
Into You: You Are Mine Ryder

Ryder Zenobia, a female knight who was in the front-line to kill the enemy without hesitation came back with victory. As the celebration banquet was held. An unexpected situation happen. She encounter a man at the banquet, the Emperor Cessair Le Doux, notorious and frightening person of all in the Kingdom, The Tyrant who does not know the word mercy. They spend the night together without knowing what will happen in the future. Is it a one night stand affair or will it lead to a much more interesting story?

Milo_Zepeto · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Part Six

We arrived at the palace and the Royal Knight and the Grand Chancellor as well as the other nobles are gathered at the entrance to greet us.

I step down on my horse and kneel, the other knights do the same thing as respect to them.

"Greeting to the Grand Chancellor Seth Laskaris and to all the lord and lady who gathered here. We carried out the task you have given us. I brought the prince and princes as well as few nobles who reside on the Palace of Oblaria Kingdom." I said with pride.

"Great work! You bring another glory to the Kingdom, as appreciated. His Majesty the Emperor will give you a reward. But for now take some rest and enjoy the banquet in the evening." He said to me. "As per request of your subordinate, the banquet for the Fourth Knight Squad will be held to your Training Ground, is that alright?" He's confirming and I nod as an answer.

"Ah, I receive your letter and his Majesty the Emperor approved the condition you mention, just make sure to properly watch them with caution and without any disturbance to the Royal Palace. We can also allow to have them married one of your knights if they wanted to, but the slave who you capture will worked in the Palace for monitoring." He also added.

"Yes, Grand Chanceller Laskaris I will take a full responsibility for their actions in the future. We do not wish to tainted a blissful celebration. Thank you for your generosity." I also said.

"Then enjoy the food and drinks that will be served later." He said and dismiss us so we can rest.

"We are grateful for your generosity. We will enjoy our self just not to waste your effort on preparing this banquet for us." I told them and bow, my squad do the same thing and said their thanks.

"You may go now." He spoke. Me and my knight stand up and head to the training ground where we practice.

"You can go home to your family before the banquet start. That's all dismiss." I told them and look around.

"Yes, commander." They happily said and make their way to their home.

"Ha! I'm tired. I want to take a bath and sleep." I murmured to myself.

"Ry, you're going back home?" Zandra asked me.

"Can we get the slave that we brought now? I want to play with him." He said while grinning.

"Yeah, ask the prison guard to release the guy you want." I told her and waive my hand. "Do want you want to do and don't bother me. Make sure not to cause a ruckus while I'm resting, is that clear?" I threatened her.

"Yes! Rest well and see you at the banquet later." She said and run to the other way.

I was about to live when someone called out my name.

"Dame Marshall Ryder Zenobia!" A male voice shouting. I look back and saw a First night squad who runs towards me. When he catches up to me, he looks out of breath.

"Why did you call me for?' I ask with a stern look, that's why he suddenly stand straight and mention what he came for.

"The Grand Chamberlain wants your presence to his office." He said while panting.

"Lead the way." I spoke. "You should start to double up your physical training, you're out of breath just by running." I suggested to him.

I did not notice that we are near at the chamberlain office. "Fourth Squad Commander Dame Marshal Ryder Zenobia arrived." The Person in-charge announce our arrival.

"Come in." A voice of a man.

"I have arrived, you called for me Sir Laskaris?" I said and ask him.

"Ahh, there are some changes for the banquet tonight. The emperor ordered that the noble will join to your banquet party. Few nobles can come to the hall but they can also come to your place of venue." He explained.

"Ahh, if that is the emperors order then I don't have a say to that." I told him. What could be the reason why do they try to mingle those noble to us, commoners.

"Well that's true, I just want to inform you so that you will not be shocked and ask why there are many people gathered at your place." He stated. He knew that the training ground is our sacred place, a place for us.

"I will carry the words to my squadron so they will not act recklessly. But please refrain the other knights to start a fuss. You know what I'm talking about, you know how I deal with people like what happen to the knights who belittle us." I coldly told him, a warning that they should make a precaution.

"Haha! I see you change the way you speak when we are alone." He said while laughing.

"So as you are Sir Laskaris. It's been a while we speak like this since almost half of the year we are out somewhere dangerous betting our life to death. Geez." I sarcastically said.

"Haha, bear with it, peace will come along to us. Your squad is one of the best, most of the nobles voted that your team dispatched to the war or outside skirt expedition." He explained to me.

"Yeah I know, being a commoner is making it hard for us, good thing we are still a knight." I said while giving an off smile. He seems to notice it.

"That's the thing here, nobles and higher positions rules who are born below them." He spoke. "Ah, I remember you will get the prince from the fallen kingdom? That's' new to me. Why did you decide to do that?" He asks me.

"Because he's handsome and his body muscles are no joke, I can used him to tend some errands for me." I casually said.

"HAHA! That's so you, using someone if they still have value or usable to your eyes." He laughs while saying it.

"Geez, if you do not have something else to say, I'll get going. See you then" I said and walk out of his office.