
Introspection of Unwritten letters

A character who is born into a world without a purpose to fulfill, and so through the influence of others and the shades of other people, Thales gains a purpose that he strives to seek, whether it’s for spirituality, for strength, Thales seeks out this purpose that is engraved through a concept in the story called The Mystery. In a world where gods roam freely, organizations hold power with mighty beings, where diverse races all have different origins...a universe so vast that purpose has yet to be found. This is a journey of seeking, through adventures in all sorts of unique environments never seen before- Hidden societies that seek justice and righteousness- A Shadow Land plagued by lost souls and magical beasts! Each character has philosophical dilemmas or moral ones, and they all search on an answer to their confusion and curiosity. "I-am alone. That was obvious though. I’d not a clue what nightmare I have awakened from, maybe it was that I’d rather forget? Did the world hug me too coldly or did I run from the world?" Will Thales attain the knowledge he so desperately seeks for unknown reasons. This is the journey of knowing, I hope you join us.

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58 Chs

I am surrounded by demons that were punished by being born

Thales was caught nearly just as quickly as he was kicked.

He was in a woman's arms.

"Young master Darnell you would be wise not to launch attacks that can disqualify you"

"Miray No"

"He is not the one to win."

"To win, how can it be you? We didn't suffer for it to be an unrelated."

"Then why is your name Miray." Darnell was panting heavily but not from exhaustion.

Suddenly a hidden force came and knocked out Darnell.

"Take him to his chambers."

"Yes head butler." The battle maids said expression sly.

"How can a man move that fast I couldn't even see him?"

The rest of the onlookers watched silently.

"It was as if the mansion itself ignored my existence and yet was figuring out my role."

"I wonder what will become of me; regardless I need to evaluate this fruit myself.

And prepare."

"I feel contempt for these people, they won't break me imagine thinking you can break the ceaseless. And yet I also feel regret that I cannot save them, that it is like a familiar feeling, why?"

"What am I scared of if not them?"

Thales was placed down by the nameless maid as she rejoined the surroundings.

"My face was bruised from the kick; if she hadn't reacted when she did I would have been severely injured."

Thales walked back to his seating with Beato.

"You don't seem shocked or surprised, not even concerned."

"You seem as radiant as ever Beato."

"Of course what is a kick compared to what you suffered no?"

"It could have left me in a horrible physical condition."

"But you were protected, the system did its job, they're only scared of what they don't know and what they do know." She said with a serious tone but a soft one nonetheless.

"Why them only 1 man acted."

"No. Darnell is around the 6th most capable of us had he not been compromised he would have killed you and dealt with the head butler with some difficulty but never lost."

"He has no sense of self he is the 6 but the 6 is a part of the 1s faction it is them vs. us."

"I joined you because I don't wish to submit to Sophie or die to Sahib."

"Um Oh? Nothing more than that then"

"You also asked me to be your friend, so you need to live."

"Yeah speaking of that can you tell me as your friend some stuff about you.

Your favourite food, favourite hobby"

"Why do you have that eye patch?"

"My favourite food is Macaroons. My Hobby is nonexistent I focus my thinking on staying alive but perhaps I enjoy the arts."

"Why do I have the eye patch?"

"I suppose it is too late to say it is an accessory. Right let's leave unless you wish to stay in this white world."

"Nah we can leave but where to?"

"My chambers"

"Very well" Thales said in response.

"That was a joke." Beatrix didn't know how to express a response to Thales with her emotions.

"Let's go to the main mansion library."

"..." Thales was awkward.

"That was serious." She said with a deadpan expression.