blood is that you? ", Nia immediately stood up and ran over to hug her friend Bobby who she had not seen in months. "mother effin Robert, give me some love", Nia squeezed Bobby for the longest time. "I know I know , I missed you too my princess" , Bobby replied . Nia stepped back and looked at him almost teary , landing a huge slap on Twandi's arm who stood on the side lines giggling away. " You sly fox, you never said Bobby was back in town", Nia spoke, smiling and teary at the same time. " This is such a nice surprise fwends" She quickly gave them both a hug, more like her squeezing in between them as she was so small compared to her friends. Nia was about 5ft2 while Twandi was a tall lady around 5'9 inches, as for Robert who preferred to be called Bobby was around 6ft 2.

The three started catching up as their train arrived, they all jumped on and sat on the train that was headed to Manchester Victoria station where Cleo Sol would be performing. The train ride didn't take too long and the three musketeers jumped off the train with enthusiasm, laughter and back and forth banter amongst them. " I swear down next time you come back in town an not tell me in advance I will murder you", Nia exclaimed out loud.. " I missed you so much dude I'm so glad things in New York are doing you good", Nia kindly added as she smiled at Bobby who gave her the same knowing smile. Bobby always had a soft spot for Nia and originally asked Nia out but she declined as she didn't want to ruin their friendship. Part of her thinks that Bobby prolly took the job opportunity in New York to get away from her rejection as he wanted to be more than friends. But Bobby reassured her it was more than that, his reasoning of moving to the states. "I promise I won't let that happen again", Bobby replied giving her a peck on the cheek. " Are we all ready for some Cleo Sol" Twandi shouted out loud as they were walking in the streets towards the venue.

Before she could here a reply back from her comrades, Nia's phones went off. An incoming call from her Instagram . Nia could not believe here eyes as she held her phone with her trembling hands. She was in shock and a little nervous when she saw the person calling her was someone under the name Lava. With no hesitation, she quickly answered the phone without saying a word, curious to hear who was on the other side. The moment of silence felt like forever as the person on the other side of the call was just as silent. Finally a deep, husky voice broke the silence and Lava spoke "Jaan, I'm sorry".