
Second great rumbling

Here's the revised version of Chapter 2:

After the rumbling, the creatures were named Metaphors, and the event came to be known as the Great Rumbling. Following the Great Rumbling, the appearance of Metaphors became normal for humans. All countries joined forces to create a government named "The World Government." After its formation, they decided to gather the entire world in one place and encase it within massive walls, marking it as the new beginning of humanity. They reset the calendar to begin again with January 1st, 0001.

The walls were erected, and people migrated there, calling the place the Land of the Nation. Fifty percent of the land within the walls was allocated to Asian residents, who purchased the land from the World Government as Asians were wealthy at the time. However, there was a man from the African resident named Sam Monequier. He proposed the idea of an agent system to the World Government and named himself Agent S.M. The World Government approved the idea and made the agent system mandatory for every resident. However, the agent system was not yet fully developed, and the World Government worked on improving it.

After 90 years, on April 9th, 0091, the agents discovered a rumbling heading toward the African residents. If they failed to stop it, 50% of the population of Asian and African residents would be killed. Agents from Asia and Africa joined forces to stop the rumbling, realizing that the only way to kill Metaphors was to sever their necks. The agents were led by Agent S.M., who, despite being 89 years old, led for future generations. He perished in the rumbling but saved many lives. Unfortunately, 20% of the population was killed, and 70% of the agents were wiped out.

The event was named "The 2nd Great Rumbling," with the majority of casualties occurring among Asian residents. European residents, facing increasing population pressure, requested land, but Asian residents refused. When Europeans sought help from the World Government, their request was denied due to Asian residents' financial support to the government. This led to a conflict between Europeans and Asians, prompting the separation of residents into different lands: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, and Australia.

However, the underlying problem remained unresolved. After 900 years, on November 12th, 0901, the Land of Australia learned that a rumbling would occur in the Land of Asia. Despite informing the Land of Asia, it was too late, and the rumbling commenced in Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese territories.

Fortunately, two exceptional agents, Agent A.Q. and Agent S.S., were present in Indian territory. They were close friends. In the chaos of the rumbling, Agent A.Q. was injured and called Agent S.S.

"Hey, S.S."

"Nothing will happen to you, A.Q."

"I don't think so… The hospital is destroyed."

"No, nothing will happen to you, A.Q."

"Promise me."

"What is it?"

"Save my family… for me, please."

"Yes, it's my promise."

Agent A.Q. smiled and passed away.

"Hey… hey… hey, A.Q."

Sadly, Agent S.S. informed the command.

"Agent A.Q. died… over."

Afterwards, S.S. rushed to fulfill his promise but found A.Q.'s home destroyed.

"Hey, Inder, where are you?"

"Uncle S.S."

"Hey, Priya, where is your mother and brother?"

"Mother is lying on the ground, not speaking… and big brother is crying."

"Oh no… Hey, Inder."

"So… my father also died… right?"

"Yes, and I am here to save you."

"My mother told me… the past is past… Let's go."

Agent S.S. took them to his house. After the rumbling, Inder's fate was completely altered.