

A boy reincarnated into one the most bloodiest universes. Thinking he had no powers to survive it. There will be spoilers from the comics.

1Shadow_Monarch1 · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 02: Lineage

At the site of a horrible accident, a loud sound was made.

*BAM!* *THUD!*

The door of the car flew off just by that one hit. The person who came out of the vehicle was Kyle with all his clothes burnt away, exposing his well-built muscles and six-pack. But something was weird for someone coming out of a horrific accident like that; he had no injuries. The only mark on him was the soot from the fire.

"What the hell is happening to me," Kyle said as he looked at his hands. Though what he was seeing wasn't flesh, it was his very bones.

{AN: Remeber there will be comics spoilers.}


3RD Pov

*Tap* *Tap*

After long hours of walking, Kyle finally reached his home. He decided against going through the door as it would probably wake his mother. He's also against explaining to his mother why he's naked with soot on his body.

He ended up at the side of the house, ready to climb up to his room window; he bent slightly to jump and hold on to the ledge of the house. "Holy shiit!"


Instead, he leapt more than ten meters above the house. When he reached the summit of his jump, he began to fall while waving his hands and feet about; not wanting to fall to the ground, he grabbed onto the edge of the roof.

He released the roof and went to his room window with only one thought going through his mind 'I really need to get some sleep. And stop hallucinating' When he tried to open his window, it didn't budge. "Tch, dammit, it's locked.

I always tell mom to not go into my room." He cursed at the fact that Debbie went into his room and closed his window. "Guess I'll have to go through the door; I only hope mom isn't up though I doubt it."

Kyle was right to doubt that his mother was sleeping; after all, no parent, especially mothers, could sleep knowing that their child isn't home safe. Kyle went around to enter through the door when he finally got a stroke of luck. Mark's room window was open.

He went up to Mark's window though he didn't jump higher than the house this time. When he climbed through the window, he noticed that Mark wasn't in bed. "Hmm? It's not like him to sneak out like this. Hmm, maybe there's a party? Nah, they wouldn't invite him and not me."

Mark wasn't as social and outgoing as Kyle, so if there was a party and they invited Mark, they would have to ask Kyle as well. Shaking his head, Kyle ignored it for now and went straight to his room, then the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Kyle went and lay in his bed playing his music in his headphone so that he would be able to focus solely on the one sound. It worked as he wasn't bombarded by a large wave of voices and noises again, and the headaches stopped after that.

"*Yawn* Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, everything will be back to normal." Kyle hoped as he was quickly greeted by the warm embrace of sleep after the long day he had had.


"It's unusual for Kyle to sleep in so late; at this rate, he's going to be late for school. Mark, go wake Kyle up tell him to get ready for school and that I already made breakfast."

Debbie told Mark as she put down a plate of bacon slices, eggs, and toast. Mark "Yeah, sure; besides, I gotta tell him about my powers." He nodded and went upstairs to Kyle's room.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Mark knocked on Kyle's door before entering. After all, you can't be too careful when entering a young man's room. The knock seemed to wake Kyle as his eyes began to flutter open "What the hell!"


Mark came rushing into the room only to see Kyle lying on the floor. "Bro, did you fall off your bed?" Mark asked with a bit of scrutinization

"Shut up." Kyle started to pick himself off the ground.

"Hahaha, I can't believe you fell off your bed. Are you a kid?" Mark said to him with a mocking smile on his face. Kyle looked at him with cold eyes.

"At least I didn't piss my bed at sixteen." At that, the smile on Mark's face instantly disappeared and was replaced with embarrassment.

"I-it was only once. And it was my first time drinking."

"Yeah, whatever you say. So why did you come to wake me up."

"Dammit, I said it was only once! You know what mom sent me to tell you to get ready for school and that she made breakfast."

"Is that it bedwetter." Mark's face became even redder from embarrassment as he turned around to leave.

"Oh, you won't believe what happened to me yesterday. When you come down, I'll tell you." Mark said as he started smiling and closed the door. When Mark left, Kyle's face immediately became grave.

