
Into the void [ITV]

Benjaman Francis was a man at the doors of death. His life had been consumed by the inevitability of death, but just when he decided to give up. He was granted power greater than he could ever imagine. He is the maker and the creator and all his subjects must obey whether they like it or not. Life is but a theater after all .

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61 Chs


My precognitive abilities were not absolute. Many limitations existed. Even though it was a fact that I hated to acknowledge, it had to.

The limitation came in many different forms, but first, there was the limitation of range. My powers only allowed me to know about things within a limited range.

Anything information about things outside of that was, at best, an educated guess. That wasn't too much of a limitation given the sheer size of the effective area.

Then there were certain beings and things that hampered or limited my foresight. Those capable of such a thing were limited. Unfortunately, that included the books from the temple library and the abilities granted by them. It wasn't a complete blackout of information, but it was a limitation nonetheless.

Finally, there was, of course, the greatest weakness of all, me.

I had to decide what things I wanted to know and how to act upon them. My powers didn't take my future actions into account, so I had to make the moves myself.

For the vast majority of problems I faced, those limitations might as well not have existed.

However, for some situations like the current one, they were a massive hindrance. Ever since my arrival, the cities and fallen empires of man had been forced to unite. It hadn't taken all that much effort to get them back together.

Once the right words were spoken to the eight people, and unfortunate accidents happened to others. A bit of fanatic devotion from hope starved masses and my reputation as the mother of mankind launched to a position of prominence. From there, unification was not a choice for the clans and empires.

Taking over and uniting humans had been the easy part. They were like unruly children. Something that I had a large amount of experience in handling. The only minor issues had been from those who had managed to acquire power from the books.

However, I had managed to solve that by simply deeming the books heretical. It was an oversimplification of what had happened over these past couple of months, but it was the truth. When your oracle and the hope humanity says that certain people with power who have been oppressing you and are slightly insane are heretical, it doesn't take much for you to act and hunt them down.

In the name of the Oracle, that minor issue had been dealt with. That had been the same for most of my plans. Reinstating the faith in deventus had been just as easy.

Now that her worshipper now gained a bit of power from her. Conversion had hardly been an inconvenience. The rise in power had practically turned many into devout believers overnight. Hope is addicting that way.

In comparison to false and non-existent gods, the presence of actual divinity was undeniable. No matter how small it is.

So with everything going so perfectly, why was I sitting in this candle-lit room staring at maps in frustration.

I could feel the concern of my new subjects. The fact that the oracle couldn't immediately solve their problems was shaking them to the core. It wouldn't upheave my information, but my future actions would be met with more resistance. That was without a doubt.

I had no fear of being overthrown, but my inability to act reminded me too much of those early days. The feeling of not knowing once one has been exposed to the power of precognition is terrifying.

"So what do we do about the Artun kingdoms Lady Oracle." It was Genei who had become one of my most devout followers that spoke up.

Unlike the others, she had always retained a bit of doubt when it came to my abilities. Something that I had needed. The others had been too busy licking my toes to think I could be wrong.

"The mist hampers my vision, so I cannot see them. Without that information, we must be cautious. We have already seen what wanton aggression leads to." I sighed as I gave up on looking at the maps and leaned back in my chair.

"Do they not suffer from madness, Lady Oracle." My gaze turned to Baler. He was the former heir of one of the more prominent clans known as the Sentena. The worry in his voice was palpable.

"They are within the mist, and so I cannot say." My voice was dry as I replied to him.

"Damn the Mist!" His fist slammed into the wall and sunk deep into it.

"Watch your temper Baler." I snapped at him. He recoiled at my words, and a look of shame flashed across his face. "Forgive me, Lady Oracle."

"We all understood your frustration, but I will not have you wantonly striking at walls because of anger. You are not a child. You are a general act the like one" My last words were hissed out.

"I understand, Lady Oracle. Forgive my actions. I'm simply frustrated from the lack of results." It was clear that he was embarrassed by his action, but the anger was still very much present.

"Are we not all." Despite my rebuke, his frustration was understandable. Those were his men, after all.

The lands that those lizards occupied were fertile with resources, but we could not move on them due to the mist. They had once belonged to man, but we had been pushed out by them. They had somehow found a way to survive and thrive within the mist. Every battle we fought there was at a disadvantage and was on a clock.

Every action we had taken against them had ended in failure, and it would only be time before they retaliated.

That I knew without a doubt.

The room remained silent. No one was in the mood to talk. We had gotten too used to victories. This failure was a block that we were not ready to deal with.

"Everyone leaves the room. I need to be alone to think." Without a moment's hesitation, they all got up from the table and left.

"You too, Genei. " There was a click as she shut her mouth and walked out the door. She had hesitated at the door and would have asked to stay, but right now, I really just needed to be alone. These losses would not affect my reputation since it was technically a joint effort of the great clans, but my ego had definitely taken a blow.

I sighed again as I sunk into the soft padding of the chair.

" What would you have done, Arnaud?"

I had to admit that was quite stressful. I decided to push it out of my mind for now and go relax. Overthinking tends to lead to simple and avoidable mistakes.

For the next couple of hours, I spent my time taking a bath and getting a massage from the maids. I then indulged in some rather delicious food before I made my way to the alter built within the city.

I no longer resided in that small town that cropped out around the remains of the mountain. Now I was in Faera, the Defacto capital of humanity.

Here resided the largest temple of Deventus. May she guide us eternally.

