
Introspection of Unwritten letters

A character who is born into a world without a purpose to fulfill, and so through the influence of others and the shades of other people, Thales gains a purpose that he strives to seek, whether it’s for spirituality, for strength, Thales seeks out this purpose that is engraved through a concept in the story called The Mystery. In a world where gods roam freely, organizations hold power with mighty beings, where diverse races all have different origins...a universe so vast that purpose has yet to be found. This is a journey of seeking, through adventures in all sorts of unique environments never seen before- Hidden societies that seek justice and righteousness- A Shadow Land plagued by lost souls and magical beasts! Each character has philosophical dilemmas or moral ones, and they all search on an answer to their confusion and curiosity. "I-am alone. That was obvious though. I’d not a clue what nightmare I have awakened from, maybe it was that I’d rather forget? Did the world hug me too coldly or did I run from the world?" Will Thales attain the knowledge he so desperately seeks for unknown reasons. This is the journey of knowing, I hope you join us.

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Darwin’s game naturally ends to form new beginning.

Each king had met their army, the condition was victory, no king could survive but they choose subjects that you allow to follow. The battlefield empty, to sustain their terrain they claimed, they must manifest their mind palace and paint their truth

Thales had 2 terrains usually he would pick one, but he insisted he had a mind palace and they could have 2 from it, however taxing that may be on him.

Sophie Vidya and her camp claimed the Mountains of Harmony, while Sahib Nabal and his camp claimed the Labyrinth of Wisdom. 

What plans, cultivation and adaptability would they show to conquer all, only time would tell?

In the Labyrinth, Sahib sat he contemplated. Rubbed his chin, he was about to bring out his mind palace.

He thought about why he needed to win.

He did not believe he could be stopped by death, he in fact couldn't wait to breathe warmth but he also wished to help his people reach enlightenment to the same place, to make the title of eternal sage a commonality.

"I do agree might makes right, might is direct, but you cannot have senseless power, you must be kind and kindness is justice, to support the common good, to allow all to flourish in cultivation, to have people live I want them to live in blissful humility and be rewarded with the flowering state in Wisdoms arms for the rest of eternity, if we grasp the eternal surely then we can reach the eternal realm. I stake my pride, I stake my people's lives, I want them to live and I know they can, I knew nothing, now I am wise, through wisdom I can say I know victory, I will make my wisdom an eternal truth, so everyone can be born into a world where they are happy… for now and forever more"

After such reflection, he saw people he wanted to bring to his world Magnus, Jugal even Xenophon who wasn't a great cultivator but had humility in that fact, he looked at them smiled, he would never stop being happy, he would pursue and to first pursue he must build the walls. 

He smiled and blissfully brought it out.

"Kallipolis arise and show they are not wise, they are not me the only wisdom cultivator who can cultivate wisdom"

"Kallipolis" Was his mind palace made manifest, it was beautiful truly, what truth would it define? what plan would Sahib show?

On the Mountains Sophie Vidya also prepared.

"That Sahib is a liar. All good is what father can bring, respect our father for he is an extension of the All-father, murder will not be a necessity under him when father wins, Father will be an eternal sage and then the greatest to ever reach Wisdom's realm, for he has shown me I know nothing"

She was in her beautiful garden she obtained, she decided she would setup her mind palace here and then directly deals with Sahib, her trump card would soon be used.

Before this in the lustrous land

She would setup a reflection of what her Father would see.

"The Republic" she brought it forth.

Her lilac hair she stroked it, her eyes had a captivating gaze complimented by the garden she stood in.

She wore Dragon armor, helmet and brandished a spear also of a dragon. She herself until she journeyed here and conquered the dragon's roar was ignorant of what this armor was, dragons were fairy tales that the wisdom cultivators translated roughly from the race known as the Erectus Drake. Had reverence of claiming they were the before and the drake did not deserve to be after.

This draconic spear was not capable of sword singing but it had incredible depth to it seemingly infinite defense. And in a venerables hand it would taste blood, which would fuel the fallen dragon's pride.

What plans did the women who claimed she knew nothing and respected the eternal come up with?