'So yesterday wasn't a dream."


After twenty minutes of getting ready, Kyle went downstairs. He saw Debbie, Mark, and, surprisingly, Nolan sitting around the dining table with plates before them.

"Morning, it's rare for you to be here for breakfast Nolan. What happened?" Kyle greeted and questioned Nolan about his rare appearance during breakfast.

Nolan looked at him with a huge grin plastered on his face, something he had never shown to Kyle before. "Of course, I'd be here, especially after what happened to Mark yesterday." Kyle looked at Mark puzzledly so that he could explain what Nolan was talking about.

"You remember that I told you something happened to me yesterday?" Mark asked Kyle, who nodded impatiently to continue as he brought his hot cocoa tea to his mouth to cool. Mark got up out of his seat and started floating. "I got my powers."

There was deathly silence for a few seconds; Nolan had a proud smile on his face while Debbie looked at Kyle, who was looking at his cup in eerily.


What broke the silence was Mark, who lost control in the air and fell on his butt. "Crap, I still don't have the hang of it yet."

"The whole neighbourhood knows that Mark, after all, I'm sure they heard when you crashed landed last night."

"W-what! You heard that?" Mark embarrassingly stood and sat back in his seat. He looked up at Kyle, who was still staring at his cup.

"So… what do you think?" He asked, seeking validation from his older brother as most younger brothers do.

{AN: Younger sisters do the same with older sisters as well. I think}

"*Sniff* *sniff* What I think!? I think my little brother has finally hit puberty. Maybe now you'll get at least half as handsome as me." With that said, Kyle got up, holding the cup in his hands; he looked at Debbie. "Mom, I've been feeling a bit under the weather since yesterday during practice; can I stay home today?"

Debbie doesn't usually allow her children to skip school, but given that one started developing powers and the other won't. she decided it would be best for Kyle to have a day for himself.

"Of course you can. Is that why you didn't drive home yesterday?" Debbie asked Kyle, who just now remembered about his destroyed car.

'Dammit, I forgot about that. Tch, I can't tell mom about it, she'd kill me, and questions will also be asked how I came out of it unscathed.' "Yeah, I asked one of my friends to drop it by a mechanic."

Kyle walked off but was interrupted before getting far. "Wait, if you're not going to school and your car isn't here. How am I going to get there?" Mark asked with a bit of desperation.

Kyle looked at him like he was an idiot. "You can fly." Mark face lit up as if he found the cure for cancer. After giving Mark undoubtedly the greatest and the most obvious solution to his problem, Kyle left and went up to his room.

"You won't be flying," Debbie told Mark as she took a sip from her herbal tea.

"But mommm, how else am I going to get there?" Debbie looked at him as if it were obvious.

"You're going ride your bike, of course," Debbie said without even looking up from her tablet. Mark looked at his father for support but was quickly shut down by him.

"I have to agree with your mother, Mark. Being able to have restraint and disguise yourself as a normal human is what comes with the job you want to do." Nolan told him strictly as he got up and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Ugh, fine!" Mark said, giving up on the idea of flying to school. "Bye, mom," Mark left after saying that, cringing at the thought that he'll have to ride his bike.


Nolan moved at inhumane speed, leaving only a blur behind as he appeared behind Debbie. "Now that Mark's gone, maybe we can go upstairs?" Nolan asked as he wrapped his hands around her while kissing her neck.

"Haha, Nolan, no. Kyle is still here." Debbie said, trying and failing to resist him. Nolan started to grope her breast as he whispered in her ear, "He won't hear us...well maybe you,"

"Mhmm, maybe just ten minutes," Debbie said, getting up. Nolan looked at her questioningly.

"Ten minutes Debbie? Really?" He lift Debbie up, flying off to their bedroom.


In his hands, Kyle held the cup that was previously filled with hot tea but was now frozen solid. "I need to figure out why the hell I'm developing these powers and where they came from," Kyle said as he sat around his computer desk.

