
Irene The Lady Who Turned Down Fate

I am Irene Winter, during my past life as Lily winter I lost my parents and my one and only little brother...God being graciously granted me another chance to live with my family even though it's inside a novel called ' Who is the Villainess?' And even in this life, The Winter family is destined to doom but not anymore...This time fate has to lose against me Is what I thought but....what's with the sudden turn of events!!! "Bedisa" His Holiness granted me a middle name himself!!! "Do you really think the second prince is romantic....then how about me?" The crown prince said with a flirtatious smirk on his face. "Ha Don't you dare lay a finger on her!!" my brother who was supposed to be a weakling said in an aggressive tone. "So was I the Villainess?" the female lead aka Violet asked me in a cold voice unlike her kind personality "Don't you understand my feelings!" the second prince Alferd said as he kissed the back of my hand. "I just want freedom....is it too much.." the villainess Rose asked me with teary eyes. This is so unlike the novel what the hell is happening???? "My Lady Do you really think the book had a happy ending?" His Holiness asked me leaving me speechless. Will I really be able to change my fate as well as their's or will we all be covered in bloodshed just like the original novel... Want to know more! Read about my story Irene The Lady Who Turned Down Fate It's my first-ever original novel so it might be lacking but still, I will keep trying so please keep supporting me! ● Updates everyday at 3pm (IST) So don't forget to keep this on your collection~ *THE COVER IS NOT OWNED BY ME! ALL THE CREDIT GOES TO THE ARTIST!"

MayDreamer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
298 Chs

Meeting the Empress

The empire wasn't always this peaceful, but with the arrival of saintness Aurora, everything changed she used her power for the betterment of the people, there were also times when she endangered her life for others, she was such a great person that not only the Solar empire even the other empires respected her. That great saintness is now the empress Aurora Oswald Stewart of this empire.

And right now I am in front of her greenhouse, I took a deep breath as I entered the greenhouse. And there I saw this world most beautiful art, standing beside a red rose bush in a white dress with little flowery embroidery in the ends was a lady with silver hair which was braided and her eyes which meet mine were like the red moon. I don't know how to put her beauty in words but I can one thing that if the emperor Theodore Michael Stewart is the sun then the empress Aurora Oswald Stewart is like the moon. I guess now I understand how the womanizer emperor changed, even I feel flustered by her beauty.

"I greet the saintness of the empire her majesty the empress!" I said as she looked at me. She started coming near me, "You may rise." she said in her gentle voice. I looked at her face it was far more than pretty. I felt shy to be this near to her but for some reason, she kept looking at me with a smile on her angelic face.

"You really look like your mother, do you know that." Her majesty said as she touched my face, the expression on her face looked like a mixture of sadness and happiness as if she found a lost long friend. I wonder why?

"Her majesty knows my mother," I asked her but she looked a bit shocked and just avoided the question by telling me to have some snacks. Honestly, these snacks are pretty good I always had them when I came to play with the princes.

Thinking of the princes...Are they okay now? should I ask the empress?? No, she might not like it! thinking that I shake my head.

The empress let out a little laugh and asked me, "Are the snacks not to your liking?"

"No, I like them!" I said while munching another cookie. The empress giggled and patted my head, "Eat slowly!" she said while rubbing the crumb off my face. "Okay," I said as I smiled towards her.

"You are so pretty that I can't remove my eyes from you," she said as she brushed my hair with my fingers, her touch made my head feel lighter it was the same as of His Holiness. I feel more comfortable now.

"But I think Her majesty looks more Pretty....just like the moon," I said as I looked at her. "Really!" she said with her prettiest smile. My heart it's beating so fast, Author why did you made everyone so good looking I might die from heart disease even before I get banished from the Crown Prince.

"The Prince..." I murmured. " The prince?" The saintness asked looking confused. You heard it!!! What do I say?? Will she be angry??? I thought looking downward at the tea, I could see my reflection in it my face has turned blue out of fear. Am I going to die here!!!

"You...What's wrong?" she asked with concern as she patted my head, that sensation happened again my mind feels lighter. I looked at her....she looked at me like a mother does. Right, in front of me is not this empire's empress but also a mother and as far as I remember she loved her sons more than anyone, like any other mother I am sure she too would be concerned about them. I can ask her, right? I took a deep breath asked her "Her Majesty are the Princes okay?"

I expected her to look a bit shocked or surprised but she looked at me with a satisfied smile. "Are you worried about them?" she asked as sipped her tea. "I am..." I said looking at her.

