
Inuyasha:The third sword

Firstly I don't know English, I'm using Google translate, so translation errors will occur. Secondly, I'm not a professional writer, there will be spelling errors, I'll try to keep them to a minimum but I can't promise much I've been looking for an Inuyasha novel on this platform, seeing that it doesn't exist I do so.... Or I'll give it a try! What you can expect here will be adventure, fantasy, action and a little romance? Maybe. Pd:I will upload chapters on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. If I feel like it, of course :) Pd2:It is a fan-fiction of an existing anime and where all the characters of the story come from, except the main character of my own creation.

Th3_C4t · Komik
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71 Chs

Chapter 32:Festival in advance 6

*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock*

The sound of the door being banged continuously, or perhaps the wood of its frame being knocked, makes me open my eyes and stare at the floor for a few seconds, if I was sleeping on my stomach. 

*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock*

"Coming! Could you guys open up... Yeah, better not listen to me."

Putting my tails away and crawling on the floor for a few seconds, I stand up before I start rubbing my eyes and in passing give a quick glance around the room as I speak. Saya is hovering in the corner as she watches Fang misty and Kikyo was combing her hair, though she stops when she hears my words, but stops again when she sees me heading towards the door. 

"What 's wrong?"

Opening a small crack in the door, she looked towards the person outside the door. It was a young lady with a slim build and short black hair. Even if I stir my memories of yesterday a little, I seem to know her. of course! She's the one who brought me to this room the night before.

"The Lord requests your presence with your companion in the dining room. I will stay out here until your preparation so that I can serve as your guide."

A subtle way of not taking a refusal for an answer. Not giving this minor matter any importance, he placed a polite smile and seat towards the young woman before closing the door. 

"Saya get into the sword, Kikyo are you ready yet?"

Entering the room again, he pointed towards the sword as I spoke to Saya to get into it and followed that I picked it up to place it around my waist. Finally, I looked towards Kikyo who was finishing tying her hair with her white headband and she nodded in my direction before walking towards the door. 

20 minutes later... 

"I won't make a big speech for the occasion. The die is cast and in the evening we'll find out about the outcome."

Speaking with a deep voice and determined look, the feudal lord says a few words before proceeding to strike his hands. Hearing the signal given by him feudal lord, from outside the main door, multiple ladies begin to enter to serve the dishes. 

"This place is emptier than the day before. A few were already waiting for them. But were there really that many hustlers?"

Glancing around as I open my trusty fan and begin to gently take a breath of air, I notice that a large number of tables are empty although no one seems to mind this situation. 

"It would be strange if there weren't one or two of those hustlers, although it's likely that the reduction is also due to those who have retired after the first night."

Giving a more logical explanation than my radical thoughts, Kikyo withdraws her gaze from my direction before scanning the surroundings and having confirmed something, simply guides her eyes to the plate on her side.

"Yum, yum, yum, glup. First mine and then I'll take care of yours."

Eating at a speed that could simply be translated as devouring, I extend my arm towards Kikyo's plate and as she dragged it to my side, she left an illusion in place. 

"The same thing happened yesterday, but how come you don't drop anything?"

Hearing his serious voice and seeing his brown eyes showing no wave in them, for a few seconds I thought a serious topic was coming, though then I remembered that he almost always has that expression. 

"Glup, you want to get personal information out of me with random questions... Hahaha no problem. The one who taught me this way of eating was my father's family. It doesn't matter the speed only the elegance and delicacy! Or something like that. I still have nightmares about the eight silverware, three glasses, the transitions of the plates... Hehehehehehehehe."

Swallowing what was still in his mouth and leaving the chopsticks on the bowl, he threw in a soft joke, though he seems to have taken it seriously and even his features show a slight change. Have I become good at reading his micro-expressions. 

As these thoughts roamed through my mind, I don't stop my lips who recount a small portion of my time at the family mansion and unknowingly ended up in one of my past traumas. Damn full table, hehehehehehehehehe... Good bad times were those. 

"Seeing that everyone has finished eating, I won't occupy you here anymore. You may retire and do what you need to do for this evening to come."

Emerging from that mental rabbit hole thanks to the feudal lord's words, I look around in surprise due to the time I was out of my senses. Most of the other guests had already finished their breakfast and one or the other upon hearing the lord's words begin to leave quickly.

Some time later…

After leaving the living room half stunned and going back to the room for a few minutes, I force myself out of that state before doing a few things that were extremely necessary. I'm talking about taking a bath, getting someone who can fix my clothes that were damaged yesterday and one or two other minor things. 

"Saya where had you been going the last few days?"

Sitting on a zabuton looking at the horizon and enjoying the cold wind caressing my loose hair, I talk to Saya who floats beside me as she strokes her beard with her eyes fixed on the city below. 

"While the confrontation against Inuyasha was happening, I reconnected with an old acquaintance named Myoga...let's just say we caught up."

"Anything interesting to tell?"

Watching the dark clouds begin to gather on the horizon and mark a probable rain. He listened to Saya's reply before looking back towards the barely active city and asked her hello again merely for continuity in the conversation. 

"Yes, you must have been able to sense that with each passing day cloud fang is more... uncontrollable. This is because with every yokai that Cloud Fang kills it makes it can release more of the seal's power and that's where Totosai comes in."

"Consider me drawn."

Squeezing the hand with which I handle Cloudy Fang and noting how all traces of wounds have vanished, I wait until Saya finishes her words before withdrawing my gaze from the horizon and looking towards him. 

"Totosai is a great blacksmith, he was the one who forged Steel Fang and Sacred Fang for Inu no Taisho in addition to other artifacts."

"I see where your ideas are going, so we'll create another sword so we don't overly rely on Clouded Fang and stop its uncontrolled growth, though. what materials do we need?"

Guiding my right hand to my chin, I think about his proposal. Clouded Fang, it still doesn't manage to control my mind... yet, that's the point. It's a danger to let its power continue to increase. Putting my thoughts in order, I nod towards Saya and ask her about the materials needed which certainly won't be easy.

"One of your tails will be enough, don't look at me like that, are you currently even using a part of your power? Some might consider you have great control, but I've noticed it these days... you can't use it. It's so much that it collapses in on itself or maybe it's subconsciously controlled so as not to hurt you... never mind that and it may even serve as a way to force your power to flow."

Luckily he explained quickly, I was already thinking about testing if my tails can pierce the immaterial. Erasing those thoughts he stroked my chin before verbally admitting he has a good point there.

"Considering previous situations that have come up, you certainly have a point there. Though we'll talk in more detail soon."

Dropping his gaze to Saya, he lifted my body from the zabuton and looked up at the sky which is completely overcast, leaving everything in complete darkness if not for the last rays of sunlight.