"I was reborn here, but I do-"

"Ngggh! Ahh! O.. Oh!... Aghh! AAAH!" Kyle's ears were assaulted by the sound of pleasure. He got up and put on his headphones. He treated this event as if it were a common occurrence.

"I was reborn, but I don't remember meeting any god, like in those fanfics. So that theory is out."

"I'm sure as hell not some government experiment either. Neither did I fall into some toxic waste nor get mix up with radiation. I don't remeber taking any super drugs. Kyle racked his brain as he tried to figure out how he's starting to get powers.

"Hmm, maybe being around Nolan and Mark changed me on some genetic level. But wouldn't it be the same for Debbie as well? Are my father could be some kind of alien. Nah, no way."

As he realized that he was developing powers, a train of thoughts went through Kyle's head. 'Since I'm getting powers, then I won't have to fear for my survival, and if they're strong enough, I might even be able to stand up against the Viltrumites if it comes down to it.'

'First thing I have to do now is learning how to control them. I can't let it keep going on the fritz like this. If I ever lose control of them in front of Nolan, I might find myself getting my face beat into a pulp in no time.'

Kyle said as the bloody image of his face flashed before his eyes, "Guess my training montage is starting now."

Kyle got up and opened his window, and went through when he was about to climb down the memory of him floating when he woke up this morning flashed through his mind. "Maybe... Up up and awa-...Fuck," Kyle said when instead of ascending as he thought he would, he fell face-first on the ground.


He got up and brushed himself off, "Well, at least I know that I'm invulnerable."


After almost two hours of walking, Kyle arrived at his perfect training ground, an abandoned train station. Looking around to make sure no one was there, he went atop one of the broken down buildings. "First thing first, my hearing. I can't wear my headphones forever, so I got to get it under control,"

When he took his headphones off, nothing happened for a few minutes until.

*Bam!* *Bam!*


"Dammit! I'm late again, my boss is gonna fi-"

"Police, open up."

Multitudes of voices assaulted his ears, immediately he went to cover it with his headphones but decided against it. 'All those movies and comics back in my old world always said the same thing about super hearing. Focus on one sound.' Kyle thought as beads of sweat began pouring down his face.

*Thump* *Thump*

A soothing rhythmic sound that drowned out the other unnecessary noises came from his chest. "Is that, my heart? He questioned in disbelief at how relaxing it was. After half an hour of practising, Kyle was surprised at how quickly he gained control.


"Who the hell are you?" A voice belonging to a man with rocks surrounding his body said.

"I'm uh, I'm, I guess I'm working on that. Any suggestions?" Mark, who wore red goggles, a red shirt, a yellow mask and pants, answered.

"Captain guy with a hole punch through him!" The rock man shouted as he rushed at Mark with his fist raised to punch Mark in the face.

{AN: Is that what he said in the show?}

*Bam!* *Pow* *Bam*

Mark blocked the blow and punched the man in his face and stomach. Expecting his attacks would do significant damage, Mark looked up at the man cockily. "Anything else?"

*Bam* *Bam* *Pow*

The Rockman delivered a series of attacks to Mark's face and stomach. Then he grabbed him by the throat and threw him into a wall.

"Ugh, *Pant* *Pant*" Mark fell to his knees and started panting on the ground. "Arghhhh!" He yelled as he flew at the man in anger.

*Bam* *Thoom* *Bam* *Bam*

The force of Mark's hit pushed the man back. But, Mark didn't stop as he rushed at the man dragging his body in the asphalt and throwing him into buildings before throwing him in the middle of the road. "Huh, what about ass-kicker?"


"Isn't that idiot supposed to be in school," Kyle said as he finished listening to them. "Still, I didn't think It'd be this easy to learn control. Are all my other abilities this easy to control?"

Kyles question was soon answered as he took almost twelve hours to gain control of all his abilities, even his flight, albeit he can't fly at speeds comparable to Omni-Man as yet. He also unlocked another power super speed, the first time he tried using it, he faced planted himself in the side of a train.