In the sands of time, we see Thales he was cool, collected but wary of what could happen.

He rode an ultimate thereon, making the rounds, his tactic was to create resource points to make puppy guard easier, Thales was the balance between Sophie and Sahib they needed to cross his two lands to break through to the other, and this put immense pressure on Thales.

He had left most of his zombies with Beatrix; he took Jeanne-Jacques, William Blade, and Hera, all the living humans who were Sophie defectors who could easily betray him, but he didn't want to take their will away unless it was necessary, he couldn't watch them at all times and humans were fickle, but in his house they must follow his rules.

Despite leaving his zombies in the Jungle of Karma, he said he would manifest his mind palace with him as it was more defensible in the Sands of contemplation.

He also didn't want to easily reveal its shape incase the zombie method had a flaw he didn't know about, but other than that it should be fine.

His plan was simply to stay; he had two territories why should he move?

They need to cross his bridge; he will simply draw it and watch them be eaten by sharks that wait below in the waters.

He rode with no one, but his humans were here and they would not dare to abandon him without a good reason or chance depending on where their loyalty lied.

Now Thales he waited, he would win for the mystery, but despite this being a far reaching goal, he had grown attached to his experiences, he did not want them forever but he thought it was important while he was living in the now, he thought it was important to protect the life that he would not kill not just Beatrix but all of them.

Thales Miray wished all who came to die and all who didn't to live. He would easily kill those that over counted in terms of numbers for those who could live with him by subjugation; however he thought they should live well and live in their happiest moments in this battle. It seemed Zombies did not count.

Beatrix made it hard to choose the best interests in the all over the one, but he doubt that would change, it was easier that way.

"I am right if I protect who I should not just who but whom, whom I should by experiencing the rich complexity wisdom cultivators have to offer, this condition, I lament it but I enjoy the experience endlessly, it must have an end, but I am so happy I will win and protect the interests I have experienced, a little dragon will still soar over mere lizards, I would say mere humans, but I am human, I'd prefer for the human race not to be insulted, but what is the human race? Will I find that out next? Yes if I win, winning benefits the All-in-One, therefore I must stand tall and sneer from the heavens, sneer at those who couldn't reach its light when it was so easy just be good, just win"

"I am scared, but Thales will let us win, that faith in the arrogant little dragon will make us win, believe in Thales guys" Beatrix said this but apart from Al-gha everyone else were already dead they had no hearts to reciprocate this feeling with, Al-gha patted his adorable little sister though, he wanted to preserve that happiness if it were allowed.

"Have I really lived so long, that still I am able to have desires?" Someone thought that, someone that was who.

Sahib prepared to march to the sands to defeat Thales, Sophie had no need to kill the people in the jungle first; she would wait for an opening but sending Bithiah and her guardian Johan Grinhogmann. And trudge to wherever Sahib was, then peacefully execute Thales and spare who ever could remain.

Or she would wait for an opening in Sahib's own den, if she needed to use her trump card.

Sahib before he marched to the sands gave a speech.

Sahib he wore a simple tunic and was bare footed. 

"I claimed to know nothing and yet had everything, I was wrong humbled by wisdom again, wisdom must have sent a champion to test the limits of my ignorance specifically, I could not execute this champion, this champion cheated death, but can he cheat wisdom? 

We will see, the foolish aren't foolish until they realized what they parade as wisdom is conceptually lies, lies are like a Jenga tower, a game we play, such a tower requires one block to be removed unskillfully and it topples, that is how lies work, we will win for truth and wisdom and until I know the truth none may enter my home, until they know as I do, Thales he pretended to know nothing, he was a wise man pretending to be a fool, I will demote him down to the wise fool. But I will not claim he is foolish, Magnus do not have hubris you are not his match, even having him in what seemed like death's fate he played us like a fool, I am wise I cannot be the fool, I will buzz like a gadfly, I will buzz wisdom into their ears until it bleeds down their necks, for I am wise, the only one who knows they cultivate nothing at all, I will not underestimate Sophie's temptations, she can tempt the fool, I will flower into statehood and rule as a wise king, in the start I knew nothing, in the middle I knew I knew nothing and in the end the only thing I will know above all else, is that I know everything, now begin the fight of kings!" Sahib roared, passionately, happily such an innocent happiness contrasted his immortal happiness of a supposed wise man.

