
Chapter 262 The Truth behind the Shadows


"Xing Jie used to live in the room on the rooftop, didn't she?" Xu Xiangyang answered with a smile, "I then heard from two teachers that someone had lived there before, and out of curiosity, I looked into it and found, quite coincidentally, that the previous resident was also from No. 15 Middle School, and was even our senior."

"...And that's how you learned about Chen Hongying's story?"

"Yes, we even went to ask her family. About her family background and what happened to her afterwards--we were really moved by it all..."


Zhao Le scratched the back of his head with a bitter smile in response.

"You all find it strange, right?"

"Why do you say that?"

Lin Xingjie raised an eyebrow slightly and crossed her arms.

"Because she had bad grades, often skipped classes, was known as a notorious bad girl in school, hung out with people outside of school, and was disciplined by school twice without any sign of improvement..."