As for his heat vision, he can now regulate how much power it uses, though it took a few trains being cut in half before he perfected it.

"I better start heading home mom is probably wondering where I am," Kyle said as he began floating in the air and flying in the direction of his house. While on his way, Kyle caught a glimpse of a figure coming out of his favourite game store with two Xboxes on his shoulders.

"Wait isn't that," Looking closer, Kyle noticed the blue shade of the man's skin, and he immediately recognized who it was. "Maybe I should stop him? Nah, I'll leave it alone. None of my business," Kyle said and was about to continue on his way.

"Huh, hey freak! Get down here!" The Mauler twin shouted and threw one of the Xboxes, hitting Kyle in his head.


Kyle eyes started glowing red as he looked at the twin, "Scratch minding my own business." Kyle flew at him getting ready to uppercut him in his ugly mug.


An explosion went off the shockwave sending the Mauler twin flying but didn't even leave a scratch on Kyle, much less moving him an inch. "That was a BB. You don't want to see what I can do with a golf ball. Now. who started it?" Both Kyle and the Mauler twin looked up to see a boy in a red and yellow suit on some weird flying bike. Along with a brown robot and a girl in a purple and black costume.

A girl with flowing red hair and bright green eyes dressed in a pink outfit was flying beside them. "Let me give you a guess!" The Mauler twin shouted as he jumped and held onto the bike and threw it to the side.


Luckily the passengers escaped before it could crash and explode with them. "Way to go, Rex, we HAD the element of surprise," The robot said sarcastically to the red and yellow suit boy known as Rex.

The boy, Rex, looked at the robot apologetically, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Well, try to leave the good ideas up to m-" Before the robot could finish speaking, he looked around to see a gigantic blue fist right before his cameras.

*BAM!* *KRAK!*

Before the fist could reach him, a powerful punch hit the Mauler twin in the face breaking his jaw in the process, also sending him crashing into one of the buildings. "Do you think it's a 'GOOD' idea to talk while your back is turned to the enemy," Kyle said, still floating while he looked down on them.

"You're right. We'll review this in our training. Nonetheless, good job, kid," The robot said as he got up and helped his teammates up. Kyle nodded at him as he watched them secure the body. "I'll have another car sent over to us, so just put him right there," The robot said to the girl in the purple and black suit.

"Nice costume," The redhead, who Kyle immediately recognized as Sammatha Eve, came over and said to him, who was still wearing his sweat pants and T-shirt from this morning.

"Hmm," Kyle gave a subtle and not so subtle glance of Eve's figure. "I can't say the same for yours," Kyle said to her with a smirk.

"Hmm, I was actually thinking of something with a bit more skin. What do you think?" Eve asked with her own rosy lips forming a smirk.

Kyle looked at her as he got closer, "It would probably work."

"Hahaha, is that so?" Eve said as she squinted her eyes, trying to take in all of Kyle's figure. "I knew you looked familiar! You're our star qua-" Eve shouted but was quickly quieted by Kyle putting his hand on her mouth.

"Shh, don't want strangers knowing my name now," Realization struck Eve as she realized what she was about to do.

"HEY! ASSWIPE, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL!" Rex shouted as he held a glowing stick in his hands. The robot looked at him, telling him to calm down.

While Eve looked at him disappointedly, "Rex, calm down. He didn't do anything." While Rex's teammates were trying to calm him down, Rex could only see one thing, the smirking face of Kyle as he looked down on him.

"Eve, move! I'm going to blow this fucker to kingdom come!" Rex shouted as the sticks started glowing brighter.

"Try," Kyle said to him.

*Szzzz* *Boom!*

A beam of red light came flying out of Kyle's eyes, hitting the glowing sticks in Rex's hands, causing an explosion that blew both him and the robot back. "M-my hand!" Rex shouted as his right hand was burnt black with blood leaking out of it. Some would say he's lucky he still had it.

"Well, this is getting out of hand. And was also not what I expected from the teen team. See you guys." Kyle flew out of the building. Making sure they didn't follow him, he went home.