It has only recently finished construction, yet it was one the most visited places for man. I made my way to the temple in disguise. I was not in the mood to receive the praises and the begging of people.

The temple was the largest building in the city. Coming in at over 5 stories tall and several hundred meters in width. It could fit thousands.

Once there, I sat in the back and began to pray to Deventus, may she eternally guide us. I needed a bit of that guidance right now.

"Oh, lady Deventus please aid your most devout follower. Bless me with knowledge and your aid. This follower has arrived at a problem that she cannot solve on her own. Please, Great Deventus of the North Wind, aid me in my endeavors. "

"What are those endeavors exactly?"

I snapped my eyes open a was shocked to see that I was no longer in the temple. I was in a picturesque world filled with vibrant colors and life. I could hear the sounds of many birds chirping and winds blowing.

And standing in front of me was a woman with the most mesmerizing face I had ever seen. It was uncanny how beautiful she was.

Her face seemed almost to be too perfect.

Her body was stunningly pale, to the point of being white. 4 pairs of wings were attached to her back, and her golden hair flowed gently in the wind.

"Lady Deventus?" My voice shook slightly.

"The one and only." A small playful smile adorned her face as she seemed to dissect me with those glowing green eyes of hers. I immediately entered a kneeling position and offered my worship.

I could not stand in the presence of divinity. I was embarrassed by my arrogance.

There was a light chuckle that sounded almost musical. I felt myself being lifted up by the winds. No amount of effort I put in remotely slowed it down in the slightest.

" Your reverence is appreciated." Her voice was mesmerizing and breathy. "Walk with me, Alexia." I was snapped out of my trance by the mention of my original name. It had been so long since anyone had called me that since Arnaud.

It was either mother or Lady Oracle.

"Of course, My Lady." I followed and walked alongside her. For the first 30 minutes, we simply walked in silence. She seemed to be deeply immersed in the view, and I could not muster the audacity to speak. She seemed to be enjoying herself so much.

"What is it that you wanted, Alexia" I was startled as she spoke. After such a long silence, the abrupt talking had caught me off guard.

"Did you not bring me here for a reason?" I asked back.

"I brought you here so I could take a break from my task. You are my oldest and most devout follower. It only makes sense that I reward you, does it not?"

As she spoke, two golden fruits fell from a tree that towered over us. They landed squarely in her hands.

"Take one" Her arm was outstretched towards me with fruit in hand. I did so with little hesitation. I waited until she started eating until I took a bite.

An explosion of flavor and sweetness occurred as my teeth sunk into the flesh of the fruit. In the next couple of seconds, I found myself have devoured the entirety of it.

Unconsciously my gaze turned back to the tree that was adorned in them.

"Don't be greedy, Alexia." At the admonishing tone of my goddess, I managed to recompose myself.

"Apologies, Lady Deventus..." I wanted to continue onwards with my apology but was curtly interrupted.

"So, what was it you wanted to know? And yes, I already know what you want to say, Alexia. Just indulge goddesses' need for conversation, won't you?"

Aah, so this was how others felt when they talked to me. Like a massive idiot being seen through for all that they were."Well, I won't be polite then."


"Why did you leave humanity?"

She nodded her heads to the south. As I followed the direction, my eyes landed on a mountain where a massive self-contained storm raged. How had I not seen that?

"I'm nursing Tena back to health. He's been getting better recently, but he still hasn't recovered. It's quite lonely without him."

"So he actually died?" Was that even possible?

"No, he didn't die, but he was close to it. I have no clue exactly what happened, but whatever it was had him at the very edge."

There was a brief pause."But you gods can't die, right?"

She turned her attention solely on me and looked me dead in the eyes. "I don't know."

There was a pregnant silence at her response. "All I know was that it wasn't a risk I was willing to take."

I turned my focus back to the storm mountain as my mind raced at the idea of Deventus dying. The very thought filled me with anger and sorrow. That could not be allowed to happen.

"But that's not what you wanted to ask me originally. What did you need?"

I turned my attention back to Deventus, who was now playing with a strange ball of fluff in her hands.

"Cloud spirit."

Once again she replied before I asked.

"I'm in need of your aid, My lady. My vision lacks the power to pierce the mist. I want to lead humanity to greatness, and currently, it hinders my goal."

She furrowed her brow as I spoke. My heart sunk. "Even I can't see through the mist. Whatever its properties, it's not something that can be dealt with by a mortal. Regardless of how much power I give you. And unfortunately, Izupu and I are allies and tentative friends. I can not go directly against him in the manner that you wish."

My heart sunk deeper into my chest at her words. "Is there nothing at all that you can do?" I could hear the frustration in my voice.

"Don't sound like that child. I never said that." I perked up at her response.

"Now that Tena has stabilized, I can give back the power I took from humanity. That should help you in your endeavors."

"Oh, thank you. I would be immensely grateful, My lady."

She continued to speak. "I'll also make you my prophet."

I couldn't help the excitement that crept up. "But before you get too excited, I must warn that it means that Iz might also potentially have a prophet. You think you can handle that?" She asked with an expectant look on her face.

"I won't let you down."

The smile that flashed across her face made my heart jump.

"Good. Then that will be the end of our meeting. I think it's time for you to go before you become even more intoxicated by my presence." I felt immense disappointment and sorrow at her words.

My vision began to fade to black. "Will we meet again." There was a laugh as my vision faded to black.


Conversations are still hard to write. Thanks for reading. :)

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