"Why?" she asked looking at me her eyes looked serious....and cold it reminded me of the Crown Prince...Even though he is just 11 his eyes looked so sad and cold at that moment...

"Because they made a very Sad expression....it was an expression that doesn't suit them at all..." I said as I looked straight at her eyes. She smiled and her cold eyes became warm just like before, "Then Lady Winter are you familiar with that expression?" She asked. "Her majesty....I...I can only say that it's an expression I wish I will never ever have..." I said and to my surprise, she hugged me all of a sudden, but why?? then suddenly a tear rolled down my eyes. And just like that, I started crying rivers.

Is it because she is a saintness that I can show my feelings this easily or is it because I bottled up my feelings for too long. I really don't know....but I just wish that no one will go through that pain of losing their loved ones and be left alone in this wide cold world.

"There There cry it all out," she said as she patted my back. After crying for almost half an hour I finally calmed down, And I felt a sudden rush of embarrassment so I quickly rose from my seat and apologized for my behaviour.

"It's fine you are still a kid I understand that you must be scared right," she said as she signalled me to sit down. "But still her majesty is the empress and I am just a daughter of a lord...it was still rude for me to..." I said but the empress stopped me in between and asked, "If so as an apology, how about you pay a visit to me every day!" The empress said with a smile.

"Pardon!" I said confused. "Hmm, maybe because I don't have a daughter, I have taken quite a liking towards lady Winter. That's why I want to spend more time with you...But if you don't like it then that's fine.." Empress said with a sigh.

"No! I would like it....it will be a pleasure to spend time with her majesty the empress." I said as I bowed. " Then shall we meet again at the same time tomorrow!" the empress said as she clapped. "Sure!" I said with a smile. After that, we talked for a while about different things and it was quite fun.

"Ha, time really goes by very quickly while having a nice time!" The empress said as she looked at the setting sun. "It sure does!" I said but there was still something I wanted to know,

"Her majesty I may be crossing the line by asking this but...Is there something wrong with the prince?" I asked gathering every tiny bit of my courage left in my pea-sized heart.

The empress looked at me with a smile and asked, "Before answering that according to Lady winter what expression will suit both the princes?"

That was an unexpected question but "I think a bright smile would suit them more!" I said with a bright smile. The empress smiled as if she agreed with me.

"Her majesty now it's your turn..." I said looking at her.

"I know....the princes are probably sad because I am getting more sick lately." The empress said with a weak smile. "Then shouldn't her majesty take rest instead of being here.." I asked her.

"I should but the room feels stuffy and I also wanted to see how my choice is!" The empress said. "Choice??" I asked confused.

"You probably don't know but it was me who requested the emperor to make you the playmates of the princes," she said with a big smile as if she was proud of it. It was her!!! and here I was cursing the emperor...

"But Why me? There are even better choices available..." I asked her because while choosing the playmate won't the female lead Violet or the villainess rose be a better option. So out of everyone why me?

"Because I believe that only lady winter can bring that bright smile on their faces." Her majesty while patting my head. I didn't understand what she really meant by that but I knew that I need to make the princes happy for the sake of the empress! And did the empress ever fall ill during this time in the novel?? Am I missing something??

I kept thinking about it throughout the road.

Whereas back in the greenhouse, "Come out both of you." said the empress. "Ha, I told you brother She will find us sooner or later!" A golden hair boy aka the second prince Alferd said, "Shut up." A white hair boy aka Crown prince Alan said as they appeared out of nowhere.

"I told you this disappearing magic doesn't work on people with divine power!" Alfred said.

"Well, it's not like mother stopped us so I think she already knew we would come here. Right mother." Alan said as he looked towards the empress.

"My children are so smart that I don't even have to ask to tell them anything...But anyway I guess now you are satisfied with my choice aren't you!" the empress said with a cheerful smile.

"Mother it's brother who wasn't happy with Lady winter. Not me so keep me out of it!" Alfred said as he stick his tongue out towards Alan. Alan just ignored him. "Alan are you happy now!" Empress asked as she stroked his head. Alan just nodded.

"But mother shouldn't you rest now!" Alan said as he touched her hand. "Right, you should rest!" Alfred said as he signalled the maid's to take the empress to her room.

"Wait but..." The empress was taken away even before she completed her sentence. Alfred followed her. Whereas Alan kept looking at the seat where Irene sat, the image of her smiling face appeared in front of his eyes, which made him blush a little "Bright smile.." he murmured.

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