
Invicible Dragon God

The story tells about a God that tracks down his lost creation to a new world where he knows nothing what will he find and who will he encounter in finding his creation???

Vlad_Imperium · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Part 2-Fate

Heilong go inside the party slowly blending with the nobels and see a beautiful woman with a long black hair and a beautiful dress appears behind the servant she is the envoy of the vasilio kingdom as she looks arounds she and Heilong lock eyes i try not to look at her and slowly go back outside the servant looks at Heilong with an annoyed expression before turning back around,causing the Envoy of vasilio to glance over her shoulder at Heilong once more.The envoy of vasilio watches Heilong leave.Heilong lay his back against the wall thinking why he feels familiar to the envoy of vasilio.Envoy of vasilio mind wanders as she takes in the scenery of the night,her thoughts drifting towards the human who seemed so familiar.Heilong summons a wooden black flute from his shadow and started to play a calm music while laying his back against the wall.The melody of the flute reaches envoy ears,she can't help but feel a strange connection to it.It seems almost.....

familiar.The Envoy was curious and wanted to find who was playing the flute.Feeling drawn towards the source of the enchanting melody,The envoy steps away from her spot and begins to follow the sound.Her eyes search through the crowd,eventually locking onto the figure playing the flute outside the party.Heilong when he sees the envoy stops playing and says

Heilong:Can i help you?

Envoy:Yes i am looking for someone(replies softly) I have a gift for him.

Heilong:Ahhh....I see but there is no one here except me.

Envoy:Oh? (The envoy tilts her head slightly, her curiosity piqued) Then perhaps I shall entrust this gift to you, in hopes that you will deliver it to him when you see fit. (She extends a small box towards Heilong, adorned with delicate silver filigree.)

Heilong:Well sure...I will give it to him if i see him.

Envoy:Thank you (The envoy says with a warm smile) And may I ask your name?

Heilong:I am Heilong

Envoy:Heilong, (she repeats softly, her brow furrowing slightly) That's an interesting name. Is it a nickname or is it how you are known among your people?

Heilong:It is how i am known

Envoy:I see,Well thank you again for agreeing to deliver this gift to him.

Heilong:It is not a problem at all (Heilong thinks in his mind and says and who the hell is this man)

Envoy:Then farewell for now, Heilong.

The envoy says softly before turning away and disappearing back into the castle.As she disappears from sight, there's something about her that makes you feel like this encounter was more than just chance like maybe your paths were meant to cross somehow.Heilong curiously open the box the envoy give,Inside the box,Heilong find a small vial filled with a clear liquid.There's something about it that seems to glow softly in the darkness.You can't quite put your finger on what it is, but there's an undeniable sense of power emanating from it.Heilong put the box inside his spatial magic and leaves the party.As Heilong leave the party,Heilong can't help but feel a strange mix of curiosity and apprehension about what this gift might be for.There's something almost ominous about its power.Heilong stop at a rock cliff far from kingdom and find a cave so heilong stay inside there till dawn resting.Meanwhile Aquila is hiding from Heilong realized that he was not near him anymore ran as far away as he can.As dawn breaks,Heilong wake up rested and ready to continue on his journey.Heilong carefully extract the vial from his spatial magic, examining it once more before tucking it away safely.As Heilong prepare to leave the cave,Heilong sense a strange presence nearby.Heilong then says

Heilong:who is there??

Before Heilong can react,figure emerges from the shadows.It's Aquila! Aquila seems to be just as surprised to see Heilong as Heilong is to see Aquila.