
Meeting Him

I woke up startled and looked around quickly. I curled up into a ball and laid down hugging myself. It was a terrible dream. My worst dream. After some time I turned to check what time it was. It was not that dark outside so I guessed it was about time for me to get up. I checked my phone and saw that I still had some time before I had to go down to have dinner. So I decided to hear some music. I took my iPad and laid back on my bed. It was really relaxing like this. I put 'Little Things’ by One Direction on high volume. I loved that song.

I closed my eyes and soaked in the lyrics. After a few minutes of songs playing, my music was interrupted by a phone call. I picked it up and saw that it was from Zoey. “Zoey Lockwood! You better have a good reason for interrupting my music.” I said playfully accusing her.” Hi to you too!! I just wanted to ask how you were doing? But since I just heard that, I am pretty sure you are back to your old self now.” she said. I heard her chuckling in between too. “Yeah I am fine now. Did I miss something after I left?” I asked. “Nothing much except that Alan is having a football match this Friday. He wants us all to come.” She said.” Oh okay…. I will try to come.” I told her but deep down I didn’t want to go. “Why do I not feel satisfied by that reply? You are going to come even if you want to come or not. I will personally pull you out from that place.” She replied. I was hoping she won’t catch on to that but looks like she was starting to understand me more and more day by day. “Okay… Okay… I will come.” We talked on for a while and ended the call.

“Andriya…. Come down and have your dinner.” My mom called from downstairs. Looks like she came back from work.

My mom, Adaline Adams, was working as an Exhibitions officer in the National Museum. Her job was pretty cool and as a kid I got to visit the museum very frequently. But as I grew up she started getting busy and had to go on international exhibitions . So she was out at least once a month. She was a good mother and she always tired to do as much as she could for our family.

“Yes mom, coming.” When I went down stairs I saw my dad sitting at the table too. “Hey Dad, when did you reach home?” I asked him.

My dad, Jeremy Adams, was an entrepreneur. His business was going ok. With him and mom, our family moved smoothly even though we weren’t that rich. Like mom, He also went on business trips often.

“I reached home a while back Andy.” He replied. We set the table and started eating. We started having over normal dinner conversations with Mom and Dad asking us how our day was and talking about interesting situations they encountered that day. “ Andy, I heard you came back home early today? Are you alright?” Mom asked.”Yes mom I am alright. I was just tired and was having a bad day.” I replied. I clearly didn’t want her to worry about me. She gets worked up over even the smallest of things. “ Oh...okay..” When we were small, Alex and I, used to tell our parents about everything that happened to us that day but as we grew up we stopped doing that eventually. We started keeping things to ourselves and our parents also grew rather busy to notice the changes in us too.

After dinner I went up and I decided to go to bed as I felt like I needed more sleep. It was raining lightly outside when I went to sleep and soon another dream started.

I was back in the street I saw in my dream from morning. But it was deserted now. Then I saw him. The boy I saw in the cafeteria. It seemed as if he was talking to someone. " I saw her. I think she saw me too. But that is not possible ." The boy said. He had a thick British accent but it sounded a bit more ancient than the present day English."The time has come Auroar. She is the one who would remove your curse." Another voice said. " No one has ever succeeded in removing the stupid curse. How can an ordinary girl like her, cure me from this curse?"the boy asked mockingly. " That girl is not a mere girl. Only she can make your life once more like it was before." "But she just can't be that person." "Sometimes what we look for may not be very appealing to us. But that is the best for us " " I can't accept it so fast. I don't think I believe this. I need to make sure if she really can see me. I need to know." " My dear child, only time can make you believe. Maybe it is time. Your curse should be removed."

I woke up with a start once again because there was a huge thunderstorm outside.. I was sweating. I looked around searching for something and saw that boy standing in the corner staring at me. There it was again, the cold chilling feel. I figured it had something to do with him. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?" He just kept staring at me. Then he suddenly spoke in a low hushed voice. "How can this be true? I can not accept this. Lady, can you see me??" "Well isn't that obvious. Whatever.. Who are You anyway?" " I am sorry for being rude, Milady. I'm Auroar and to answer your question, No, you are not supposed to see me.." He replied bowing down a bit as if he was greeting me." I don't care about it just get out of my room you freak." I threw a pillow at him and suddenly there was a thunder. After the thunder he just disappeared from my sight and my pillow was on the floor. Each time I saw him he became more and more mysterious. Now I was sure that there was some relation between my dreams and him.

I stepped down from my bed and started walking towards my window. I looked out and saw nothing. I picked my pillow from the ground. Where did he go?


Hi guyz.... What do u think about Auroar? Please show your support by giving comments and lots of love.

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