"Hahaha, Rex is such a freaking idiot. You don't attack someone that helped you." Kyle went through his window, remembering the stupid face that Rex was showing when his hand was blown to bits.

He went to his bathroom to take a shower taking about twenty minutes before he was finished washing the grime off himself. When he went to his room looking for some clothes to put on. Something fell from his dresser, a necklace with a deep black crystal on it.

"I haven't seen this in a while," Kyle said as he looked at the only thing he has ever gotten from his father. Looking closely at the crystal, Kyle saw a weird symbol on it. Without a second thought, he put on some clothes and went straight to his mother's room with anger on his face.


Bursting the door open, Kyle frightened Debbie, making her drop the book she was reading. "Kyle wha-" Debbie was about to reprimand him but was quickly silenced.

"Mom, who's my father?" Kyle asked eerily low.

Debbie looked at him a bit cautious, "Like I've alwa-" Debbie was once again cut off before she could finish talking.

"Don't even think of lying to me again." Gritting his teeth and holding back his anger Kyle said to her.

"*Sigh*" Debbie released a sigh as she took her glasses off. "It happened two years after I met Nolan. We were on a date in France, some villain capable of opening portals found out Nolan's identity and attacked us. During their battle, a portal opened beneath me, and I was pulled in. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in some weird field with a red sun more than two times bigger than ours." Debbie said and looked up at Kyle, wondering if he'd even believed her after she lied to him for this long.

But, contrary to her expectations, Kyle was keenly listening to every word. "I could hardly breathe. It felt like I was being suffocated. My body felt like there was a ton laid on me. Nolan didn't show up, and I was going to give up and accept my fate. That's when a man in weird clothing approached me and put something over my head, and forced me to wear a suit. The feeling of suffocation and the weight was gone after." Debbie paused again as she drank some water from a glass on her nightstand.

"I spent a year on that weird planet called Krypton before I gave up the idea of Nolan coming to rescue me. I soon started having feelings for your father. The fact that he was just like Nolan when he first came to Earth only made it more natural. A year later, we got married, then, on my third year on Krypton, I got pregnant with you. When I was close to term with you, a mass of conflicts started happening. Your father gave me a crystal that I turned into a necklace for you. A week after he gave it to me, the same portal that brought me there appeared out of nowhere and took me back."

After Debbie told her story, Kyle looked at her with pain in his eyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as his voice began cracking.

"Your father, Nolan ma-" Debbie messed up though as she called Nolan's Kyle's father. With Nolan being one of the persons he hates the most in this universe, his rage returned.

"NOLAN IS NOT MY FATHER! HE'S A MURDERING PSYCH-" Kyle reined in his anger before he finished what he was saying and left Debbie's room after he saw her far sobbing face. Immediately after he left her room, he left the house as well, flying off in a random direction.

Some might say Kyle acted immaturely, but with his previous life mother dying before he could get to know her, he saw Debbie as a new chance to have a mother. He loved her and trusted her with everything. Finding out that she held something as; important as his lineage from him broke that bond between them.

After minutes of flying, Kyle landed in a desert. He looked up at the moon as he held the crystal in his hands and tossed it into the sand.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

Enormous spikes started rising from the ground with the crystal as the centre point. After the shaking stopped, a fortress made from the sand and stone was now before Kyle. Without hesitation, he went in and grabbed the crystal.

Walking for a minute, Kyle saw a pedestal rose from the ground with a whole matching the exact shape of his crystal. Kyle placed the crystal in it.

*Click* *Whirring* *Whirring*

"You've finally come, my son."

"Oh fuck me," Kyle said as he stared at the hologram of a man with deep dark black hair, a rough boxed beard and an entirely black armour with a red Z on it.

"My son, Val-Zod, you shall do me proud.

{AN: I'm aware Dru-Zod isn't Val-Zod's father.}

Updates will be random since my schedule is messed up. I only write for fun.

All fathers are motherfuckers.

1Shadow_Monarch1creators' thoughts