He decided to leave Magnus, his guardian and Chance behind, and set off with Jugal and Chrissipus.

Sophie the dragon was waiting and then she would leave with John and Augustine their guardians and letting the rest stay and guard The Republic regardless of whether she was there or not.

Thales Miray waited and all he would do is waiting. But there is a chance he wouldn't, for the others so they had to watch their palaces.

The kings at last met their final summit, their final end and beginning. In eagerness, confidence, wariness. 

All rank 7 in all paths, however Sophie and Sahib had concealed that well and Thales had gained that power in this game even though he had already reached it prior to the games for the madness of his house.

"Ah yes, I took some jungle and all of it can be in my house, I took some sand and all of it can be in my house" 

"I ride now because I will conceal this in the sands and setup the tribulations that did not exist prior to my ownership, in here…"

"The Toy universe I must play again"

The Toy universe that was Thales's mind palace, it was shaped like a universe a spatially flat disc, however it was tiny enough to fit into Thales's hand, Thales existed in 3d, but this toy universe was 2.5 d but seemed to be a fundamental space regardless and could house things bigger than its dimensionality, was it really an object of mental powers then?

Yes that is what all mind palaces were anyway, they stood in the physical but really had to be attacked mentally.

How would they complete this condition? If they could the territories would crash destroying it mentally but also spiritually as they were fragments of the true soul the one that was too big to fit in a vessel. The changeless true spirit wisdom cultivators had, fragmented from Wisdom supposedly. 

That meant it was optimal to tag team Thales, but also optimal for Thales and Sophie to tag team Sahib as he had two venerables moreover Sahib and Sophie didn't even know for sure Thales had 2 territories permanently maintained.

They had no idea his Toy universe could easily do it and then some, he did have even the waters of the Tree of knowledge in it after all, as well as a nanomachine bathing in it, this was how his internal nanomachines generated more energy than they used, getting around the law humans discovered on Earth.

The one to seal the nanomachines inside him Eir had no clue what they were, she just sealed them and had to keep him alive, she never in her wildest dreams would have imagined this concept, let alone bringing it to reality.

And now she imagines no more as a zombie, she was with Beatrix, a zombie healer. Thales had no need for healing because anything that could damage him and could bypass the nanomachines healing him would be too much for her to heal with her cultivation,

What would even be left? Thales could even regenerate from the smallest particles with the machines. And his soul he couldn't get a good look at it for some reason but he theorized he could likely live on as it and reform his body through the machines.

Thanks to the experiences he annexed by eating them.

Yes he ate Renee while crying wolf, he disposed of her before he got the zombie cultivation, but even then he wouldn't risk scaring and pissing off Beatrix by using it on Renee even if that technically wasn't him. She was in his mind palace and he tossed her out into the river before it was destroyed and then restored and maintained by The Toy universe and Darwin's game.

"How long can it last for? Until it is dead and you can't kill an idea Sahib they go deeper than humans don't you agree?"

Bithiah Kant could not be perceived as she walked through the Jungle of Karma and therefore it was only a jungle, her collaborator Johan was also concealed.

He had dark hair and brown eyes, he was a heart path philosopher, and he had a fashion sense of a romantic poet and yet wasn't romantic but appreciated the arts greatly. He actually disliked a lot of wisdom cultivators, including Bithiah well that was before she used her cultivation on him and now he perceived her as something she was not, while perceived himself as Johan Shepherd, a romantic who greatly enjoyed cultivation revolving around beauty so much his cultivation can make you feel as if he is beautiful and anything you have is subpar in comparison.

While as Johan Grinhogmann he cultivated in a way that cared not for worldly pleasures he justified this to himself by claiming beauty was not worldly and yet he didn't realize him and shepherd were one in the same.

Bithiah planned to use Shepherd to keep bloodshed to a minimum, she had no idea if this place would last forever of course and this was on Sophie's recommendation.