
Introspection of Unwritten letters

A character who is born into a world without a purpose to fulfill, and so through the influence of others and the shades of other people, Thales gains a purpose that he strives to seek, whether it’s for spirituality, for strength, Thales seeks out this purpose that is engraved through a concept in the story called The Mystery. In a world where gods roam freely, organizations hold power with mighty beings, where diverse races all have different origins...a universe so vast that purpose has yet to be found. This is a journey of seeking, through adventures in all sorts of unique environments never seen before- Hidden societies that seek justice and righteousness- A Shadow Land plagued by lost souls and magical beasts! Each character has philosophical dilemmas or moral ones, and they all search on an answer to their confusion and curiosity. "I-am alone. That was obvious though. I’d not a clue what nightmare I have awakened from, maybe it was that I’d rather forget? Did the world hug me too coldly or did I run from the world?" Will Thales attain the knowledge he so desperately seeks for unknown reasons. This is the journey of knowing, I hope you join us.

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58 Chs

The Clock strikes once more feels like midnight.

Thales a 12 year old boy, his ethereal otherworldly combination of slicked back long light green hair and piercing, cold black eyes were in this space.

He was cultivating.

"I need to breakthrough, go beyond yes. To create this, unrealistic device yet still I am clinging to an ideal this isn't like me but wisdom cultivation has really taught me to be firm in my principles to be fair in my judgement."

"This isn't harder than the other one it's just about can I let go, let go of my innocence and my ignorance, but also I need a deep inspiration to finally here at the end to complete this project before a year from now."

"To properly cultivate I need nourishment. Should I interact with my siblings aside from Beato?"

"No I shouldn't those beasts would tear me limb from limb and dig my knowledge right out of skull, I need to be careful to conceal to not let them know and to let go as I visualise myself crossing the finish line over and over." Thales was greatly anxious and yet also tumultuous about what is to come, he also wasn't looking forward to potential aftermaths such as seeing his distant mother once again.

He also missed Edmund his mentor who has to be impartial here.

He also didn't get his last trial which is where he would have seen him again but it did not happen, he only was able to choose just his "aide" Beatrix.

"I'll go grab a copy of that Book; it is time to speak to that man again if I can."

"I'm going to win, who cares about the after I need to be present in the now."

"Yes speak to me, come unknown author hear my call, speak to me and I will listen."

"<<ETERNAL MONOMYTH primordial>>"

"Let's see here" Thales flipped through the book there was a part that could be comprehended he didn't expect that to work really he was just shooting in the dark, he liked to be prepared so he was glad after investing so much time and effort into the project he may just be able to complete both.

"<<PARABLE of HIS PLIGHT>> by ETERNAL MONOMYTH primordial, legacy 10"

Thales no longer snorted at that word he had a great impression of this author and clearly it had links to more than wisdom cultivation since before he ate from paradise, heaven answered his questions as much as it pained Thales to admit that, he began reading.

I talk to you child of mine with pale skin, white hair and see through eyes.

Yes you are the archetypical child you see the world in wonder, in awe you have immeasurable ignorance but you also have immeasurable curiosity and immeasurable creativity that bellows fourth to answer the immeasurable unknown. Oh child of man. And Child of ???.

Respect this gift.

There is no food here but yourself can you consume your purity to let something more beautiful flourish from it, a seed to be planted.

Embrace the One-in-All

Can you feel it with you always every bad dream that is it impartially responding to your own thoughts and feelings.

It's impartial but it is there can you talk of how you will conquer all knowing how much you are dwarfed by the omnipresent?

Can you cultivate, yes my dear friends garden he grew painstakingly, breath its air softly magi cells flowing through you can you really feel what you cannot feel?

Can you be soft child?

Can you be a child?

Can you walk on this path again cleaning it every time, suffering but accepting that anyway ever pure in your destiny.

Can you share your holiness with my enemies' father, cleaning it, removing his blemishes until he is without spots?

Can you cherish the people no matter how foolish and sinful they maybe?

Will you guide the guide so it may provide order and leadership through being as still as stone?

Can you open your warmth to others but also close its divine gates knowing not all may pass, above and below will you let them play through both worlds, and be woman?

Can you view anywhere like my dear brother, you will see him soon.

Viewing like him with such clarity

Despite my dear friend being unable to give chase and watch over you.

The Mystery begets and nurtures not me.

The Mystery gives birth and yet it has no children they are not from it.

The Mystery plays but only its role.

The Mystery provides principalities but never is the prince.

This is the power of fi at-tawazun.

A flood of inspiration flowed through Thales the foam of origin was felt in his very being, energies sparkled with delight.

"Oh man this pleasure, I've won." Thales laughed crazily. "That was only section 1 of that legacy."

"Thank you once again you thief, for reminding me of what I am doing..."

"I almost forgot I am a child, I am playing a role and the play is the mystery and the stage is existence."

"We will meet again, now I must wait as the liquid metal rises above its boiling point."